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Politics Javier Milei will meet with Elon Musk in Texas, after receiving a distinction from the Jewish community in Miami - Infobae

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Javier Milei will meet with Elon Musk in Texas, after receiving a distinction from the Jewish community in Miami - Infobae​



April 09, 2024

The powerful businessman will receive the president in Austin to analyze possible investments in Argentina linked to the automotive industry and global communications. Next, Milei will travel to Denmark to hold a formal meeting with Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen, before the signing of the contract for the 24 F16 aircraft destined for the Air Force.

By Romanian Lejtman

Elon Musk will receive Javier Milei in Texas to analyze investments in Argentina linked to technology and the automotive industry

Javier Milei will meet with Elon Musk in Austin (Texas) after receiving a distinction from the Jewish community of Miami for his political outlook and his defense of the State of Israel that fights the Hamas terrorist group in the Gaza Strip. The meeting will take place on Friday, April 12 at the Tesla factory and its objective is to achieve investments from Musk in Argentina linked to the automotive industry and global communications.

Next, Milei will travel to Denmark to hold a formal meeting with Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen, before the signing of the contract for the 24 F16 aircraft destined for the Air Force. That conclave will take place on Monday, April 15, and the president is scheduled to stop in Paris before landing in Copenhagen.

Musk is CEO of SpaceX (a commercial space exploration company), main shareholder of Tesla and owner of the social network X (formerly Twitter). He supported Barak Obama's administration and now feels more comfortable with the political agenda of Donald Trump, who is competing with Joseph Biden for the presidency of the United States.

When Musk acquired Twitter and changed its name to X, he made two important editorial decisions: he lifted Trump's ban on posting on that social network and hired Tucker Carlson as host of X after his forced resignation from Fox News.

In the middle of the election campaign, Carlson interviewed Milei on X with a historic impact on social networks. The report exceeded 300 million views and relegated other posts featuring Cristiano Ronaldo, Rihanna and Obama.

Javier Milei and Tucker Carlson before the report on the social network X, which had more than 300 million views

Musk described the note between Milei and Musk as “very interesting” and reposted that report on his own X account, which, at that time, had 160 million followers. “You will be more than welcome in Argentina next year if we are successful,” Milei invited when she read the comment from the CEO of X.

The virtual closeness between Milei and Musk deepened after the November runoff . Musk reposted a comment from the “EndWokeness” account that said in English: “sh*t, Argentina just elected Javier Milei as its next president. Today history was made in Argentina.” And then, also in English, Musk added: “Prosperity is ahead for Argentina ”, translatable as “There is prosperity for Argentina”.

On December 6, 2023 - after other virtual posts - Milei and Musk spoke by phone . It was Wednesday afternoon, and the president was at the Libertador hotel with Diana Mondino and Karina Milei.

“I thanked Elon Musk for defending the ideas of freedom and supporting our work ,” said Milei after the telephone communication. Musk was invited to the presidential inauguration, but apologized to Milei for his absence due to other personal commitments that he could not cancel.

Finally, Milei and Musk will meet on Friday in Austin (Texas) . And before this long-awaited conclave, the president will receive a distinction from the Jewish community of Miami along with his sister Karina Milei, will meet with the head of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), Ilan Goldfajn, and will speak at the Public Policy Institute Jack Gordon of Florida International University (FIU) on his perspective on the world and the economy.
F16 fighter plane manufactured in Denmark: Milei travels to Copenhagen to participate in the contract signing ceremony for the purchase of 24 ships that will be destined for the Air Force

After meeting with Musk, Milei returns to Miami to take a flight to Denmark with a stopover in Paris. She will arrive in Copenhagen on Sunday evening and a day later she will meet with Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen before the agreement ceremony for the acquisition of 24 F16 aircraft for the Air Force, scheduled for Tuesday, April 16.

After the official ceremony, an aerial demonstration of the F16 aircraft is planned. Next, Milei and her entourage plan to return to Buenos Aires.
I wish Milei would spend more time focusing on Argentina. He spends too much time flying around the world instead of focusing on Argentina and Argentines.
I wish Milei would spend more time focusing on Argentina. He spends too much time flying around the world instead of focusing on Argentina and Argentines.
President Milei is doing this FOR Argentina. If Elon Musk and Tesla makes a major investment in Argentina, you will see many other international companies starting to invest in Argentina. This will open the floodgates. Everyone wants Argentina's huge lithium reserves.
Musk and Milei had a great meeting for the looks of all the photos online.

It would be a big positive if Milei can get Elon Musk to invest in Argentina. Here is another article about their meeting from the Financial Times.

Elon Musk and Javier Milei share their love of free markets in first meeting​

Is anyone else amazed how bad Milei's English is?
No, his English is not any worse than that of his predecessors, except maybe Macri.

He comes across as embarrassing sometimes. He comes across as a starstruck Musk fan boy.
Why? Because he's not afraid to show his true feelings? I prefer a president who behaves like an ordinary person rather than one who acts like a typical politician. So what if he admires Musk and wants to express his support for Musk's positive impact on the world, as he sees it?

Unlike Musk, Milei isn't accustomed to mingling with the super elite. It's refreshing to witness an inexperienced president revealing his genuine personality. I hope he maintains his spontaneity and openness.
I just don’t want to see him embarrass Argentina.
The drunken Junta general that declared war to the UK embarrassed Argentina. The thieves who have been destroying the country in the past 40 years embarrassed Argentina. Milei? He has the best international press any Argentine president has had in, oh, I don't know, maybe in history.
No, his English is not any worse than that of his predecessors, except maybe Macri.

Why? Because he's not afraid to show his true feelings? I prefer a president who behaves like an ordinary person rather than one who acts like a typical politician. So what if he admires Musk and wants to express his support for Musk's positive impact on the world, as he sees it?

Unlike Musk, Milei isn't accustomed to mingling with the super elite. It's refreshing to witness an inexperienced president revealing his genuine personality. I hope he maintains his spontaneity and openness.
You will find that many Argentines don't speak English well just like many Americans don't speak Spanish well. It has no bearing if someone is intelligent or not. Milei comes across to me as a tell it like it is kind of man. That seems to me in large part why people elected him. No BS, no games. Just the straight honest truth even if it hurts. He comes across to me like an uncle that I have that might be a little goofy but always tells me things like it is, even if I don't want to hear it. His expressions seem genuine and honest.

What I like is he laid out a gameplan and seems to be following it and better yet people are being patient and giving him a chance. The ones that didn't support him still aren't but if the economy turns they will be forced to admit they were wrong.