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Politics Incidents and clashes between the Police and protesters outside Congress after a new day of debate on the Omnibus Law - Infobae


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Incidents and clashes between the Police and protesters outside Congress after a new day of debate on the Omnibus Law - Infobae


February 02, 2024

Tension rose in the afternoon. Security forces responded with rubber bullets and pepper spray. One arrested and some injured

Incidents grow outside Congress: rubber bullets and hand-to-hand clashes between police and protesters
A new day of chaos and violence was experienced on the outskirts of Congress during the second day of debate for the Omnibus Law in the Chamber of Deputies of the Nation.

In the early hours of Thursday, social organizations and leftist movements gathered in the area of Corrientes and Callao avenues. A police operation was deployed there to apply the anti-picketing protocol. In the middle of the intersections, a young man was separated by several officers. “ They took me out of nowhere, I have a sound truck and they took me out. I resisted because I am a citizen with rights,” explained the young man. As Infobae learned , he was detained.

From early on there was a climate of tension in the vicinity of the Congress (Nicolas Stulberg)

For his part, Juan Grabois had called for a rally at 6 p.m. in Hipólito Yrigoyen and Solís. “They are not going to be able to starve the people with clubs. Today everyone to Congress to stop the Law and the DNU, to peacefully defend the social rule of law in Argentina,” he had stated.

The incidents occurred when the police insisted on enforcing the protocol that prohibits street closures in the avenues surrounding Congress, despite the number of protesters summoned by social and left-wing organizations that oppose the approval of the mega Javier Milei's law.

A protester repressed by security forces

After 7 p.m., federal forces advanced against the demonstrators protesting outside Parliament.

A dozen police vehicles, 4x4 trucks, two fire-hydrant cars and a group from the National Gendarmerie were established on Entre Ríos Avenue in front of the Plaza de los dos Congresos, in reinforcement of a hundred members of the Federal Police who were stationed in a line that kept the protesters within the radius of the square.

One injured by the Incidents in Congress
For several minutes there were scenes of violence, and face-to-face clashes between protesters and the police, who used rubber bullets and tear gas, as well as water cannon trucks and motorcycles to remove the militants from the street and take them to the square or onto the street. sidewalks.

Meanwhile, inside the premises, deputies from Unión por la Patria and the Left denounced the repression that was taking place outside.

Máximo Kirchner along with other deputies from UxP and the Left left the premises and went to the Plaza de los Dos Congresos where the incidents occurred.

Nicolás del Caño told journalists that he spoke with the Gendarmerie troops to ask them to stop the operation and denounced: “Patricia Bullrich wants to repress the people, ignoring the Constitution, creating a true dictatorship in Argentina. “It is not known what is going to be voted on in there.” Furthermore, Myriam Bregman considered that the session “cannot continue under these conditions.”

In response to the request, the deputy of Hacemos Coalión Federal Miguel Ángel Pichetto announced that his space was not going to allow “the work of a State power to be interrupted.” At that moment, the audience present in the venue began to applaud his statements and demanded: “Don't applaud anything, old man. Stop applauding. Don't be stupid. “It looks like they are at a party.”

A dozen cell phones, 4x4 trucks, two fire-hydrant cars and a group from the National Gendarmerie were established on Entre Ríos Avenue in front of the Plaza de los dos Congresos, in reinforcement of a hundred members of the Federal Police who were stationed in a line that kept the protesters within the radius of the square (Roberto Almeida)

“We regret the acts of violence, this issue must be investigated. People have the right to demonstrate, what they do not have the right to do is provoke violent acts. Let's find balance and we will continue meeting here at the venue. Let the block presidents speak. "Let not just anyone speak," he said.

Although the head of the Kirchnerist bloc, Germán Martínez , also requested a fourth intermission due to the incidents, the motion was rejected by the majority of those present in the room.

Consequently, several of the opposition legislators got up from their seats and left. “They are the dictatorship, they are repressing,” shouted Christian Castillo , from the Left Front, before getting up from his place.

All those who left headed to the square in front of Parliament, where protesters clashed with police forces. “We went down to verify the information, what is reaching our phones, and I am going to talk to the block again because they are repressing the people who are peacefully demonstrating in rejection of the law that the Republic wants to implement,” said the UxP deputy, Victoria Tolosa Paz .

Máximo Kirchner, Bregman, Del Caño, Santiago Cafiero and Romina del Plá were some of those present at the demonstration, who came to discuss with the agents and ask them to allow the protest to proceed normally.

Another protester injured during police attack

According to Infobae , there were a total of three injured and two detained .

Likewise, Eduardo Belliboni , leader of the Workers' Party, decompensated again. According to representative Gabriel Solano , his discomfort occurred due to the pepper spray that the agents launched to dissuade the demonstration.

When the session resumed, Castillo asked to speak to denounce that an advisor to one of the FIT legislators had received a rubber bullet in the eye during the operation and that “he was about to lose it.” He then proceeded to read a list of journalists who were injured in the same circumstances.

Security forces attempted to enforce anti-picketing protocol

For this reason, he asked that the Chamber investigate who gave the order for the anti-picketing protocol to be applied with that force. Germán Martínez, for his part, added that cases were also recorded in the interior of the country.

The second day of debate on the Omnibus Law ended - again - in an intermission room without definitions. After midnight, the ruling party Oscar Zago proposed interrupting the debate until 10 in the morning , while they continue negotiating the key articles on which there is still no agreement.

The climate of tension extended until Thursday night. The session will continue this Friday starting at 10

This Friday another new day of tension is expected. Inside the venue the focus will be on the sanction of the law, but in the streets the implementation of the anti-picketing protocol and the popular reaction will be under the microscope.