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Politics Javier Milei prepares his speech, his sister Karina organizes the Assembly and the opposition defines what attitude it will take - Infobae


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Javier Milei prepares his speech, his sister Karina organizes the Assembly and the opposition defines what attitude it will take - Infobae



February 28, 2024

The head of state will inaugurate the 142nd period of ordinary sessions with a speech on national television on Friday at 9 p.m. Kirchnerist legislators discuss whether they stand on their backs or stand up as the PRO did in 2023, everything will depend on the president's tone

By David Cayon

Congress prepares for the Legislative Assembly

President Javier Milei will arrive at the National Congress this Friday to give the speech with which the 142nd period of ordinary sessions of the Legislative Branch will be formally inaugurated. With the decision already made to do so at an unusual time - it will be at 9 p.m. for the first time in history and not at 12 noon, as usual -, the Legislative Palace is preparing for what will be the first speech in the precinct of the libertarian as first president.


The organization of the event, which already had a well-oiled channel - it is done every year - is undergoing several changes due to the disruptive nature of the proposal: it will be at night . This is generating several organizational short circuits for the Ceremonial and Protocol teams that move under the supervision of the Secretary General of the Presidency, Karina Milei .

“The strangest, most novel and cumbersome thing is the schedule. It is the first time in history that an opening assembly is held at night,” sources from the Legislative Palace who are carrying out the development of the event explained to Infobae .


Legislators debate the economic reform of Argentine President Javier Milei in the Chamber of Deputies with signs rejecting it not to be approved, in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on Friday, February 2, 2024. The reform, which includes a variety of economic, administrative, penal and even environmental measures, was approved in general and must now be debated article by article before being sent to the Senate. (AP Photo/Natacha Pisarenko)
Security is in charge of Casa Militar , which has already visited the premises several times in recent weeks and works jointly with the security of Congress and the Federal Police, which will be in charge of the external custody of the Palace.
As established by the president of the Senate, Victoria Villarruel , the chamber of the Chamber of Deputies will close at 8 p.m.; From that moment on, the Vice President of the Nation will preside over the Legislative Assembly, which must form a delegation of deputies and senators who will receive the President along with the authorities of both chambers. Once you sign the visitor's book, you will go to the antechamber of the venue and at 9 p.m. the formal ceremony will begin.

During the last few days, a rumor spread that Milei was going to make his speech from a lectern and not from the chair of the presidency of the Chamber of Deputies, but the organizers confided to this medium that "the idea has already been completely ruled out."

Argentine Senate
The same happens with the possibility of a mobilization of the followers of La Libertad Avanza outside Congress, as happened on December 10. “It is not the idea to invite people to come ,” repeats a senior source from Deputies. The danger of crossing paths with people who were going to touch the pots led to the idea being rejected.

This week there were also authorities from Public TV , the channel in charge of carrying out the broadcast . The “big truck” will be mobilized that will emit the signal that the rest of the channels must take for the national network. Prior to the official broadcast, the state screen will broadcast a special program that will begin at 7 p.m. on Friday, March 1.

The expectation is centered on the President's speech , who commonly uses that space to outline what he intends his management to be during the year. There Milei is expected to appeal strongly to legislators after the failure that resulted in the fall of the Omnibus Law.

But the focus will also be on the reactions of parliamentary representatives . Although sectors of the hardest Kirchnerism raised the possibility of withdrawing from the premises , as the PRO did in 2023, if the President appeals to disqualifying adjectives; In any case, the dominant position is to stay. “Some may not be able to stand it and there may be screams. There are others who propose putting signs on the benches or standing on their backs while Milei speaks. This has not yet been defined , but what has already been decided is that we will be there,” said a legislator from Unión por la Patria.

Another sector that will also be “monitored” is that of the governors . Despite the confrontation of the Casa Rosada with the provincial states, whose heads President Milei described as “fiscal degenerates” , a good part of the leaders will be present in the Legislative Assembly, despite the fact that some of the heads of the subnational states They claim that “they have not been invited yet .

Axel Kicillof (Buenos Aires) and Ignacio Torres (Chubut),
two of the governors who today are carrying out a fight with the Nation over funds, confirmed their presence in the box located to the right of the presidency of the Chamber.

The same will happen with Horacio Rosatti, Carlos Rosenkrantz, Ricardo Lorenzetti and Juan Carlos Maqueda, the four members of the Supreme Court of Justice who until now were not questioned by Milei and whose behavior many of the legislators from the “dialogue” sectors say there is to take as an example. “They go, sit down and don't move a muscle. No matter what they say. We have to behave the same.”

The opposition blocs are finishing defining how they will act. “With Milei anything can happen, she may call us corrupt and rats again in the next 24 hours, which would generate greater discomfort. For now, the bet is to comply with the protocol, but no one can guarantee what the behavior will be like inside the premises if the President insults us again,” concluded a leader of Unión por la Patria.


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