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Politics Javier Milei: “If January inflation is equal to December inflation, it would be good data; If it is less it would be to celebrate” - Infobae

Javier Milei: “If January inflation is equal to December inflation, it would be good data; If it is less it would be to celebrate” - Infobae


January 22, 2024

The President analyzed the progress of the economy, spoke about the need to cut off the issuance of money and defined the scope of the DNU and the omnibus law.

President Javier Milei smiles during an event (Photo: Luciano González Torres / Xinhua News / ContactoPhoto)

Containing the rise in inflation is the main challenge facing the government of Javier Milei in the first stage of his government. Inflation in December - his first month in office - was 25.5% , which caused 2023 to close at 211.4%.

In that context, the head of state, who had considered that 25.5% had been “a big number” if Taking into account the inflationary dynamics that he received from the administration of Alberto Fernández, he now focused on the index for the first month of 2024 and noted: “January is a seasonally very complicated month due to the issue of holidays, therefore replicating the same number (from December) would be good information”.

In the same vein -in statements to Rock&Pop-, the President pointed out: “If you add to that that we have a drag statistic of at least 10 points, replicating (in January) the same number (25.5%) would be a very good figure; from there on down it would be all to celebrate.”

We slow down the money issuance machine to avoid this explosive dynamic. At some point, the broadcasting machine is going to turn off,” added the Head of State. In that sense, he added: “ Populism did not come for free , we would have to have income twelve times larger. Believing that this can be fixed with colored paper is from an infant.”

And he stressed: “The problem is salaries, in Argentina they are very low, the problem is not necessarily prices. We come from a populist process and when you exacerbate consumption and punish savings and investment, you have no productivity and that leads to miserable salaries.”

The President of Argentina assured that money was stopped being issued to "avoid this explosive dynamic"

Likewise, Milei explained: “When the deficit exceeds 4 points of GDP, you are at risk. They left me with a 17 point deficit. There are people who prefer Massa's economic policy system, that is why we are where we are. In our case, 56% of people chose a change in economic policy.”

For his part, the president expressed confidence in the result that the DNU and the omnibus law can provide. “We send a DNU and a Law, when you look at the impact of these reforms, we would improve 90 points in the ranking, that would be similar to countries like Germany ”, he maintained.

About the negotiations with other forces for the bases law, the President stated: “We We did not give in anything, there are improvements, when someone proposes an improvement, we accept. We always have to look at the fiscal balance, the discussion is with the fiscal balance on the table.”

In reference to the strike next Wednesday, January 24, promoted by the CGT, he said that “there are two Argentinas, one that wants to stay behind, the past and the decadence, in which no private jobs have been created since 2011 and you have the figure stuck at 6 million, and another which is the one that voted for the ideas of the freedom.”

Regarding the exchange market, Milei said: “We are going to stabilize the economy, as soon as we clean up the monetary surplus and clean up the Central Bank, we are going to free the exchange market. There is no magic, this takes time and we propose real solutions. It is a serious job to put Argentina on its feet.”

The set of reforms was sent at the end of 2023

About the exchange gap, he explained: “It had fallen very quickly, now other elements are having an impact. While politicians play tricks, the market takes its toll on you. There is a group of politicians who, to defend their tongs, are willing to make the country explode. They don't see it because they are ideologically blinded and others because they have nonsense.”

“The most interesting thing about the DNU, that is the first time that freedoms are returned to citizens and also eliminated tongs,” he added.

In addition, the national president answered some specific questions, such as that of the Argentine producer, Adrián Suar, and his criticisms of the omnibus law, that proposes changes in the culture sector. “What you can't do is lie to people, you are defending a privilege. The malnourished people of Argentina are not at that table,” said Milei, and expressed: “There is no money, I have to choose where the money goes< /span> ".. You have to choose between giving State resources to finance films that no one watches, and maintaining the high standard of living of actors from a certain political party, or putting money into feeding the people

While facing the forecast of the Justicialist Party publicist, José “Pepe” Albistur, that the current Government would not make it past April, responded: “It seems that there are people who, when they lose their privileges, are not willing to respect the will of the polls, it seems to me a unfortunate comment”.