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Politics Javier Milei is the South American president who grew the most in positive image this month - Infobae

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Javier Milei is the South American president who grew the most in positive image this month - Infobae​



May 20, 2024

The Argentine president is in second position in the ranking, behind his Ecuadorian counterpart, Daniel Noboa. In addition, Patricia Bullrich and Juan Schiaretti made strong progress at the local level

By Federico Etienot


The detail of the positive image of the president according to the study

The Argentine consulting firm CB, released the ranking of the 10 presidents of South America with the best image in the month of May , with strong growth on the part of the president of Argentina , Javier Milei . In addition, the study also shared the vision of Argentine citizens about the president , and what was the choice of him among the country's politicians that they value most.

The study, which had an average of 1,200 respondents in each country, evaluates the level of acceptance of each head of state in their territory and, based on that, they developed a positive image ranking . The consultations were for people over 18 years of age, between the 14th and 18th of this month.

The work showed that the president most valued in May 2024 by his citizens was Daniel Noboa , from Ecuador, with 58.1% positive image, and 39.5% negative image. Javier Milei appears in second position , with 54.8%, while, very close, Luis Lacalle Pou , from Uruguay, completes the podium, with 54.7% approval.

The head of state who grew the most compared to the April measurement was Javier Milei, from Argentina (+2.2%), while Gabriel Boric, from Chile, was the one who fell the most (-4.7%). The Argentine president achieved a 54.8% positive image, while the survey also noted that he garnered a 42.9% negative image, and that 2.3% of those surveyed belong to the group that “Does not know/Does not answer.” ”.

It is worth mentioning that the total percentage of positive image of the Argentine president is divided between 30.7% who understand that it is “Very Good”, while 24.1% chose the “Good” option. In this way, Milei climbed two positions in the ranking of national leaders, taking second place on the podium.

The list of presidents in South America

In fourth place in the survey is Santiago Peña, from Paraguay, with 51.3% approval, dropping two positions in the general table. And fifth is the president of Brazil, Lula da Silva (49.2%). So far, the first five leaders on the published list who have a higher percentage of positive views from the population of their countries.

In the second half of the list, the last five, appear Luis Arce, from Bolivia, with 42.3% in favor, while seventh is Gabriel Boric, from Chile , with 41.8%. Precisely, the Chilean president is the one who lost the most percentage in this study, since in one month his image fell 4.7%.

Another of the conclusions of the report indicates that the worst qualified leaders this month are: Nicolás Maduro, from Venezuela , with 39.5% of positive image , Gustavo Petro, from Colombia, with 38.6% and Dina Boluarte , from Peru, with 24.8%.

Milei consolidates itself in Argentina​

Beyond the survey on the region's leaders, the study also delved deeper, with a margin of error of between 2% and 3% , into the image of the most important politicians in Argentina, after consulting 1,348 Argentines .

President Javier Milei continues at the top of the ranking of political leaders in the country , with 54.8% of positive image. In second place appears the Minister of National Security, Patricia Bullrich, with 49.3% acceptance and 44.4% negative votes. The national official climbed one position in the table, improving her image by 0.5%.

Javier Milei consolidates his position in the national territory

In third place on the list is the former governor of the province of Córdoba, Juan Schiaretti , with a positive image of 48%. In fact, the leader is the politician who has the greatest positive image differential with +22.0%. The former provincial president is followed by the Minister of Economy of the Nation , Luis Caputo, with 46.4% and the vice president, Victoria Villarruel, with 45.3%.

For its part, among the Argentine politicians with the worst image, appear the Chief of Staff, Nicolás Posse (31.6%), Martín Lousteau (29.2%), Juan Grabois (23.7%) and in the last position appears former president Alberto Fernández (17.2%).