I keep hearing "prices are the same or more than the USA". I'm wondering when was the last time those people bought something in the USA? From what I've seen, a few items like consumer electronics that have to be imported, are expensive.
But how many people in Argentina are paying USD1500 a month for health insurance for one person? Outside of Puerto Madero, is it even possible to pay USD3000/month for an apartment? That's the average in California now. People screaming about utilities probably don't realize USD500/month is a common electric bill here. ETC.
Yes, compared to wages, Argentina's cost of living has gone up. But it's nowhere near "as expensive as the US"
I also hear and read same comments online and X. Actually many things here are as expensive as the USA now. I went to lunch today and burger and fries at a place in Palermo Hollywood was $23 USD for a very small burger and fries. Things like drinks, coffee, tea are about the same as the USA.
Grocery store too isn't cheap. Especially for good quality products. Not much less than the USA. Obviously, electronics are all more expensive but everyday things like toilet paper, paper towels, cleaning supplies, etc. are about the same now. I am getting cleaning supplies for 2 of my new apartments and a mop that I can get on Amazon.com for $50 is about $100 USD here.
Healthcare costs keep going up but less than the USA but not by the big differences like before. I am paying for employees with a mid-tier OSDE 310 plan and one adult and one child is about $550 USD per month. In the USA for my 3 kids and my wife and I, I pay a out $2,700 USD per month for a PPO plan. Here now I think that would be about $2,000 here for a comparable plan.
Utilities are still much cheaper than the USA in most places but they have jumped up a lot. I'm paying almost $400 USD for a one bedroom HOA fees in Palermo Hollywood. Probably in San Diego the same thing would be $800 USD so double.
You can still get inexpensive food but even on Rappi, very mediocre quality steaks are about $30 USD here for small portions. Beef prices have really gone up.
Obviously it's not as expensive as the USA on many items but BA isn't cheap anymore. I don't think it's healthy to have the peso so strong so soon. An exchange rate of at least 1,600 to $1 USD would be healthier, IMHO.
Interesting, do you know where in Europe? We're looking at Italy this summer and it's really expensive. I'm told restaurants are cheap outside the more touristy areas but flights are 30-50% more and accommodations 2-3x more.
I'm glad to hear that Uber prices in BA have doubled. They were absurdly cheap five months ago, almost felt like I was stealing from them.
Accommodations are still very reasonable in BA and so are rents compared to the USA.
@CraigM, where you thinking about in Italy? We are also planning a trip to Italy or maybe Spain or both this summer. Keep me posted as if you're also there maybe we can synch up. We are going to London/Paris next month to look at colleges for my daughter but my wife wants to go back to Europe for the summer. Accomodations are definitely more expensive in Europe vs. BA.
I agree about the Ubers. They were crazy cheap but they have come up. So have taxis. When it is so low I typically over tip. I know locals hate that but I always feel good doing it to help them out.