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Politics Javier Milei will be the first president to open a meeting of the Madrid Forum - Infobae

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Javier Milei will be the first president to open a meeting of the Madrid Forum - Infobae​



September 03, 2024

This Thursday he will be the main speaker at the Palacio Libertad, at another meeting of conservative parties, where other officials of the libertarian government will also speak.

By Eduardo Menegazzi

The leader of VOX, Santiago Abascal, with Javier Milei

They expect a full and enthusiastic auditorium. The organizers of the Third Regional Meeting of Río de la Plata, which will bring together conservative leaders from Ibero-America, will for the first time have the president of a country, Javier Milei, as a central figure. In the two previous editions, which took place in Bogotá and Lima, there were no heads of state present, hence the importance of the event that will take place between Thursday and Friday of this week at the Kirchner Cultural Center, now called Palacio Libertad.

The meeting will have 40 panelists from 15 countries. Milei will give the opening speech at 10 a.m. on Thursday. The objectives are to “support the Venezuelan people and denounce the lukewarm response of the international community, as well as recover the spaces of Freedom taken away by the criminal left and the non-left in the Western world,” according to information provided by the official account of the Forum on the social network X (formerly Twitter).

Although it is far from other meetings of this type such as the recent CPAC Summit (Conservative Action Policy Conference) that took place in Mexico - which the libertarian leader was going to attend, but finally at the last minute he decided not to travel - this, promoted by the Disenso Foundation closely linked to the Spanish far-right party Vox, is gaining followers with the growth of some political forces in Latin America.

The leader of Vox, Santiago Abascal, will be the one to give the welcoming remarks on the first day, with a 15-minute speech. A little while after Milei, at 12:10, the presidential spokesman, Manuel Adorni, will speak. And at 12:30, the new Secretary of Culture and Civilization, Nahuel Sotelo, will participate in the panel “Ten months of Milei's administration: freedom and prosperity”, together with the national deputy Santiago Santurio and the lawyer Santiago Muzio, who is in charge of the Casa Argentina in Paris.

Nahuel Sotelo

Also in that first part, the Minister of Defense, Luis Petri, will have a space, and then the director of the National Intelligence School, Juan Bautista "Tata" Yofre, who will share panel 4, focused on who are the enemies of Israel and Latin America, with the former foreign minister of Eduardo Bolsonaro when he presided over Brazil, Ernesto Araújo, and the former White House official, Mark Klugmann, who worked during the mandates of Ronald Reagan and George Bush.

On the second day, in the morning, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Diana Mondino , is expected to be present at a panel in which Alberto Benegas Lynch, one of Milei's favourite economists, will also speak about "Ideas for the prosperity of nations."

Beyond national officials, there will be representatives of the right from other countries who identify with the “common agenda of freedom,” among the allies of Latin America and Europe to confront “the criminal influence of the São Paulo Forum, the Puebla Group and the Progressive International.” Among the most important is the former candidate for the presidency of Chile in the last elections, José Antonio Kast.

Santiago Abascal will be presenting the Forum on Thursday, which will take place at the Kirchner Cultural Center (Europa Press)

It will be a fertile ground for Milei, a signatory of the Madrid Charter that emerged in October 2020, to once again strengthen ties with Abascal, whom he visited on May 19 at the Annual Vox Convention, in the Spanish capital, when the Europa Viva 24 Festival was held before the elections for the European Parliament in which the right-wing party did not obtain the expected electoral return, when it won just 6 seats, far from the previous projections.

Before traveling to Buenos Aires on Monday, Abascal said in a press conference that the objectives of this meeting are to “support the people” of Venezuela after the elections suspected of fraud that proclaimed Nicolás Maduro as president of the Caribbean country again and “denounce the lukewarm response of the international community, as well as recover the spaces of freedom snatched away by the criminal left and the non-left in the Western world.”