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Is it¼ true

That if you enter on a tourist visa and stay 2 years you can auto get residency ? Heard that somewhere
I don't think this is true. I did read some posts that you can try to hire an attorney to try to apply for citizenship but it sounds like people that try this wait for many years. Unless you had kids born here or married to someone here or some ties here, it sounds almost impossible. It sounds more like urban legend.
Not true. It is true that you have to be here 2 years to apply for citizenship but it's not automatic. I spoke to a lawyer and it is not automatic and not as easy as people are saying online. The lawyer said the first step is temporary residency and then go. I will do it with my social security. It sounds like it is not difficult but takes time and money.
Nope. As the others mentioned, this isn't true at all. I assume when you say "auto residency" you mean permanent residency or citizenship? But no it's not as easy as just over staying 2 years and it being automatic. I heard that some people in this situation hire an attorney but even for these people it sounds like some people have been waiting for a decade or more and still don't have things resolved. And I believe that it will only get more and more difficult on getting residency here in the future and income requirements for both rentista and pensionista will most likely go up.