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Real Estate Sales It is one of the most sought-after neighborhoods in Buenos Aires to buy and with properties of all prices - La Nacion Propiedades


It is one of the most sought-after neighborhoods in Buenos Aires to buy and with properties of all prices - La Nacion Propiedades


June 24, 2024

In a classic neighborhood of the city, micro-zones are being formed that continue to grow, with new real estate projects

Maria Josefina Lanzi


New projects in the Belgrano area help to continue consolidating each of its micro-zonesMartin Hernandez

Belgrano was a town, a city and even a capital for a short time, and today it has micro-zones that are gradually becoming more established. It is made up of emblematic residential houses, towers, a thriving commercial area, the well-known Barrancas and the coveted Bajo Belgrano, the neighborhood that was ranked as the second most sought-after for purchase by Mercado Libre, in a report for the first quarter of the year, and continues to grow with new projects.

Made up of an audience that values the connectivity offered by the neighborhood , the gastronomic and commercial offer, the possibility of exploring it on foot, today " there is a high demand for projects in Belgrano, both for young people who are just starting their family journey , as well as for adult couples who are downsizing, because their children have moved in alone," says Gabriela Goldszer, director of Ocampo Properties, and says that there are very varied projects , which sell from US$2,800/m² to US$7,000/m².


Belgrano: the construction of the viaduct and the underpasses helped to revitalize the area


Various gastronomic offerings have already been set up under the Belgrano C stationRicardo Pristupluk

Experts in the area agree that the construction of the viaduct and the underpasses helped to revitalize and consolidate many of the micro-zones of Belgrano and promoted the development of commercial and gastronomic offerings . In the words of Alejandra Covello, owner of the real estate agency of the same name, “a commercial, gastronomic and logistics hub was created, which changed the neighborhood a lot .” Viaducts are works that raise the train tracks along a section, in such a way that they avoid the use of barriers at vehicle crossings and open new streets to traffic. In the case of underpasses, these are tunnels that are built beneath the tracks, which also help to generate safer and more orderly traffic.

In addition to commercial proposals, the neighborhood continues to grow in real estate projects. From Belgrano R and C, to the Barrancas area, Bajo Belgrano, Las Cañitas and La Imprenta, new ventures are being consolidated. Belgrano , in fact, is the fourth neighborhood where the most m² were presented in projects behind Palermo, Caballito and Villa Urquiza since 2002 , according to data from Reporte Inmobiliario from May 2024. "I can assure you that it continues to be one of the most attractive neighborhoods to develop and live in," says José Rozados, director of Reporte Inmobiliario . In fact, according to data from the latest census (2022), commune 13, made up of Belgrano , Núñez and Colegiales, is the one with the largest population in the city with 265,199 inhabitants.


An important gastronomic hub has been growing near the Barrancas de BelgranoPATRICIO PIDAL/AFV

An explosion of recent times: Bajo Belgrano

Located between La Pampa, Monroe, Libertador and Figueroa Alcorta, with the Bosques de Palermo as a neighbor and good accessibility to the north zone, due to its proximity to Lugones, “Bajo Belgrano is in full swing with new projects, which have understood very well the demand for amenities , green expansions , and everything related to enjoying the house,” says Goldszer. Although it is not a strong area for public transportation, “it has many new gastronomic places; in addition, very well-known brands have taken up residence in Bajo Belgrano to develop ,” says Jorge Safar, commercial manager of Oppel Propiedades.

Since the construction of the viaduct, Bajo Belgrano has been connected to the entire city in a much more efficient way , “it has practically been integrated into the rest of Belgrano , since it was a more neglected area,” adds Goldszer. Some experts explain that the area is sought after because it retains the identity of a neighborhood , which allows for easy movement from one place to another. “In addition, it has the advantage of being able to go out to the center or the north zone very quickly ,” explains Javier Vázquez Torrielli, manager of the CABA branch of D'Aria Properties.

Among the developments in the area is Quartier Bajo Belgrano . This is a condominium developed by Argencons, which is surrounded by vegetation and amenities . It will have five floors with one, two and three-bedroom units, ranging from 60 to 240 m².


Quartier Belgrano is an Argencons project that will offer various amenities in the heart of Bajo Belgrano


It will have a ground floor and five floors with one, two and three bedroom units, between 60 and 240 m².

