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Politics Javier Milei announced to General Richardson a new foreign policy doctrine - Infobae

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Javier Milei announced to General Richardson a new foreign policy doctrine: “Our alliance with the United States is a declaration from Argentina to the world.” - Infobae​



April 05, 2024

The president appeared again with the head of the Southern Command, this time at the Aeroparque, where the donation of a Hercules plane was formalized. “Always together,” the representative of the US government proposed at the closing of her speech.

By Eduardo Menegazzi

Javier Milei greets Laura Richardson in the military zone of the Metropolitan Airport (Photos: Presidency)

President Javier Milei led an event in the military area of the Metropolitan Aeroparque, where an agreement was signed with the Government of the United States for the delivery to the Argentine Air Force of a Hercules C 130 aircraft that has a value of 30 million dollars . The general of the Southern Command, Laura Richardson , who has been in the country since Tuesday night, was there .

The meeting took place just a few hours after Milei's lightning trip to Ushuaia, where he was also with Richardson and announced that a naval base will be built next to the United States in the capital of Tierra del Fuego as another sign that the strategic alliance between both countries advances with an intense bilateral agenda.

The Hercules plane that the US donated to Argentina

“I want to thank you for the donation that will help us maintain the permanent air link with our Antarctic bases, thus strengthening our presence on the white continent,” Milei highlighted at the beginning of the speech he gave this afternoon.

“Today we face the arduous task of reversing the decline and I want to take advantage, in view of General Richardson, to announce a new foreign policy doctrine for Argentina ,” said the head of state. “Alliances must be anchored in a common vision of the world and must not submit to those who attack Western values. This is based on the defense of life, liberty and private property of people. We are in favor of freedom of expression for all; of freedom of worship for all; to produce and work for everyone; Consequently, we are against tyranny and religious fanaticism everywhere,” he added.

“With us a new era of Argentina's relations with the world is inaugurated. Our alliance with the United States , demonstrated throughout these first months of administration, is a declaration to the world that, after decades of bombastic speeches and spurious pacts, Argentina has decided to resume the leading role that it should never have abandoned. This new foreign policy will allow us to promote the economic prosperity of our people, an essential requirement to guarantee the sovereignty of our homeland,” said the President.

Guillermo Francos, Patricia Bullrich, Luis Petri, Nicolás Posse, Javier Milei, Laura Richardson, and ambassador Marc Stanley, together during the event at Aeroparque

The excursion to Ushuaia​

This morning's speech was in line with the one he had given last night in Tierra del Fuego. “We are here to ratify our effort in the development of our integrated naval base. It is a large logistics center that will constitute the closest development port to Antarctica and will make our countries the gateway to the white continent. This work will allow us to develop the local economy, provide a logistics service that allows repairs and support for commercial ship cruises that operate in the South Atlantic,” said the President shortly after midnight in Ushuaia.

Richardson, who today concludes his trip through Argentina, had warned before the Capitol about China's intentions in the construction of a multipurpose port in Río Grande, the second most important Fuegian city, whose destiny would be to monitor the bioceanic passage and have control over the entrance to Antarctica.


Marc Stanley, Javier Milei, Laura Richardson and Luis Petri pose for a photo in Ushuaia
“Beyond the political and diplomatic ups and downs that governments of different political stripes have had, both here and there, we Argentines, as a people, have a natural affinity with the United States. “We both belong to the Western tradition, with a culture, a political history and a way of living in society that is largely shared,” said the head of state in another section of his speech.

During this visit, the Argentine Government gave several signs of its approach to the United States and its purposes regarding China, which in recent years has attempted to expand its influence in Latin America.

On Tuesday, a high-ranking source from the Casa Rosada had confided to Infobae that the Executive was analyzing the possibility of requesting a technical inspection to enter the Chinese space base located in Neuquén, on a property of more than 200 hectares in the town of Bajada del Agrio, next to provincial route 33.

That base, which began to be built in 2014 under the presidency of Cristina Fernández de Kirchner and was completed in 2017, was built on land that the Neuquén government gave to China for a period of 50 years. Since it began to operate, some versions have circulated about the true underlying objectives that China has at the Neuquén station with an antenna that could have dual use (peaceful and military). Especially from the United States, they suspect that it could have satellite interception capabilities and that the facilities are controlled by a space agency that reports to Xi Jinping's military commanders.

The general responsible for the Southern Command, which is in charge of all contingency planning, operations, and security cooperation for Central and South America, the Caribbean, was at the Casa Rosada on Wednesday where she was received by the Chief of Staff, Nicolás Posse, and by Minister Petri.

On Thursday Richardson traveled to Ushuaia where he visited the naval base of that city. Milei's arrival was somewhat surprising, but accompanied by his Minister of the Interior, Guillermo Francos, the Chief of Staff Posse and the Secretary General of the Presidency, his sister Karina, they starred in an event with the American soldier after traveling 2,350 kilometers . During that activity, the chords of the American anthem were heard and the Malvinas March was sung. The same thing happened at the event that took place this afternoon at the Metropolitan Aeroparque.

The governor of Tierra del Fuego, Gustavo Melella, aligned with Kirchnerism, refused to receive the United States military mission and repudiated its presence.
General Richardson is saying we need some type of Marshall Plan for Latin America. We will probably see some $$$ coming to Argentina soon.
