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Politics In the midst of the political noise, poverty reappeared on the agenda as Chicana and without assuming responsibilities - Infobae


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In the midst of the political noise, poverty reappeared on the agenda as Chicana and without assuming responsibilities - Infobae



February 21, 2024

The dissemination of a new survey generated cross readings. CFK sought to break away and targeted Macri and Milei. The President spoke of the “inheritance of caste”. The underlying problem is that the trend of social deterioration continues and structural poverty is affirmed.

By Eduardo Aulicino

Cristina Kirchner and Javier Milei (Maximiliano Luna)

The drama of poverty suddenly reappeared this week on the public agenda, it did not last long and left only a few chicanes . Everything in speed. Cristina Fernández de Kirchner tried to exonerate herself from this long process of social deterioration, which is part of her backpack , and Javier Milei took note to point to the “inheritance of the caste model . ” Then, to question the report that the UCA has just released and which, of course, has debatable sides . The underlying problem is that, in the midst of the political noise, the issue was once again left aside as a less than secondary issue , perhaps until the dissemination of other statistical data, private or official.

The work of the Argentine Social Debt Observatory, of the UCA, was impressive due to the numbers and the fact that it showed a monthly evaluation almost at the same level as the process measurements, generally based on comparisons between equal semesters. In any case, and beyond the specific percentages, the survey is in line with common sense and with the reality that signals such as the accelerated evolution of prices - the CPI and basic baskets - and the loss of income .

The UCA indicated that poverty would have touched 50% last December and climbed to 57% in January. That is, in the political reading, the end of the Peronist/Kirchnerist administration and the start of the libertarian government , in both cases as a social expression. Climbing is considered by other studies, although with percentages far from such peaks .

The Social Observatory of the Argentine Catholic University (UCA) estimated that poverty in Argentina would have reached 57.4% of the Argentine population in January

In any case, the worst political response is usually tied to partial readings of the fragment that could be something convenient or of less significance . And in this context, the former president stood out, with an incredible reading of the graph, published with the aforementioned report, which shows a path of notable coincidences and divergences between the INDEC figures and those of its Social Observatory. Despite everything, some strong data are visible at first glance, such as the growing floor of structural poverty that this line represents and the statistical vacuum imposed at the end of her second presidency.

CFK discharges responsibilities in the period of Mauricio Macri and so far of Milei. In order to simplify as a slogan, it would only be about the debt with the IMF and the adjustment. In the middle are the four years shared with Alberto Fernández , as vice president and, even more so, as the main factor of power internally. He barely says that the previous government “could not or did not know how” to cut the “conditioning” of the Macrista inheritance.

What CFK wrote is remarkable, in every sense. Especially because the worsening of the social situation was visible and sustained . The expectation of a downward process in poverty and indigence - after the peaks of the enormous quarantine due to the pandemic - had quickly exhausted itself and the second part of 2022 already marked a climb that worsened as 2023 progressed.

The entire text of the former president is intended to reject, in fact, questions about the experiences of Kirchnerism in power. And the most striking thing is that it reproduces the aforementioned graph, starting in 2004, that is, after the peak produced by the tragedy of 2001. These statistics show - even with the divergences of the UCA and the INDEC in various sections - that poverty It grew again in the second presidency of CFK, it increased with Macri and worsened with Alberto Fernández.

Javier Milei pointed to the "heritage of caste" due to poverty levels

In the case of the closure of the former president - the second half of 2015 - the data correspond to unofficial work , because poverty surveys were directly stopped being disseminated in the darkest stage of the INDEC , with unusual explanations such as avoiding social stigmatization. The succession is this: CFK leaves 30% of poverty, Macri registers 35.5% and the last Peronist/Kirchnerist administration ends with estimates ranging from 45 to 49.5% . The official report will be released next month.

Beyond the political intersections, and the discussion about the types of measurements - in this case, by income -, the effect of the crisis is clear on a continuous basis and above all a couple of data. The first: poverty has never fallen below 25% in the last twenty years . And the second: since 2018 it has been above 30% . This also means that the hard core grew and asserted itself significantly .

That is far from the focus of political discussion these days. Kirchnerism came out to exploit the UCA report and the ruling party cast a critical eye on the quality of the survey -Milei suggested a drawing- and the political moment . The latter is supposed to be because it occurred a few days after the audience granted by Pope Francis to the President.

The visit ended up attracting attention due to the level of cordiality and the length of the meeting. A dozen photos full of smiles and relaxed gestures were released by the Vatican . And the meeting alone lasted just over an hour . The presidential version sought to present almost support for the Government's economic line. Later, without entering a conflict zone, it was highlighted in Church media that the Pope placed emphasis on attention to the most vulnerable sectors , that is, and in any case, an equitable adjustment.

Back to the numbers. There are other estimates about poverty figures at the end of the previous government and the beginning of this administration. They point to a second half of 2023 closer to 45 or 46 percentage points than 50. And they project a jump in January, but also on a much smaller scale than the 57 points noted in the UCA observatory document.

In any case, the trend is alarming . Past loads, drag combination and own decisions. No one can look at the issue as an outsider .