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Politics Javier Milei receives Secretary Blinken at the Casa Rosada to consolidate his political relationship with Biden - Infobae


Javier Milei receives Secretary Blinken at the Casa Rosada to consolidate his political relationship with Biden - Infobae



February 23, 2024

The president and the head of diplomacy of the United States will define an agenda of common interests that can transform the country into Washington's strategic partner in Latin America


Antony Blinken arrived in Buenos Aires to discuss with Javier Milei a common agenda between Argentina and the United States linked to bilateral relations and the situation in Latin America
At eleven o'clock, Antony Blinken will be received by Javier Milei at Balcarce 50. It is not a protocol meeting: the Secretary of State arrives with the political mission of agreeing with the President on a common agenda that can transform the country into the strategic partner of the White House in Latin America.

The United States always opts for Brazil when designing its roadmap in the region, but Lula da Silva approached China and Russia, in addition to comparing the Israeli government to Nazi Germany for its offensive against Hamas in Gaza.

In this geopolitical context, Joseph Biden considers that Milei can replace Lula in a scenario conditioned by Beijing's offensive, the activity of terrorist groups operating in the Middle East and social and economic instability.

Blinken will meet with Milei “ to reaffirm shared interests and expand cooperation on trade, critical minerals, human rights and security,” says the press release issued last night by the State Department.

The head of diplomacy of the Democratic administration participated in the G20 in Rio de Janeiro and was able to fly to New York last night to speak at a meeting of the UN Security Council called by the war in Ukraine. This change of route shows Washington's interest in Milei.

Antony Blinken arrived at Aeroparque last night and was received by Marc Stanley, United States ambassador to Argentina

From the Oval Room of the White House, it can be seen that Brazil and Colombia are approaching Xi and Vladimir Putin, and questioning the foreign policy of the United States in the face of the terrorist attacks committed by Hamas against Israel. Added to this approach is the constant activity of the dictatorships in Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela, and the systematic crisis that affects Bolivia, Peru and Ecuador.

With this regional situation picture, Blinken and Milei will meet at the Casa Rosada. The Secretary of State will transmit the recommendation to stop China as a key buyer of lithium and freeze its geopolitical aspirations linked to the Hidrovía, the construction of hydroelectric dams, nuclear power plants and a deep-water port in Patagonia.

Milei is aligned with these interests of the United States in Latin America and agrees with Biden regarding the defense of Israel against the terrorist aggression of Hamas, the condemnation of Russia for its invasion of Ukraine and the criticism of Nicolás Maduro for the systematic repression of opposition leaders in Venezuela.

But this harmony between Buenos Aires and Washington may suffer alterations due to the electoral campaign in the United States. Biden is seeking presidential re-election and it is very likely that his Republican opponent will be Donald Trump. Both political adversaries hate each other, and their electoral clash opens a black hole that swallows everything in its path.
Milei and Trump will meet tomorrow at a conservative summit taking place near Washington

The White House has the political will to consolidate a process of bilateral relations with Argentina that will finally lead to a strategic alliance with the La Libertad Avanza administration. But Biden and Blinken hesitate to execute this diplomatic step in the face of Milei's flirtations with Trump.

After receiving the Secretary of State in his office, the president will fly to DC to participate in the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), where a strong campaign speech from Donald Trump is expected .

Milei assured Infobae that he has not planned a formal meeting with the Republican leader and that his speech will not imply political support for Biden's probable adversary.

The State Department already knows the president's agenda at CPAC, and its discomfort stems from Milei's decision to appear very close to Trump, when the White House supports the government in its economic program, in the negotiation with the IMF and in their confrontation with the Peronist factions that respond to Cristina Fernández de Kirchner.

Milei will receive Blinken along with the Chief of Staff, Nicolás Posse, Foreign Minister Diana Mondino , the Minister of Economy, Luis Caputo , the Secretary General of the Presidency, Karina Milei , and Gerardo Werthein, designated ambassador to the White House.

Lining up next to Blinken will be Marc Stanley, US ambassador to Argentina, and Brian Nichols , undersecretary of state for Latin America, among other Biden administration officials.

When the bilateral conclave ends, Blinken and Mondino will offer a joint statement and will host a limited press conference. At 2:00 p.m., if there are no unexpected delays, the Secretary of State and his entourage will leave for DC.

It is still cold there and a complex agenda is expected in the White House, crossed by the crisis in the Middle East, the cyber attacks ordered by Xi, the war in Ukraine and Trump, who may crown his presidential candidacy this weekend.