Located in the block bordered by Monroe Avenue and Miñones, Blanco Encalada and Migueletes streets, it will have apartments with prices starting at US$250,000. “It has landscaping in harmony with the greenery that characterizes the area where it is located,” says Carlos Spina, director of Argencons.

On Dragones Street, between La Pampa and Sucre, another development is being built with two-bedrooms units of approximately 70 m² and three-room units of around 100 m². “There is only one three-bedrooms apartment of 120 m² with garage included for US$410,000 left,” says Jorge Safar of Oppel Propiedades, the real estate agency that is marketing it.


The development on Dragones Street has 2 and 3 bedrooms units Oppel Propiedades

In the area of Migueletes and Olazábal, there is Lumen Bajo Belgrano . It is a project of two, two and three bedrooms, with five units left to sell, including a space on the ground floor, which will form a gastronomic proposal. It is a building with three fronts, sustainable (with solar panels); it has units of 109 m² and some of 274 m² on the top floors, with tickets starting at US$350,000.

In Bajo Belgrano, Saltum is also moving forward with a luxury complex where the Argentine Sono Film studios used to be. The building will have 50 premium residences on a 3,260 m² lot, for an approximate price of US$6,000 per m². The US$23 million complex will be completed in 2025 .


In the area of Migueletes and Olazábal, there is Lumen Bajo BelgranoD'Aria Propiedades

The Argentine San Francisco: Belgrano Ravines

Located between the streets of September 11, 1888, Virrey Vértiz, and Juramento and La Pampa, Barrancas de Belgrano is an area characterized by having good public transport connectivity and quick access to the main avenues. “ The elevated railway created a new area and improved traffic access . In addition, it has a commercial base in full development, next to Chinatown ,” says Jorge Safar.

The microzone also has buildings with a view of the river on their top floors. In addition, it is located in a central point of Belgrano , with access to a variety of businesses in different sectors. “In the Libertador corridor, from the tunnel mouth on La Pampa street to the Núñez area , they have built more than 100,000 meters, turning the area into a new commercial and business hub ,” says Covello and adds: “There are consulting firms, notary offices, dentists' offices and companies that have moved to a nerve center of the city.”

One of the projects in the area, which is under construction, has already sold 70% and is due to be completed in June 2025. It is located on Mendoza and 11 de Septiembre streets. The building, which had an investment of around US$3 million, has studios- and one-bedroom units, ranging from 53 m² to 107 m², with prices ranging from US$70,000 to US$142,000.


The business is located at Mendoza 1770Covello Properties

The project is suitable for professional use , so it offers the possibility of using them as offices for lawyers, accountants or health areas, such as doctors or dentists. They are also built with the intention of being used for temporary or permanent rental. The top floors of this proposal have a higher price tag, since they occupy the entire floor; one of them is priced at US$370,000 and the other two at US$283,000.

Another project in the area is located in La Pampa and Montañeses and is marketed by Interwin. “It will have an approximate investment of US$7 million and will have one-bedroom units that start at US$2,850 per square meter,” the real estate agency says.

Old acquaintances: Belgrano R and C

From the Mitre train tracks that pass over Crámer Street (a branch that runs from Bartolomé Mitre and José León Suárez to Retiro) to 11 de septiembre street, between Congerso and Zabala (although in some cases they limit it at Lacroze), is the Belgrano C area . Characterized by having numerous commercial proposals , many of them connected and positioned on the well-known Cabildo Avenue. Good connectivity is something that characterizes it, since it has a wide range of bus lines, the D subway and the metrobús, which speeds up traffic.

According to the latest report from Reporte Inmobiliario on the area, which takes part of Belgrano C and adds to the study a part of Belgrano R , the sector bordering Colegiales and a vertex bordering the Núñez neighborhood (between Cabildo, Olazábal, Congreso avenues and Conesa street) in December of last year there were 31 residential developments under construction there . In addition, the surface area under construction has approached 100,000 m² in the last three years, thus marking a record in everything that Reporte Inmobiliario has been carrying out since 2005, since the number in previous years (prior to 2021) was around 60,000 m².

Another recent report by Reporte Inmobiliario, which covers the area from Cabildo to the other side (bounded by Iberá, railroad tracks, Juramento and Cabildo avenues) found 31 developments, four more than last year , being the highest number since the series began. The size of the developments in progress is close to 100,000 m² and the small-scale ones predominate (less than 5000 m²), “due to the high density of the area and the difficulty of unifying plots,” according to the report. In any case, almost 2/3 of them have a degree of progress of less than 5%, so few are recently launched.


