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Politics Javier Milei: “The previous administration in Olivos had lunch and dinner with Cristal champagne every day” - Infobae


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Javier Milei: “The previous administration in Olivos had lunch and dinner with Cristal champagne every day” - Infobae​



March 06, 2024

During his speech at Expoagro, the President referred to Alberto Fernández's habits in the official residence. Hours later he recanted and apologized.

Javier Milei: "The previous administration had lunch and dinner every day with Champagne Cristal"
Javier Milei visited the expoagro fair this afternoon and left strong definitions about inflation, the coming economy, the setback of the Omnibus Law in Congress, the relationship with the governors and the case that shook Gerardo Morales in Jujuy for having arrested two tweeters. However, probably the most brilliant part of his speech was when he referred to the habits of Alberto Fernández in the Quinta de Olivos during his presidency.
The president made the statement when he was talking about some cuts he made since he came to the Government: “There is a book by Friedman with his wife called Free to Choose and in one chapter he talks about the four ways to spend. You can spend your money on yourself or others and other people's money on you or others. When you spend other people's money on you, they eat at the most expensive restaurant or, for example, they spend one palo verde per month going everywhere by helicopter, which I don't use. One of the many savings. You can cut the quality in the food too,” he began.

And he stated: “Because in the previous administration, where I am living, they had lunch and dinner with Cristal champagne every day. If you come to the Quinta, I'm not going to receive you like this. The only exotic thing I can offer you is the keter that I drink on Shabbat, it is a grape juice for those of us who do not drink alcohol.”

Milei's speech was during a private conference for businessmen in the Agribusiness Auditorium, in which Congressman José Luis Espert also participated. There, the head of state announced that he plans to lift the exchange rate in the middle of the year and that they estimate that inflation for the month of February will be around 15 percent.

Another notable part of the President's words was when he referred, again, to corruption in Congress for the approval of laws, something that, according to what he denounced on several occasions, was what, among other things, caused the Law to not prosper. ömnibus in the Chamber of Deputies.

“We can't stand choreo, we can't stand thieves. One of the things that happened when I was a deputy, that I was criticized by the media, unfairly, obviously, I always voted in general and when a vote was taken in particular I stood up because I did not lend myself to the theft of the policy of negotiating in particular, which is where They negotiate choreo. And in that sense, the most beautiful thing that happened with the Base Law is that at one point they began to discuss the Trust Funds, which now everyone realizes were black boxes from which they violently steal. But it had to happen in a liberal government. All the pseudo progressives we had, nothing ever happened. And we have serial whistleblowers, standard bearers of the Republic ,” Milei began.

At this point he mentioned the case that involved the former governor of Jujuy Gerardo Morales for the two young people who were detained for tweeting about their private life: “ The same standard bearers of the Republic who remain silent in front of the former governor who imprisoned to two tweeters for saying that he was a cuckold. But they remain silent, we still have no news. And those are the ones who left hyperinflation, the country on the verge of bankruptcy, they allied themselves with Kirchnerism and have the nerve to come and talk and tell how to do things.”

Javier Milei and José Luis Espert

On this point, he continued: “There is a quite rare republicanism in Argentina. When the discussion of the Trust Funds appeared, all the filth broke out. And since a large part of the red circle does not see it, they sold it as a defeat. They didn't understand anything. When I decide to lift the Base Law, the central point is the following: I made them clear, the thieves were visible . I'm not going to worry about the orcs, they are incorrigible. But at least they are criminals who do not hide, they do not pretend to be treated like gentlemen . The problem is white-collar criminals who claim to be treated like lords and show themselves as champions of change. That came out with force and the reality is that to have a law that was emptied of its content because they began to maintain their privileges, I preferred to lift it. The best thing is that they were made evident.”

Next, Milei referred to the closure of Télam and justified the Government's measure : “Public companies are political holding places, they use them as cash. They fill them with employees. Now they are all crying for Télam. There is a criminal who says 'oh, close Télam as if it were important in terms of public spending.' I would say that if it's not important, why don't you put it his way? But not his. That same criminal says that in reality it should be made efficient. Every statist who wants to steal from them talks about the efficiency that state companies should have.”