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Politics Javier Milei threatens to veto retirement mobility: what are the tools of Congress to prevent it - Infobae

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Javier Milei threatens to veto retirement mobility: what are the tools of Congress to prevent it - Infobae​



June 05, 2024

The President announced that he will use this power to defend public accounts. From the UCR, HCF, the CC, provincial blocs and Kirchnerism remind him that parliament can veto the DNU that established the official model. What the National Constitution says

By David Cayon

Javier Milei, this Wednesday, at a business forum (Photo: Adrián Escandar)

President Javier Milei once again warned that he will veto any law that implies an expenditure to the national State. He said it on several occasions and reaffirmed it after the Chamber of Deputies of the Nation gave half-sanction to a law that establishes a retirement mobility scheme.

The President reported on his X account -ex Twitter- that he will veto the rule. He did so by insulting the legislators who voted in favor of the rule, with a photo taken with artificial intelligence that classified them as “rats.” However, the publication did not discourage legislators, who warned that Congress has the necessary power to advance the measure.

“I will not deliver the zero deficit. “A part of Congress shows a systematic vocation to destroy the fiscal balance, which leads to the loss of value of the bonds and with it an increase in the country risk and the interest rate,” Milei wrote with an image of a box with bills surrounded of rats and a lion with a chainsaw.

Furthermore, during his speech at the 10th Latam Economic Forum he added: “They are seeking to break the fiscal balance. When Nayib Bukele (president of El Salvador) took office, he did not have a single legislator, nothing. He ruled by pure veto; Everything they approved, they all vetoed. And that's what I'm going to do ," he insisted.

One of the AI images that Javier Milei shared on social networks

From Congress they respond. “Make no mistake. At least four blocks that supported the law voted in favor. The support has been total. Two-thirds of the Chamber of Deputies were reached,” explained a parliamentary source. “We could perfectly insist on his veto, call for a popular consultation so that citizens decide on retirements, or even reject his DNU on the formula,” she added.

The presidential veto is a power of the Executive - it has been used by all Presidents since the return of democracy - but it does not necessarily mean that a law cannot be approved .

The rule establishes that the head of state has the power to totally or partially veto a law , and if that happens it returns to the Chamber of origin , where it will be considered first and then will pass again to the reviewing Chamber. If both insist on their sanction, the initial project could be ratified .

The only restriction that applies is that, regardless of whether it was approved by a simple majority - half plus one -, in the review process it must be ratified in both Chambers by two-thirds of the votes, that is, a special majority.

Debate on retirement mobility in the Chamber of Deputies
If the National Congress decides, through a two-thirds vote, to insist on the norm, the national Executive Branch must accept it and regulate it within the period established by the current regulations.

The scenario is not the best for the national government. The half-sanction was achieved with the votes of the Union for the Homeland, the Radical Civic Union, We Make the Federal Coalition, the Civic Coalition and the Federal Innovation blocs. The general vote was: 160 affirmative. 72 negative. 8 abstentions. As only 260 deputies were present, the affirmative vote reached two-thirds of the Chamber. The same numbers were given when voting in particular on Chapters I and II of the standard.

Two-thirds of the House means, if everyone is present, 172 votes in that line. However, in this case, as the Constitution does not explicitly state that it has to be from the entire body, two-thirds of those present are needed to reject the veto and insist on the rule.

Those that voted against were the blocks of La Libertad Avanza (38 deputies) and PRO (37), which gives a total of 72. If all the legislators were present, these blocks would have to add others because they need, at least, 87 deputies to block the two-thirds.

From radicalism, which is the bloc that called the session and ended up imposing its position in the agreement made by the political forces, they pointed out: “They made a thousand proposals to us regarding the content and we were able to sustain a responsible opinion, along the lines from what was evaluated by the Congressional Budget Office. We do not increase the tax cost beyond what is stipulated. The payment to adjust the January inflation that retirees lost remained at 8 percent, the same as what the PRO had proposed in its 12-installment plan.”