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Politics Javier Milei received a group of deputies from La Libertad Avanza at Casa Rosada before the Legislative Assembly - Infobae


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Javier Milei received a group of deputies from La Libertad Avanza at Casa Rosada before the Legislative Assembly - Infobae



February 28, 2024

More than half of the 38 legislators of the ruling party, led by the president of the Lower House, Martín Menem, attended the meeting with the President

Before the treatment of the Omnibus Law in Deputies, Milei had gathered the deputies of the ruling party in La Rosada on January 3.

Two days before opening his first period of Ordinary Sessions in the National Congress as president, Javier Milei received a large part of the bloc of Deputies of his party, La Libertad Avanza, in the South Room of the Casa Rosada. The meeting began a few minutes after 10 and lasted almost two hours. The head of the Executive Branch spoke about how his management is going, the expectations generated by his assumption and the economic situation of the country. “It was a balance of the first 70 days ,” as confirmed by Cordoba deputy María Celeste Ponce upon leaving.

Milei chose on this occasion to differentiate himself from previous leaders and that is why he will make his speech on Friday, March 1 at the unusual time of 9:00 p.m., "so that a greater number of people can hear him," as reported yesterday at a press conference by his spokesperson Manuel Adorni. The text that she will pronounce is still in process - he writes it, they clarify from his entourage, almost without help - but it is presumed that it will be confrontational in tone. “We are waiting for an authentic Milei, as he always is,” said Ponce, without delving into details.

Another deputy from the libertarian space who was present, Lilia Lemoine, said that “people support us because we announced during the campaign what was going to be done. We know it is difficult, but the Government is complying with the premises it announced and people are satisfied. You see the adjustment on policy. “It is an adjustment on spending, on politics.” One of the issues that was also addressed was that in the latest surveys “support for the Government is maintained”, according to what was expressed by another LLA legislator.

The intention was for the ruling party's bloc, which has 38 legislators in the Lower House, to hear from the President the guidelines that it will follow in the coming days. Milei, after the failure of the treatment of the Bases Law when it was discussed in particular in the chamber, hardened his position towards the deputies who opposed the advancement of the project and treated them as traitors. He even said that Parliament was “a rat's nest.”

The Chamber of Deputies, on the day that the Base Law was debated in particular, which the Government later withdrew from the discussion.

There are sectors of the opposition that think about what the reaction will be like in Parliament if this aggressive attitude towards them is repeated. In La Rosada they do not rule out that in the middle of the speech there will be legislators who disapprove of the President's statements and who even leave their seats. There is also expectation about what the reaction will be like around Congress, because on social networks numerous users called to gather to protest with a pot bang.

That is why yesterday in Rosada there were already meetings aimed at organizing the security operation, which will include nearly 5,000 police officers, how Milei will be transferred from Rosada and in what perimeter there will be street closures so that everything happens normally.

The presidential spokesperson, Manuel Adorni, explained yesterday why Javier Milei will move his opening speech to the Legislative Assembly to 9 p.m. next Friday , which represents a change in relation to other leaders who attended Congress in the morning. “The goal is for the greatest number of Argentines to be able to listen to the President, in an unprecedented event,” said the official.

“A time was chosen where people have more opportunities to see it live and where the majority are not working,” he said.

In the context of the organization - at least until today - it is not planned that La Libertad Avanza will call its followers to the door of the National Congress as it did on December 10. It was also ruled out that the President speak anywhere other than the Chamber of Deputies.

The president of the Deputies block, Oscar Zago, is one of those attending the meeting in La Rosada this Wednesday. PHOTO: Télam.
The President arrived at La Rosada this Wednesday at 9:25. And the meeting with the deputies will change the dynamics of the press conferences of spokesperson Adorni, who this time will speak at 1:00 p.m. At the meeting are the Minister of the Interior, Guillermo Francos; the president of the Chamber of Deputies, Martín Menem from Rioja; the head of the La Libertad Avanza bloc, Oscar Zago; the presidential advisor Santiago Caputo and the undersecretary of Institutional Management of the General Secretariat of the Presidency, Eduardo “Lule” Menem, among others.

Zago arrived a few minutes after Milei, accompanied by several of his peers. He did it after a subway ride from his congressional offices.

One of the deputies who spoke to the press before entering was Alberto “Bertie” Benegas Lynch who insisted that “it is seen that people continue to hold on according to the polls that give their approval to the President. With more deregulation and more freedom for Argentines, this is how investments will come. The Legislative Branch must support these measures that were contained in the Base Law.”

A meeting with the same characteristics was held at the Government House on January 3, before knowing the bills that the Executive was going to send for treatment in Extraordinaries. On that occasion, several legislators were missing because it was called at the last minute.