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Legal information and law about 2 marriage in Argentina.


New member
hello friends i am new at this page. i met an Argentinian woman. i want to marry her. i am already married and having 2 kids and i want to shift my 1st wife and kids with me to Argentina. my 2nd wife will not have any problem with this. i just want to ask if there is any legal restriction regarding two wife's at a same time. in Argentina. waiting for reply.
Yes. You won't be getting married to a second wife if you have a first wife. That's bigamy. And a no in most countries in the world. Best of luck to you.
Isn't this thread somewhat similar to the following hypothetical thread?

"Hi everyone, I'm a 31-year old female moving soon to Saudi Arabia with my husband who works in petroleum. In my country it's normal for women to drive cars, but I'm not sure if I'll be allowed to drive one there. Any advice?"

In other words, different parts of the world have different cultures, for better or for worse, and when you choose to live there, you have to adapt to that culture?
I know this post is probably a troll but I have a true story. I'm only telling it now as he has passed away. I met an interesting man many years ago in Argentina. He was a friend of a good client of mine. He was Canadian. He was in his 60's and he was married in Canada with a child. Really fascinating guy. I met him several times for dinner and drinks and we had many interesting conversations. He was very wealthy as he told me he inherited vast land holdings in Canada and the USA which he sold for tens of millions of dollars.

After he sold his property he retired early in his 40's and traveled around the world. He bought a large property in Recoleta after the financial collapse in 2002. I was in Argentina then after the crash and I remember there were amazing bargains to be had. I guess he picked up an entire floor apartment that was very large for very cheap.

He seemed happy with his wife in Canada but he met a younger girl in Buenos Aires and fell in love with her. He would come down to Argentina often as he loved to go hunting. His wife didn't like airplanes and didn't like to travel. He would come down every few months. Later he would tell me that he married his novia in Argentina. He bought an apartment for her. The property that he bought in Recoleta before he got married to wife #2, he told me he set up a trust in Argentina for his son to inherit it in the event he passed away.

I was very fascinated with this guy and the double life he lived. I think that his wife in Buenos Aires knew about his wife in Canada (I never met her) but his wife in Canada certainly didn't know about his 2nd wife in Argentina! He told me that he claimed when he bought his property he was single and never married and no one questioned it. When he got married in Argentina he also claimed he was never married.

I got married to my wife in Argentina (first marriage) but thinking back there was no paperwork that they required to prove if I was married or not already married. Same thing when I bought my properties before I got married. They just asked if I was single or married but there wasn't anything that would prove it. If I recall correctly, I just had to go to the public hospital to do some blood tests to make sure we didn't have any diseases. And each of the properties I bought when I was single they just listed my parents names. But even if I was married and was single I guess nothing in the system to really know for sure. More of an honor system type of thingy.

So just to play devil's advocate, I guess although it would be illegal to have more than one wife in Argentina, if you're first wife were ok with it, then there isn't really anything that would stop you from claiming you were single and getting married again. I know at least this Canadian guy that I met did it successfully for many years. Let's be honest, Argentina is very unorganized and I'm not sure they even have the means to fact check.

The story has an interesting twist. Some years ago I ran into our mutual friend that introduced us. I asked him how our Canadian friend was. He told me he passed away. Anyway, he told me the pretty shocking story about wife #1 finding out about wife #2. I guess he had a local friend that was paying his bills but moved to Spain. The Canadian guy passed away and no one was paying his bills for a long time. I'm not sure why his Argentine wife didn't get involved with the property but the Canadian wife found out about the property and I guess he never even told her he bought a property there! It was quite a nightmare.

Reading this thread made me think about this guy who did indeed have a 2nd wife in Argentina.