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Politics Javier Milei revives the council of economic advisors and incorporates Ramiro Marra into the Government -Infobae

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Javier Milei revives the council of economic advisors and incorporates Ramiro Marra into the Government - Infobae​



March 08, 2024

After learning that he will no longer be the head of the La Libertad Avanza bloc in the Buenos Aires Legislature, the President offered him the position, which will be ad honorem.

By Federico Galligani

Ramiro Marra will join the Cabinet (Maximiliano Luna)

Just 24 hours after being displaced from the leadership of the La Libertad Avanza bloc in the Buenos Aires Legislature , Ramiro Marra was announced by President Javier Milei as one of the members of the Council of Economic Advisors , which will be created in the coming days, It will be led by Demian Reidel and will be ad honorem.

In this way, the national leader revives the idea of an organization that will depend directly on him and that he had set up during the campaign, with the intention of taking it to his eventual Cabinet if he wins the elections, as finally happened.

That technical team, at the time, was chaired by Carlos Rodríguez and also made up of figures such as Darío Epstein , Roque Fernández and Emilio Ocampo , but it was dissolved shortly before the runoff and many of the experts left the space.

According to what officials told Infobae , the intention is to establish this Council, which will work on economic policies and long-term measures and will be part of the same Marra and Demian Reidel , who at the time was speculated with the possibility of being appointed. head of the Central Bank.

The physicist and economist was already second vice president of the monetary entity during the administration of Federico Sturzenegger - who is also collaborating with the Government and was one of the main authors of the Omnibus Law - as was Luis Caputo , current Minister of Economy.

Demian Reidel

The decision ended up taking shape between the meeting that Marra had on Wednesday night at the Quinta de Olivos with Milei , and a new meeting that both had this Thursday at the Casa Rosada, before a television interview.

“I want to thank President Javier Milei for suggesting that I join his Council of Economic Advisors, it is a commitment that I decide to take with great honor and responsibility. We will continue working together to achieve a better Argentina. Long live freedom! ”Wrote the leader in his X account.

The decision came after the legislator was removed from the leadership of the La Libertad Avanza bloc in the Buenos Aires Legislature, by decision of a sector of the party that was dissatisfied with the broker's performance in that position.

On Wednesday, during almost an hour of conversation at the official residence, Marra and Milei recalled some moments together in politics and in the space they founded in 2021, along with other important leaders such as Victoria Villarruel , current vice president.

It was there that, in parallel, the idea of reviving the Council of Economic Advisors began to take shape and for the legislator to be part of it, to join the Cabinet, although he will not be an official, since he will provide services ad honorem.

The person chosen to be head of the block in the facility is María del Pilar Ramírez , very close to the general secretary of the Presidency, Karina Milei , although she was previously linked to Mariano Recalde and served as Marketing Manager at Aerolíneas Argentinas between the 2008 and 2016.

The national official obtained the support of 6 of the 9 members of the caucus at the venue and the decision was communicated through a letter addressed to Clara Muzzio , head of the venue, which was presented early this Thursday.

Marra entered the Legislature in 2021 at the hands of Milei, after serving for a few years alongside Roberto Lavagna in the defunct Federal Consensus alliance, for which he competed for national senator, but without obtaining the seat.

In the 2023 presidential campaign, the legislator was always seen close to the economist, whom he accompanied in many of the events he held around the country and was even his candidate for head of Government of the City of Buenos Aires.