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Politics Javier Milei criticized the countries that did not support Israel: “I see indifference in some and fear in others” - Infobae

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Javier Milei criticized the countries that did not support Israel: “I see indifference in some and fear in others” - Infobae​



May 08, 2024

The President expressed solidarity with the relatives of the victims of Hamas terrorism and announced Argentina's nomination to head the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance. In a section of the speech he spoke in Hebrew

By Federico Galligani

The president questioned "the rest of the leaders of the free world" for not expressing themselves emphatically against the Hamas attacks (Photos: Franco Fafasuli)

Visibly moved after witnessing a long event in memory of the victims of the Holocaust and Hamas terrorism, President Javier Milei took the stage of the symphony hall of the Kirchner Cultural Center (CCK) this Wednesday night and, in Hebrew, asked for the souls of all of them, and then demand the release of those who still remain kidnapped in the Gaza Strip.

The national leader was the last speaker at the event organized by the DAIA, the political arm of the Jewish community in Argentina, and by the Holocaust Museum which, in addition to the Shoah, commemorated the historic uprising in the Warsaw ghetto, which occurred on April 19, 1943.

In this context, the head of state effusively ratified his alignment with Israel and questioned in harsh terms “the rest of the leaders of the free world , especially those of the great nations, who should be the pillars of freedom at a global level.” .

“I look at them and see, in some, indifference and in others, fear of standing on the side of the truth. Today the world is silent while there are still more than 100 kidnapped people suffering, of which eight are Argentine compatriots,” he remarked.

In this sense, Milei warned that there is “a resurgence of both intolerant Islamic fanaticism and anti-Semitism in its different versions,” but that many countries do not condemn it “with the blunt condemnation and firm action that they demand, but with discomfort and ambiguous gestures.” ”.

“When the world is silent, we have the obligation to speak, because it is the silence of the good that allows the barbarism of the bad. And because speaking, looking straight ahead and not turning a blind eye even though it is difficult, even though it is inconvenient for many, is the only way to ensure that the Shoah is not repeated,” he said.

Among the audience was Foreign Minister Diana Mondino , who listened attentively when the leader of the Casa Rosada announced that he was going to nominate Argentina to preside over the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA), an organization which brings together governments and experts to reinforce, promote and promote education, memory and research around the world on the genocide that occurred during Nazism.

Milei arrived at the building after 7:00 p.m., accompanied by the head of the DAIA, Jorge Knoblovits , and after hugging with some of the people who were in the first row of the premises, he went to pet the dogs of the anti-government brigade. explosives.

The tribute was held at the CCK

In fact, as a clear example of the danger that anti-Semitism still generates, the security protocol was not limited only to the interior of the room, but also to the surroundings of the CCK - which will soon be renamed Palacio Libertad, by decision of the Government - , the Police removed all the garbage cans that were on the street and even the large container that was at the entrance, identical to those that can be seen in the rest of the city of Buenos Aires, only the base remained.

“What happened is not Israel's problem, only. First, because 21 Argentines were murdered by Hamas on that tragic day. 20 more Argentines were kidnapped and today, seven months after the attack, there are at least eight compatriots, of whom we still do not know if they are still among us or if they have passed on to another life," said the head of state, referring to the attacks of the Last October 7 in the Gaza Strip.

With a broken voice, Milei began his speech by sending his condolences to the family of Lior Rudaeff , the 61-year-old man who was recently confirmed as another victim of that assault, and remarked that “when a battle is fought between good and evil evil, between freedom and oppression, and between civilization and barbarism, taking sides is not an option, among others, but a moral obligation.”

The President was the last speaker at the event

At the end, the national leader recalled that “Argentina is a historical friend of the Jewish people,” that it was “the first country in the region to recognize the existence of the State of Israel” and that we currently have “the largest Jewish community.” in Latin America and the tenth largest in the world.”

“We have suffered cowardly attacks by the Iranian government , not only to the Argentine Jewish community, but to the Argentine people. All these facts, due to the effort and insistence of those who seek the truth, three decades later, are beginning to be clarified," he highlighted, in relation to the latest ruling of the Federal Chamber of Criminal Cassation, which ruled that the attack against the embassy of Israel in March 1992 and the bomb that exploded the AMIA headquarters on July 18, 1994, “responded to a political and strategic design” of that Islamic republic.

The participation of the President in this event of the DAIA and the Holocaust Museum was one more sign of rapprochement on the part of the libertarian, not only to the Jewish world, but also to Israel, which was his second official destination after assuming the head of the House Pink.