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Politics Javier Milei described the legislators who wanted to modify the omnibus law as criminals - Infobae


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Javier Milei described the legislators who wanted to modify the omnibus law as criminals - Infobae



February 07, 2024

In a strong defense made to businessmen in Israel, the President referred to the frustrated vote in Deputies. He said that the governors wanted to sabotage it and assured: “I would rather have no law than a bad law.”

By Romanian Lejtman

Javier Milei described the legislators who wanted to modify the omnibus law as criminals

(Special envoy to Jerusalem, Israel) Javier Milei slept three hours last night. And the rest of the time he used it to process the political events that led to the fall of the session that should have approved the so-called Omnibus Law. The president was in a bad mood and felt that he had been the target of a dark palace betrayal.
Milei applied a binary logic in the political analysis
he did this morning in Jerusalem, and had no qualms about sharing his stark gaze with twenty businessmen who were summoned by the Fuente Latina organization to a room in the basement of the historic King David hotel.

Foreign Minister Diana Mondino, the Secretary General of the Presidency, Karina Milei, and the future ambassador to Israel, Axel Wahnish, listened to his political catharsis in the front row. An unexpected catharsis that was applauded by local businessmen and that was directed at certain governors and opposition deputies.

Javier Milei and Leah Soibel, founder and CEO of Fuente Latina, during the business meeting in Jerusalem

“It is a very interesting day to talk about Argentina because yesterday in the session of the Chamber of Deputies the political caste, as we call that group of criminals who want a worse Argentina because they are not willing to give up their privileges, began to dismember our law”, Milei began the talk before the businessmen.

And he added: “The reason why the project was sabotaged yesterday is because the discretionary allocations to the provinces fell by 98%, which explains the betrayal of the governors, who tell you that they want change as long as theirs does not exist.” is touched.”

Javier Milei: "The zero deficit goal is not negotiable"
Milei's speech impacted the guests. And the President took advantage of the silence of the audience to advance a criticism that - until then - he had only made explicit to his most closed circle.

“Those who vote against these reforms fill their mouths talking about the poor and helping the poor, that's why I say that the left-wing progressives talk so much about the poor that all they do is multiply them, it's like the king Midas, but in reverse: King Midas turned everything he touched into gold, everything a left-handed person touches turns into poverty,” said the head of state.

Next, Milei described the current social and economic situation of Argentina, which he inherited from the government that Alberto Fernández and Cristina Fernández de Kirchner shared - for four years. “It has been said that we have the richest country in the world and we have about sixty percent poor people and two out of every three children are in poverty. “It is a truly very complicated situation,” said the President.

And he added: “Argentina was truly on the path towards hyperinflation and based on this we decided to implement a hard orthodox adjustment initiative. The stabilization program, like all of them, has three parts, the fiscal one, which consists of a zero deficit, we call it a chainsaw and a blender, due to the amount of cuts. And the reality is that we have a short blanket problem: there is not enough for everyone.”

Javier Milei: "I prefer that nothing comes out rather than a bad law that continues to defend corrupt politicians"
Before the businessmen's questions, the president announced that he would post on social networks the names of the legislators who supported and rejected the Omnibus Law. It was one of the decisions he made in the early morning, when he was thinking about how to respond to the fall of the session called to discuss his State Reform project.

“We are publishing those deputies who voted for and against and who are the ones who betrayed their voters by saying that they were in favor of change and in reality they are well-mannered Kirchnerists, wolves in sheep's clothing. We are publishing the photos of these traitors so that people are clear about who are the ones who are lying directly to the Argentines,” Milei said.

Javier Milei: "Those deputies who voted against are wolves in sheep's clothing"
The head of state also confirmed that his economic program is not exhausted in the so-called “Omnibus Law.” He explained to businessmen that he intends to deepen structural reforms and repeal old decrees that fell into disuse due to the advance of modernity.

“What we have presented in these 50 days is only 25 percent of what we have put together, which means we have more! Not only that: we have 3,000 structural reforms left and the transitional unit for the deregulation of the economy is advancing with the decrees, so we will soon carry out a strong cleanup of all the decrees that hinder the functioning of the economy," the President predicted.

Javier Milei: "Everything a left-handed person touches turns into poverty"
When he finished his political catharsis on the Omnibus Law, the president spoke about Israel and its decision to move the Argentine embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, and about the need to demand the immediate freedom of those kidnapped by Hamas during the terrorist attacks of September 7 October 2023.

At 9:15 a.m. (five hours less in Argentina), Milei left a basement room of the King David hotel and quickly left in front of the lobby, where the entourage, his armored car, and guards in charge of the Shin Bet were waiting for him ( intelligence services). At 10 o'clock she was received by Benjamin Netanyahu , Prime Minister of Israel.
