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Politics Javier Milei revealed when the Government believes it can open the trap: “Argentina is going to start to take off very strongly” - Infobae

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Javier Milei revealed when the Government believes it can open the trap: “Argentina is going to start to take off very strongly” - Infobae​



April 07, 2024

Despite the crisis that the country is going through, the president was optimistic about the future: “50% of Argentines believe that in the next 6 months we will be better”

Javier Milei revealed when the Government plans to leave the stocks
President Javier Milei highlighted people's optimism regarding the recovery of the economy. He highlighted the confidence placed in him in order to “end inflation” and although he did not give details about dates, he assured that “when we open the stocks, Argentina will begin to take off very strongly.”

The head of state spoke this Sunday with CNN. There he emphasized the surveys and opinion polls analyzed by the National Government and explained that “the word that appears the most” when looking at “the clouds of words” is “hope.” “The Argentines' engine is intact and I would tell them that as soon as we finish cleaning up the Central Bank's balance sheet, we can eliminate remunerated liabilities; At that moment, when we open the trap, Argentina is going to begin to take off very strongly, very strongly ,” he remarked.

“Finishing cleaning the balance sheets of the Central Bank, as we do in the market, depends on the decisions of individuals. The faster individuals advance so that we can clean up the balance sheet of the Central Bank, the faster we will get out,” he continued his definition of the opening of the free exchange market.

“Many analysts are seeing a 'V' recovery. When we arrived, the country risk was around 2900 basis points, today it is 1400. That is, the bonds went from 18 to 54 dollars. Furthermore, financial assets have had a huge rally, all being leading indicators of the cycle. The day we can open the stocks, open all the restrictions of the exchange market, the rebound that the Argentine economy is going to have is going to make it expand strongly,” he insisted.

The president of Argentina, Javier Milei, in an archive photograph. EFE/ Juan Ignacio Roncoroni

Milei did not set a date, but noted that the Government's “hope” “is that we can enter the second half of this year in that condition.” “The IMF, when it does the math, says that we could reach the middle of the year, but that depends on the willingness of individuals to exchange securities,” she added.

“We believe in three rights: the right to life, liberty and property. Decisions must be free and respect the right of property. I don't know if it will be a month before, a month later. We will wait for the moment for this to be done neatly. I can't take risks, because this is not a question of an academic paper where I say 'I was wrong' and write another paper explaining why I was wrong. Here, if I'm wrong, that will affect 47 million human beings. So it is normal for him to be more cautious,” he justified with respect to not giving more details than what he has given so far.

Regarding the optimism of Argentines, he explained that "although 70% recognize that they are worse today, 50%, half, believe that in the next six months we will be better." In this framework, he highlighted that “70% of Argentines are convinced that we are going to end inflation.”

Javier Milei along with part of his cabinet of ministers

The army to combat drug trafficking and sell prisons to companies: Milei's plans for security​

When asked about the drug violence that has escalated recently in Rosario, the president announced that he will send to Congress “a law that allows the Armed Forces to intervene in cases of terrorism. Today that cannot be done; “The Armed Forces can only intervene if there has been a siege,” he clarified.

“We are working on an intermediate situation where the Armed Forces can intervene in the case of narco-terrorism, participating with the regulations of the security forces, they would act as security forces,” he developed. For Milei, in this way “efficiency would be improved.”

Beyond the actions of the security forces and the military, the libertarian economist stated that “we must also have an appropriate prison system.” To do this, he plans to build prisons with 5 and 6 thousand places.

The President confirmed that he will send "a law that allows the Armed Forces to intervene in cases of terrorism" (Farid Dumat Kelzi)

In this context, he said that Minister Patricia Bullrich designed a plan to sell existing prisons to companies and then have them finance the construction of new prisons. They would be “of better quality, greater security and without spending a penny.”

“There are prisons that were designed at a certain time in history, but population growth meant that they remained in an urbanized area. So what are we thinking of doing? Sell those prisons to companies that are dedicated to real estate and have that company finance the construction of a new one far from the city ,” he explained.

Support for Ukraine two years after the start of the war with Russia​

Two years after the start of the war between Ukraine and Russia, Javier Milei reaffirmed his support for the country invaded by Vladimir Putin's forces.

Regarding a forum in defense of the freedom of Ukraine that is being considered to be held in Latin America, Milei revealed that Volodimir Zelensky asked him to hold it in Argentina: “I told him yes, we are going to do it.”

The person who is in contact with the Ukrainian government is the Minister of Defense, Luis Petri. In this framework, Milei pointed out: “We are going to help them with everything we can help them. “The sending of soldiers is something that Minister Petri is discussing with the Ukrainian authorities to see what we can collaborate on.”