Belgrano R is characterized by being a more residential area, with old houses and embassies.

Among the real estate projects in the area, there is a building located on José Hernández and Moldes that was completed at the end of last year. “The 40 m² apartments are distributed over nine floors, with studios units and a few one-bdedroom units. Their prices start at US$116,000; they are already inhabited and many people use them for temporary rentals ,” explains Covello, who sells them.

On another corner of Belgrano C, the Cabildo Boulevard building will be built . “It will have small units, since it is a place that can be used for temporary rental and professional use . For those looking to be in an area where there is movement and access to commercial sectors, this is an ideal space,” says Vázquez Torrielli. The units are one, two and two bedrooms, ranging from 38.19 m² to 106.64 m². Tickets start at US$89,300 and go up to US$312,000.


A building was built at José Hernández and Moldes, which was completed at the end of last year.Oppel Propiedades

Neighboring this area is a highly sought-after area, between the streets of Malaysia, Gorostiaga, Villanueva, Olleros, Maure and 11 de Septiembre, within what many recognize as the Parque Belgrano neighborhood . The area between the aforementioned streets is characterized by having old mansions and large houses; in the words of Martín Pinus, owner of the real estate agency of the same name, which sells projects there: “ the example of perfect coexistence between the historical and the modern within a vibrant neighborhood, in constant change and growth.”

In the case of Belgrano R, the area known for its cobbled streets with embassies and old French and English style houses , located approximately between Crámer and Estomba streets, bordered by Monroe and Elcano, does not have many new proposals. However, it does offer a commercial sector located in Plaza Castelli, “which has developed very well in recent times; many restaurants have opened along the square, which have given it value,” says Safar.

As far as new construction projects are concerned, the area is limited by a very low FOT (a coefficient used to calculate how many saleable meters can be built on a lot), so it is only possible to build on large lots and very little within those lots. In addition , it is governed by a limit of a maximum height of 4 stories, in general , although it varies in some sub-zones. “The projects that are built are made for a public with high purchasing power and are medium to large-sized units ,” adds Jorge Safar. In his case, the last project they marketed is located on a large lot, on the streets of La Pampa and Dr. Rómulo Naón; it has apartments ranging from 200 to 220 m², and are worth around US$ 1 million.


Around Plaza Castelli, in the heart of Belgrano R, a great gastronomic offer has been consolidatedRicardo Access

Fashionable and with history: Las Cañitas and La Imprenta

Las Cañitas is an area known for its strong gastronomic offer, which has been growing in recent times . Bordered by Luis María Campos, Dorrego and Del Libertador avenues and Matienzo street, it has large open green spaces, such as the Argentine Polo Field and the Hippodrome. “It has good access, since Libertador offers a quick exit to the city center or the northern area; in addition, the train is elevated, so it is not necessary to cross the track,” explains Vázquez Torrielli.

“Cañitas is a very thriving area, with the polo field as its epicentre; very close to Avenida del Libertador and with a gastronomic hub that generates a dynamic life , both at night and during the day, for the neighbourhood,” says Gabriela Goldszer, director of Ocampo Properties.


La Imprenta is positioned as an area with tree-lined sidewalks and green boulevardsRicardo Pristupluk - The Nation

For its part, La Imprenta is an area that was named after the historic printing press of the Hipódromo , which operated on the corner of Maure and Migueletes. Today the sub-area could be delimited by Avenida del Libertador and the avenues Luis María Campos, Jorge Newbery and Federico Lacroze.

According to data from the July 2023 Real Estate Report, there are 31 developments within the Las Cañitas and La Imprenta area , of which five are already practically completed. “The number of square meters in real estate developments (119,000 m²) has decreased slightly in the last 12 months, although it remains at high levels compared to the historical series,” the report states. Values fell very little compared to the previous year (0.57%) and an interesting fact about the area is that value gaps can be found that start at US$3,492 and reach up to US$4,851/m².

“The proximity to the Palermo Regatas Lake, the Polo Field, as well as the Palermo Hippodrome and the San Benito Abbey, means that it is completely surrounded by greenery and that buildings with high floors have privileged views. It is a neighbourhood full of cafes where young and old share meetings with friends and with a very active commercial activity. The small premises, if they become vacant, are quickly rented,” shares Soledad Balayan, owner of Maure Inmobiliaria, referring to La Imprenta and Las Cañitas.

