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Javier Milei Did It! - Destitution Rates Climb from 9.6% to 17.5% of the population.


Well-known member
He did it. 25 million Argentine citizens now live in poverty. Poverty rates also went from 44% to 55%. These are shameful figures.

He has to focus on these numbers.

He did it. 25 million Argentine citizens now live in poverty. Poverty rates also went from 44% to 55%. These are shameful figures.

He has to focus on these numbers.

@Larry you have misplaced blame. Alberto Fernandez already set the path for what is happening today. The poverty rates were already going up. Inflation was a big factor already and it's trying to be tamed now which does cause prices to go up in the beginning which President Milei always said would be the case. It's starting to slow down. We would be experiencing hyperinflation if Massa won. And the poverty rates would also be soaring but permanently not temporarily.
I'm not sure why you are hell bent on blaming Milei for all of Argentina's woe's @Larry. This trainwreck was in motion for a while now. Many years in the making. Milei's approval ratings are still very high several months after the election. In fact, the highest positive approval ratings of any elected leader right now. He won by a landslide and his approval is even higher now.

People that are suffering the most (not you) are being patient and giving him the benefit of the doubt. I'd recommend the same for you. No one is happy with Argentina's poverty levels but if they are willing to wait so should you.
@Larry unfortunate statistics. Are you doing anything to help? There are many ways you can help the needy. There are many great organizations to help the poor. Fundacion Si and Help Argentina are two great causes. Instead of complaining you can help out and donate funds and at least feel better about yourself.

He did it. 25 million Argentine citizens now live in poverty. Poverty rates also went from 44% to 55%. These are shameful figures.

He has to focus on these numbers.

I saw that this morning and it makes me angry the huge increases in prices which is what is causing these numbers to go up so drastically. You can't blame other Presidents for these 300% + increases in many expenses. This is all Milei.

Take a look at this graph on this page and you can see the poverty rates under the last Presidents. Look how it went down under Nestor Kirchner!

I saw that this morning and it makes me angry the huge increases in prices which is what is causing these numbers to go up so drastically. You can't blame other Presidents for these 300% + increases in many expenses. This is all Milei.

Take a look at this graph on this page and you can see the poverty rates under the last Presidents. Look how it went down under Nestor Kirchner!

Thanks for sharing that website. Was neat to see. To be fair Nestor got very lucky with record crop prices during his reign. We might see that same thing this year.
It is sad seeing all the homeless. I have noticed an increase since last year. I always feel bad and give some money to some I see sleeping on the street. I read another article today about this. I worry about how it will be when it gets super cold out. They said this year will be very cold.

It is sad seeing all the homeless. I have noticed an increase since last year. I always feel bad and give some money to some I see sleeping on the street. I read another article today about this. I worry about how it will be when it gets super cold out. They said this year will be very cold.

@Digital Nomad that is very nice of you help out poor. Many turn head and ignore. You right for worry about cold. You should note you can call 108 if you see someone struggling in cold living on street.

@Digital Nomad that is very nice of you help out poor. Many turn head and ignore. You right for worry about cold. You should note you can call 108 if you see someone struggling in cold living on street.

This is helpful to know about calling and hopefully they will bring them somewhere warm. I'm not sure if BA has a lot of shelters?