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In Argentina, a Catholic President and His Rabbi

Billy Goat

Well-known member
I respect one's freedom to pick whatever religion they want to. It was a surprise when I heard Milei, who is a Catholic quickly after winning say he would convert over to being a Jew. But some of the stuff I'm hearing now is strange.

Mr. Milei has even suggested that Judaism might deliver the answers to solving Argentina’s economic mess. “The rabbi who helps me study says that I should read the Torah from the perspective of economic analysis,” he told El País last year.
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I don't care what religion someone wants to identify themselves with as long as it doesn't cause issues for Argentina.

I see 0 upside to get deeply involved with Israel. There is literally zero upside for Argentina. From that article it sounds like others agree. I worry that Argentina will become a target of Hamas. Out of the long list of priorities and issues Argentina needs to solve. Israel should be on the bottom of the list.
I don't care what religion someone wants to identify themselves with as long as it doesn't cause issues for Argentina.

I see 0 upside to get deeply involved with Israel. There is literally zero upside for Argentina. From that article it sounds like others agree. I worry that Argentina will become a target of Hamas. Out of the long list of priorities and issues Argentina needs to solve. Israel should be on the bottom of the list.
I think most people are the same. They don't care who you pray to. I was amazed to hear Argentina had a Muslim President at one time. People here don't seem to care as long as you are going to do good things for Argentina.
Before we moved here we thought all Latin America countries very Catholic and religious but here people not so much into religion. Maybe with all the problems of the country they think there is no God!