One of the projects that is gradually gaining strength in these micro-areas is located at Arce 400. Known as Black Arce, it is a building with studios, one and two-bedroom units, from 32 to 149 m², with prices starting at US$123,000.


Decó Polo will be located in the “heart” of Las Cañitas, in the block delimited by Clay, Báez, Dorrego and the Polo Field


A unique view of the Argentine Polo Field and the Palermo Hippodrome

Overlooking the Polo Field and the Palermo Hippodrome, two 30-story towers are being built, which will feature high-end amenities . Decó Polo is a project by the developer ABV and will be located in the “heart” of Las Cañitas, in the block bordered by Clay, Báez, Dorrego and the Polo Field.

The towers are part of a project in progress, with apartments starting at US$6,300 per square meter. It has one- and two-bedrooms units of between 160 and 280 m², three- and four-bedroom semi-apartments of 400 m², and penthouses of 890 m². Armani/Casa will be present in the decoration of the common areas; these will be distributed over 6,500 m², which are divided into various recreational areas.


A boutique project that combines history with modernity will be built on Maure StreetD'Aria Propiedades

Between Libertador and Migueletes, on Maure Street, another new building will be built , where a stud used to operate . “The place is very close to the Palermo Hippodrome and it used to be used as a space to breed and care for horses, especially racing horses,” explains Vázquez Torrielli. The property is a historic building, which is protected by the city government, so it will retain its traditional façade and amenities .

Construction has already begun and there are two- and three-bedrooms units, with prices from US$460,000 to US$750,000. Sizes start at 107 m² and the largest unit available is 153 m².

Belgrano is a wonderful area for everyday living. I think it's one of the best neighborhoods.
It looks like a great neighborhood. My friend said a lot of families live there. But I heard for a typical tourist coming down it's too far out from many things. What do you recommend? Is it too far out if most of the things I will go to are in Palermo? It seems a bit far outside with traffic going back and forth.
It looks like a great neighborhood. My friend said a lot of families live there. But I heard for a typical tourist coming down it's too far out from many things. What do you recommend? Is it too far out if most of the things I will go to are in Palermo? It seems a bit far outside with traffic going back and forth.
It is a nice upscale neighborhood. But for me as a single male it was a bit quiet and boring. But if you were married and had kids people probably like quiet and boring. Without traffic it wasn't too bad of a commute but I'm not sure I'd want to commute back and forth for a typical vacation. Palermo is much more convenient. Or Recoleta was well located.
It is a nice upscale neighborhood. But for me as a single male it was a bit quiet and boring. But if you were married and had kids people probably like quiet and boring. Without traffic it wasn't too bad of a commute but I'm not sure I'd want to commute back and forth for a typical vacation. Palermo is much more convenient. Or Recoleta was well located.
Thanks @Uncle Wong for confirming what my friends there mentioned. I also asked a few other people and they said it's a bit far off the beaten path for their tastes. My friends are near Palermo Hollywood and they really love it. They said Belgrano is too far out.
It is a nice upscale neighborhood. But for me as a single male it was a bit quiet and boring. But if you were married and had kids people probably like quiet and boring. Without traffic it wasn't too bad of a commute but I'm not sure I'd want to commute back and forth for a typical vacation. Palermo is much more convenient. Or Recoleta was well located.
Totally agree with @Uncle Wong. My Airbnb was in Belgrano. We wanted to stay in Palermo but everything was booked during our stay in November which I understand is high season and one of the busiest times of the year to visit. Our Airbnb was very nice but it was too far away considering that every dinner we did was mostly in Palermo or Recoleta.

It was not too far distance wise but with traffic it can take time. Probably if I was living there it would be different and I wouldn't have the need to go back and forth so much. I know Palermo is popular but for good reason as there are many restaurants and bars there. When we met up with other people it was mostly in Palermo or Recoleta too. A few meetings we had were downtown and from Belgrano it was a hike!

I'm not sure how long you are staying @Jenn but if your friends are in Palermo Hollywood you might want to be close to them. We went to a lot of great restaurants in Palermo Hollywood. Try La Mar. It was very good! We went twice. Great for happy hours there!

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