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Politics Javier Milei defines with the Government's small table the format of the agreement with the PRO: no date for a meeting with Macri - Infobae


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Javier Milei defines with the Government's small table the format of the agreement with the PRO: no date for a meeting with Macri - Infobae



February 14, 2024

The President discusses with Karina Milei, Nicolás Posse and Santiago Caputo alternatives for a new pact that strengthens the ruling party. In Congress, the La Libertad Avanza bloc supports the negotiations, but awaits instructions from the Casa Rosada

By Federico Galligani

Javier Milei, Mauricio Macri, Patricia Bullrich and other PRO leaders, after the victory of La Libertad Avanza in the last elections

From the Quinta de Olivos, where by his own decision he has to work on Wednesdays, president Javier Milei will closely follow the conversations with the PRO and will begin to define with his small table the format that the eventual alliance that he announced during his international tour will have. although he has no plans to meet with Mauricio Macri at the moment and is just beginning to prepare the ground for the agreement.

The national leader returned to Buenos Aires this Tuesday and went to the Official Residence to continue working and analyze the impact of his trip to Israel, Italy and the Vatican, during which the Omnibus Law that he had sent to Congress fell.

Although throughout this time he maintained fluid contact with the former head of state and founder of the PRO, with whom he frequently speaks by text message, he still had no plans to hold a private meeting with him .

In principle, in the morning he would receive his Chief of Staff, Nicolás Posse , and his main presidential advisor, Santiago Caputo , to learn what happened in the country in his absence and define the steps to follow on the agenda.

Only on Thursday will he lead again, already in the Casa Rosada, his periodic meetings with all the ministers, which will be the first after his return from the international tour and after the formal resignation of Guillermo Ferraro , who was in charge of Infrastructure, an area that Now it was left in the hands of his Economy counterpart, Luis “Toto” Caputo .

On Thursday, Milei will lead a new Cabinet meeting. In the photo appears Ferraro, who has already been displaced from the Government

The President wants to move forward as quickly as possible with an explicit alliance with the PRO at the parliamentary level, but that does not imply in return handing over Cabinet positions to Macri's administration.

According to what official sources told Infobae , La Libertad Avanza agrees to join the bloc led in the Chamber of Deputies by Cristian Ritondo and in the Senate, by Luis Juez , with whom they have already been working closely.

However, at this time the Government is not willing to give up any more places to what was Together for Change, which has already obtained the Ministries of Security, in which Patricia Bullrich is , and of Defense, in which Luis Petri took office .

However, in the PRO they are not very interested in joining this effort and continue to emphasize that the priority of the space is to strengthen its unity and help the current Milei administration to promote its measures in Congress.

After the frustrated session in which the Omnibus Law was being debated, the national leader saw the possibility of strengthening the ruling party in the room, adding the only party that supported the project almost without hesitation.

For this, Bullrich, who continues as president of the yellow party, will be a very important link when having to negotiate the conditions of the agreement, which is shaping up to be purely parliamentary, but for which several circumstances still remain to be defined.

Firstly, if a new interblock is finally formed with the members of the PRO and La Libertad Avanza, as several leaders believe will happen, it remains to be known who will preside over it.

In Deputies, Ritondo has already told the representatives of both sectors that he is not interested in occupying that role, while his libertarian counterpart, Oscar Zago , does not rule out any possibility, although in the ruling party they also ask for caution and want to wait to see how they continue. the negotiations, which at the moment are slow.

The Minister of Security is an important link for Milei when talking with the PRO (EFE/Luciano González)

In the Senate the scenario is quite similar and, although the authorities of the Chamber led by Victoria Villarruel emphasize that they were always willing to dialogue and even incorporate legislators from other blocks, they point out that any definition "will come from Balcarce 50."

“With forceps nothing can be achieved, everything has to be agreed upon, it is the only way for everything to turn out fairly well for everyone, but there are no talks, they are not even talking about this yet ,” revealed an important representative of the ruling party. .

Thus, with Milei already in Argentina, the Government trusts that the talks will accelerate and that, at least, it will be determined whether an interblock is created or if each space continues separately, with mutual support. implicit.

"You can pass. It is an alternative to work that way. Likewise, when you go to the results of any law sanction, you always add them one by one, beyond the block or interblock name. You have to gather 129 for a quorum; half plus one for laws and the absolute majority for special laws,” recalled the president of Deputies, Martín Menem , in a recent radio interview.

As for the charges, although there is consensus that it is an issue that will not be put on the table, there are some libertarian leaders who believe that in this process someone from Macri's government could join the Cabinet.

As this media learned, on Thursday at the latest, the head of state would announce the replacement of Osvaldo Giordano in the ANSeS, so the position in the Ministry of Mining, which was in the hands of Flavia Royón, would remain vacant. Both were removed from the administration due to their affinity for parties that voted against the Omnibus Law.

In parallel, as Infobae announced , in the next few hours the Government will also define whether it will extend the period of extraordinary sessions until the end of the month or, finally, wait until March 1, for the ordinary period to begin, and take advantage of this time without activity to reorganize the legislative strategy.