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Politics Javier Milei will have a brief meeting with Valdés and Zdero, two radical governors who are key in the dialogue sector - Infobae


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Javier Milei will have a brief meeting with Valdés and Zdero, two radical governors who are key in the dialogue sector - Infobae



February 19, 2024

He will do so within the framework of the trip to Corrientes this afternoon to participate in a meeting with a liberal foundation. The local president and the Chaco president maintain good harmony with the Casa Rosada


President Javier Milei plans to hold a meeting today with the radical governors Gustavo Valdés and Leandro Zdero in Corrientes, a province that he will visit this afternoon to participate in a meeting with a liberal foundation.

Until this noon, both in Buenos Aires and among Corrientes officials it was indicated that there would be no meeting. The change of plans is another gesture of distancing between the Casa Rosada and the provincial leaders, which deepened even more after the defeat in the Chamber of Deputies of the so-called “Omnibus Law.”

Sources from both parties confirmed to Infobae that the meeting will finally occur: it will take place at the airport and can be interpreted as a sign of detente after a week of tensions, intersections and the virtual rupture of the dialogue between the Government and the provincial leaders. Both Valdés and Zdero represent within the UCR a less confrontational line with the libertarian leader than that embodied by the National Committee, headed by Martín Lousteau, and other radical leaders and leaders.

Milei will give a presentation within the framework of the celebrations for the 10 years of the Club de la Libertad Foundation , which will be held in the Espacio Andes room, located on Maipú Avenue at 3840. The head of state will be the main speaker at the meeting which will begin at 7 p.m., although he plans to speak an hour later, after the speech by Alberto Medina Méndez , head of the aforementioned foundation, and Alberto Benegas Lynch Jr. , who will speak via videoconference and whom Milei considers “the greatest exponent of the ideas of freedom in Argentina.”


Before knowing the confirmation of the meeting, in dialogue with the local media Radio Sudamericana, the Corrientes president had stressed that if he received “an invitation from the President”, he would “with great pleasure” go to the event, something that did not ultimately happen.

“We are going to accompany the agenda that corresponds to the President of the Nation with the government of the province of Corrientes. The Nation, like the province, are above the foundations,” the radical president had also remarked.

The relationship between the Casa Rosada and the governors began to strain after the failure in the Chamber of Deputies of the particular treatment of the Omnibus Law, which the government considered essential to continue advancing a series of structural economic reforms. Milei considered the position of the legislators who in the Lower House objected to the project a betrayal and called those who did not accompany him in the initiative “criminals.”

From that moment, an offensive against the provinces began by the Nation, which, first of all, announced that transportation subsidies in the interior of the country were going to be eliminated, a fund that contemplated about 102,000 million pesos and then decided not to. transfer the money included in the National Teacher Incentive Fund (FONID) and the Compensation Fund that served the poorest provinces to pay payments to teachers.

As a consequence of this intransigence, from Israel, the President decided to dismiss from their positions the then heads of the ANSeS, Osvaldo Giordano , and of the Ministry of Mining, Flavia Ryón , two officials who responded to Córdoba and Salta, two districts that They did not support the law.

The one he will make to Corrientes will be the first trip to an inland province that Milei will make, who only made one visit to Bahía Blanca on Sunday, December 17 after the day before the city in the south of the province of Buenos Aires suffered a tornado that It left 13 fatalities.

The President's return will be at night, immediately after his speech, from the Resistencia airport.