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Politics Javier Milei: “I am thinking about recovering the Malvinas, but it is a long process” - Infobae

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Javier Milei: “I am thinking about recovering the Malvinas, but it is a long process” - Infobae​



April 09, 2024

The President announced that he will seek to resolve the historic conflict with Great Britain "through diplomatic means." He said that the event in Ushuaia with the Chief of the United States Southern Command “is the first step to start thinking about the recovery” of the islands.

Javier Milei and the commander of the United States Southern Command, Laura Richardson, in Ushuaia. They are accompanied by Marc Stanley, North American ambassador to Argentina, and Luis Petri, Minister of Defense (EFE)

During his extensive interview with Alejandro Fantino on the Neura channel , Javier Milei left strong definitions, but, at the end, he surprised by saying that he is thinking about recovering the Malvinas Islands, whose sovereignty has been disputed with Great Britain for decades. As the President explained, his intention is to do it “through diplomatic channels” and he said that the first step of his strategy was the event in Ushuaia with the Chief of the United States Southern Command, Laura Richardson.

“My ally is the United States, whether Democrats or Republicans. And boy are they supporting us. They gave us a Hercules. What happened the other day was the greatest act of sovereignty in the last 40 years. Because being a military base in Ushuaia, it supports our claim to Antarctica. And I ask you a question. Ushuaia is the capital of what? Land of Fire. And what else? Falkland Islands, Georgia Islands, Sandwich Islands and the entire maritime spectrum. It is the first step to start thinking about the recovery of the Malvinas. Come on, let them get her out of the corner ,” said the president.

When asked about whether he would seek the recovery of Malvinas, he answered : “Obviously. But through diplomatic means. Obviously I think about recovering them, but it is a long-term process.”

Javier Milei spoke about a possible recovery of the Malvinas Islands

The head of state's sentence came after he spoke about his geopolitical positioning: “I am aligned with the values of the West. The great emblems are the United States, Israel and further back Europe . The battle is always the same: between those of us who are in favor of freedom and the collectivists. That's why my speech in Davos. The West is in danger because the countries that should be the defenders of freedom are embracing increasing doses of socialism. In the long term, socialism eats you. I am not going to present what they are doing as a theory, but I come from a country that did that. From being the richest in the world today he is 140″.

However, the president dismissed the idea that a possible Trump presidency would harm Argentina: “That's what the Democrats and the functional media tell you. If you're going to believe the Democrats' opinion of the Republican Party, it's going to be horrible, obviously. "They said it was going to generate the third world war."

Likewise, he confirmed that the Chinese base in Neuquén “will be audited accordingly,” but clarified that he would not oppose local private companies doing business with the Asian regime: “I have no problems negotiating with the Chinese at all. You market with whoever you want.”

Among other definitions, he also confirmed that he will move the Argentine embassy in Israel to West Jerusalem : “It is not a problem, it has a whole meaning. It is false that this puts Argentina on Hezbollah's radar. Where do you think the attacks came from? We are already on the radar. The question is whether we are cowards or whether we are on the side of good. You're not going to get off that radar. The option is to ally yourself with the world's backyard. Life is so. The world is not how you want it to be. It is what it is and you have to make decisions that are more complex. Do you want to negotiate with the terrorists? There are no lukewarm ones. Those are the ones who are easiest on the radar because they are cowards. If you adopt a cowardly position, the chances of being taken are much greater. If you are willing to defend yourself, they will look at you with respect.”