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Politics Javier Milei announced that he will renounce his privileged retirement and accused Máximo Kirchner of promoting a “legislative trap” - Infobae

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Javier Milei announced that he will renounce his privileged retirement and accused Máximo Kirchner of promoting a “legislative trap” - Infobae​



June 06, 2024

The President announced it through an official statement hours after having met Miguel Ángel Pichetto. The head of state also targeted the leader of La Cámpora for the half-sanction of the retirement formula in Deputies and confirmed that he will veto it

With strong criticism of the opposition, Javier Milei announced that he will renounce his privileged retirement (Archive/Gustavo Gavotti)

President Javier Milei announced this Wednesday that he will present to ANSES his decision not to exercise the right to privileged retirement and confirmed that he will veto any law that threatens Argentina's fiscal balance. In that sense, he targeted Máximo Kirchner for the half-sanction that the new retirement formula obtained last night .

The determination was reported through a statement released this afternoon on the official social networks of the Presidency: “With the purpose of rectifying what happened in the Chamber of Deputies of the Nation, and in line with the determination of the Executive Branch to dismantle the regulatory framework of political privileges, President Javier Milei will present to the ANSES his decision not to exercise the right to privileged retirement . ”

“This Government has the mandate to rescue the country from the misery to which it has been relegated as a result of the fiscal irresponsibility of those who, paradoxically, proclaim to defend retirees while supporting multimillion-dollar privilege retirements,” the text reads.

It continues: “The President of the Nation has extremely demonstrated the willingness to cooperate with the political leadership by turning to the National Congress in search of the necessary tools to get out of the crisis, and proposing the May Pact to agree on State Policies. with all the actors in the economic and social life of Argentina.”

“This administration regrets that well-intentioned deputies participated in Máximo Kirchner's legislative trap, and reiterates its unwavering decision to maintain fiscal balance using all the tools provided by the National Constitution, including the veto, if necessary,” he added.

Those close to the leader of La Cámpora clarified that the sanction measure was the product of work with other groups “to improve the retirement of millions of Argentines.” “The President has a distorted view of Congress. There was no trick, there was joint work to improve the situation of millions of compatriots,” they added.

President Milei referred to Pichetto's statements about privileged retirements
“To date, that good will has not been reciprocated by the majority of the leadership. "They have delayed the treatment of the Base Law, they have systematically attacked the national government, and every week they propose a new legislative agenda dedicated to hindering the economic program of this government," they added in the statement.

Furthermore, they denounced that “some actors want Argentina to continue on the same course that has condemned us to failure. That's not going to happen with this President. "Argentina has changed and the popular mandate will be defended with all the tools of the Executive Branch."

It is worth remembering that Milei and Miguel Ángel Pichetto held a counterpoint in less than 24 hours over the privileged retirement that presidents receive in Argentina. While the current head of state promotes the idea of eliminating that benefit, the national deputy defended that tradition. Both used strong expressions to argue their positions. “A stupid head thinks that,” said the legislator. “It's over, let them starve themselves,” said the President .

Pichetto had asked that the retirements of the heads of state be respected. “Let us not break this principle that recognizes in the figure of a president of the nation a right that should determine that after his term ends he can make a contribution from ideas, from the cultural and intellectual contribution to the country,” the legislator insisted. .

Milei's response was part of his speech at the meeting taking place in Parque Norte. Businessmen, professionals and political leaders participate there. The president was the main speaker, and he attended accompanied by members of her cabinet, such as Security Minister Patricia Bullrich, and her Defense counterpart, Luis Petri.

There, the president expanded in his usual style, providing a technical presentation about the economic guidelines that his government applied in six months of administration.

However, he had specific references of discomfort towards the half-sanction that the opposition blocs achieved in the Chamber of Deputies, sanctioning a new retirement formula that updates the assets of the passive sector taking into account a recovery of the purchasing power lost in these months of high inflation. .

In the same way that he expressed it on his social networks, President Milei insisted that he will veto if the norm finally becomes law in Congress. “Bukele governed by pure veto, what the degenerate prosecutors did, he vetoed them, which is what I am going to do,” Milei insisted.