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Politics Javier Milei supported Sandra Pettovello for her complaints against picketers: “She took the mask off Peronism” - Infobae

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Javier Milei supported Sandra Pettovello for her complaints against picketers: “She took the mask off Peronism” - Infobae​



May 18, 2024

The President gave an interview from Spain in which he also referred to the current economic situation of the country. He confirmed that he is not going to devalue the currency and spoke again about the stocks

President Javier Milei

In the middle of his tour of Spain - where he traveled this week to hold meetings with businessmen and leaders, in addition to presenting his book - President Javier Milei gave an interview this Saturday in which he referred to the complaints about the piquetero extortions that came out. to light in recent days and firmly supported the Minister of Human Capital, Sandra Pettovello. “He took the mask off Peronism,” she said.

It was in dialogue with LN+ where the head of state highlighted the work carried out by the team led by his official and announced that, for the moment, he will not make changes to his cabinet because "the results are consistent." In addition, he gave details about the current situation in the country, confirmed that he will not devalue the currency and spoke again about the stocks.

“Was I wrong to say that Pettovello was firmer than a statue's hair?” Milei began when asked about the complaints against the picketers. And he added about his management: “ He has encountered a lot of disasters, he has just taken the mask off Peronism. Peronism lived boasting that it was the movement that protected the poor and it happens that in reality they created poor people to turn them into slaves. Petovello is making that clear.”

In this sense, he pointed out against the left-wing movement, which he questioned for calling itself an opponent when in reality “it is a partner in these businesses” and advanced how it will continue to act in the face of this conflict.

Minister Sandra Pettovello

“My characteristic is to go to the bone in everything, I am going to continue going to the bone and in this I am going to break the bones of the corrupt. Minister Pettovello does not get tired of denouncing and she is not going to get tired because I know her. Plus, I'm a friend and I know she won't get tired. She likes to expose these squirts, she loves it. It is in her DNA to unmask these criminals. I assure you that she is not going to calm down. “She has an anti-corruption brigade that sends her to different offices and that's how these things happen,” she highlighted.

Regarding his first months at the head of the country's administration and the impact of the economic measures implemented with the objective of reducing the fiscal deficit, the President agreed and highlighted that the improvements are already being noticed. However, he said he was aware that there are Argentines who are suffering from the adjustment.

“We know that people are having a hard time, we are aware of that. When we came to power, 85% were having a bad time, today it is 65%. You have to go down 20 points, huh. People understand that we are paying for the party of populism,” said Milei.

When asked about his future plans, the head of state stressed that it is not in the Government's plans to devalue the currency: "Our program is to improve real competitiveness by lowering taxes," he declared.

The president of Argentina, Javier Milei, in Madrid, Spain

Likewise, he stressed that his objectives are little by little being achieved and stated that he is getting closer to opening the trap. “ We are achieving it despite politics. Not only that, but we have managed to put the fiscal accounts in order. Something they said was impossible. They said to make an adjustment of 1 point in GDP and we, at the moment of maximum stress, reached an adjustment of 7 points in the Treasury, which we are now relaxing because we needed 5, but in the day-to-day dynamics that fine tuning "It's very difficult," he said.

And he added: “This week that closed there was a very important operation: a third of the paid repos went from the central bank to the National Treasury. This stops one of the endogenous monetary emission mechanisms, which has to do with the passes that were previously the leliqs and we have made progress in cleaning up the issue of dividends, we have cleaned up a third of that. It means that we are stopping all the emission taps and that means that we are closer to opening the trap.”

Javier Milei will continue his visit to Spain this weekend. On Sunday he will participate in the “Europa Viva 24″ meeting, where he will give a speech starting at 8:30. “On Monday it will arrive in Argentina around 6:10,” said the spokesperson.