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Politics Javier Milei spoke for the first time about the CGT strike: “It was a resounding failure” - Infobae

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Javier Milei spoke for the first time about the CGT strike: “It was a resounding failure” - Infobae​



May 12, 2024

The President questioned the protest led by the labor union and highlighted that, “despite this, people went out” to work. In addition, he confirmed that the Government is studying changes in the laws so that the Armed Forces can act in the fight against drug trafficking.

The President criticized the last general strike

President Javier Milei referred for the first time to the last general strike carried out by the CGT and assured that it was “a resounding failure” , since this measure, which he described as “violent”, did not have, from his perspective, broad support from society, which went out to work, despite the fact that most means of transportation did not work during the entire protest.

During an interview he gave to the Chilean newspaper El Mercurio , the national president ratified his shock economic program, pointing out that “the alternative was not to continue with Kirchnerist policies,” and questioned the claims of the union leaders.

The strike was a complete failure. Even though they managed to join the ranks of unions protesting transportation, thereby preventing people from going to work, despite this, people came out. In fact , close to 70% were against unemployment ,” remarked the head of state.

In this sense, Milei believed that it was “a violent measure, which has nothing to do with a union claim,” but rather it was “directly a political action against the Government . ”

“Look at the curious thing: 64% of the strikes that have taken place in Argentina have been against non-Peronist governments. So this does not surprise me,” said the libertarian leader.

During the strike, most means of transportation did not work (Adrián Escandar)

Asked by the Chilean media about whether the Argentine population continued to have “patience” to resist the consequences of the adjustment that is being carried out, the President maintained that this question “would be a valid question” if there were “some alternative to the current plan”, but He assured that “the problem is that there is not one.”

“To give more or less an order of magnitude, when an economy has twin deficits of four points of GDP, you have a yellow alert. At eight, he's about to fly through the air. We receive the country with 17 points of GDP, twin deficits. And in this same context, importers were owed $50 billion dollars. Net international reserves were negative $12 billion. There were maturities in pesos for $91 billion. There were also $25 billion of external debt maturities concentrated in multilateral organizations and the agreement with the Fund was collapsed due to the fiscal mess. Inflation, at the time we took over, was already running at a rate of 7,500% annually. And if you take the December wholesale index, which was at 54%, that annualized is 17,000. There was no alternative,” he explained.

In another part of the interview, Milei referred to the issue of security and highlighted the role of Minister Patricia Bulrrich , with whom he specified that they have “such affinity” in this matter that “she is part” of his team, despite who months ago competed for the Presidency.

Likewise, he indicated that, although in Argentina there are no criminal organizations as important as the Tren de Aragua, which operates in Chile, the country has its "own problems", such as drug trafficking in Rosario, and that is why the Government is " promoting some changes in the Security Law so that in certain very specific cases the Armed Forces can act.”

Milei confirmed the Government's intentions to move forward with a modification of internal security laws (Government)

“Because that requires, at least in Argentina, to modify the legal framework so that in certain very specific situations, the Armed Forces. can collaborate with federal forces. And it precisely has to do with narcoterrorism, with these types of issues that are things on an international scale. (…) We have that issue very much in mind,” he added.

Finally, the head of state reiterated his administration's position regarding the claim for sovereignty of the Malvinas Islands: “We consider that they are Argentine (…) and are being occupied by the United Kingdom. And we believe that this has to be resolved through diplomatic means, with the model that China used in the case of Hong Kong. So can it be solved? Well, it's going to take years, but I think it's worth resolving it through diplomatic channels. And at some point there may be a window for it to be done and at others there may not be. Let's say, if it can't be done today, there are other things we can work on,” he explained.