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Politics Javier Milei questioned the silence on the part of Kirchnerism regarding the Espinoza case: “Another of the double standard scandals” - Infobae

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Javier Milei questioned the silence on the part of Kirchnerism regarding the Espinoza case: “Another of the double standard scandals” - Infobae​



May 24, 2024

“They have no problems in persecuting people by inventing things, but when theirs appear doing truly aberrant things, they protect,” said the President regarding the case in which the mayor of La Matanza was prosecuted for alleged sexual abuse.

Javier Milei on the opposition's defense of Fernando Espinoza: "It is the Kirchnerist double standard"

President Javier Milei came to the crossroads of the Buenos Aires Kirchnerist leadership that has not expressed itself about the case involving the mayor of La Matanza, Fernando Espinoza , after being prosecuted for sexual abuse .

“Another of the double standard scandals of Kirchnerism , suddenly they have no problems in persecuting people by inventing things for them and when those of their line appear doing truly aberrant things, they protect,” said the libertarian president during an interview on LN+ .

He also took the opportunity to criticize the governor of the province of Buenos Aires, Axel Kicillof , who this Thursday postponed the launch of the School of Gender, Government and Community in the midst of the scandal surrounding the communal chief. “Kicillof is complicit in these crazy things, he is the Kirchnerist double standard ,” Milei emphasized.

The governor already shared an event this week with Espinoza in the town of Lomas del Mirador to deliver cell phones to the municipal urban guard and sign the second installment of the Municipal Fiscal Strengthening Fund. On that day he avoided referring to the mayor's criminal case. However, even though the presence of the communal chief was not scheduled yesterday, the Buenos Aires Government decided to postpone the event.

“Kicillof is a superlative incapable , it is difficult to find someone so incapable,” Milei continued when referring to “how badly he governs” the province. “He doesn't have enough resources and he goes and puts resources in other provinces. He has the province dynamited and sends patrol cars to other provinces, campaigning for elections now leaving the people of Buenos Aires defenseless. “He is irresponsible,” he added. "It doesn't matter. Not only are we going to beat him in 2025, in 2027 we are going to keep the province of Buenos Aires,” the president assured.

Kicillof shared an event with Espinoza in Lomas del Mirador

In parallel, the Actrices Argentinas collective spoke out about the prosecution for sexual abuse and disobedience of the mayor of La Matanza. “We wonder if a man prosecuted for sexual abuse will continue to hold the position of Mayor of the largest municipality of PBA (Province of Buenos Aires),” quotes the tweet from the official account of this organization along with the hashtags “we are not silent.” more”, “justice for all victims of abuse” and “enforcement of the Micaela Law”.

And in a more critical tone they spoke out towards the Buenos Aires leadership: “We urge the PBA Minister of Gender, Estela Díaz, and Governor Axel Kicillof to break the silence that supports this type of crimes. “We ask for justice for the complainant of Fernando Espinoza.” Furthermore, from the publication they highlighted that the woman in question was her secretary and had been hired “under the table ” and that, after the complaint, the official violated the imposed restrictions and tried to contact her.

The case began to gain repercussions following a complaint filed against him by a young woman, the girlfriend of a businessman friend, who worked under his orders. Judge María Fabiana Galletti did not order the arrest of the communal chief but she maintained the prohibition of contact with the victim and ordered a seizure of $1,500,000 , according to the ruling accessed by Infobae.

The mayor of La Matanza is accused of an event that occurred on May 10, 2021. The complainant stated that Espinoza touched her without consent in a third encounter and mentioned that she felt pressured to accept dinner invitations.

For this reason, Judge Galletti ordered his prosecution for “simple sexual abuse” and “disobedience,” arguing that there is evidence supported by specialists who interviewed the victim during the investigation.

The municipality of La Matanza issued a statement defending the mayor , calling the complaint “absolutely false.” They alleged that the two requests for dismissal presented by the prosecution in 2022 and 2023 were not appealed by the complainant, although the case remained open .

However, the judge rejected this defense , pointing out that there were inconsistencies in Espinoza's story and emphasizing that the expertise on the telephone antennas proves their presence at the complainant's home. Despite recognizing certain inconsistencies in the victim's testimony, the magistrate argued that these were not enough to exonerate the accused.

24 hours after the prosecution handed down by Justice, Espinoza gave his version of the sexual abuse reported by his former private secretary. “This is an absolutely false complaint, as was understood by the prosecutors on the two previous occasions in which they requested the dismissal of this same case,” she warned in a statement.

In the letter he highlighted that the decision made by the Justice "is not final and is in the appeal stage", as well as stating that " none of the events reported never happened under any circumstances ."