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Politics Javier Milei will meet with Mark Zuckerberg to propose Argentina as a pole of technological innovation - Infobae

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Javier Milei will meet with Mark Zuckerberg to propose Argentina as a pole of technological innovation - Infobae​



The President and CEO of Meta will hold a meeting in San Francisco to discuss the country's possibilities as a destination for investments linked to artificial intelligence, in a context of legal limitations in Europe and the geopolitical confrontation between the United States and China

May 30, 2024

By Romanian Lejtman


Javier Milei y Mark Zuckerberg

(From Washington, United States) Around tea time in California, Javier Milei will meet with Mark Zuckerberg to offer Argentina as a pole of technological innovation, in a world scenario that already poses limitations to investment linked to artificial intelligence .

The President surprised with his ideological speech and his economic outlook on Silicon Valley, and opened a scenario of possible investments that could reach Argentina to avoid the regulations already approved in Europe and currently being studied in the United States.

China is the third possibility that tech investors have, but in California they assume that being under the orbit of Xi Jinping would not be a strategic decision in the midst of a global struggle with the White House. In this context, Argentina would offer a business opportunity based on freedom of trade, territorial space and certain stability in the supply chain.

Milei's disruptive position is an argument in its favor when setting its proposal to investors looking for new scenarios for their technological developments. Last night, in San Francisco, the president made a speech where he explained his view on the war in the Middle East and recalled his early days on television.

“I was lonelier than Adam on Mother's Day,” Milei said to an audience that responded with laughter. Thirty businessmen who invest in Artificial Intelligence were listening to it.

Presentation by Javier Milei to businessmen who invest in Artificial Intelligence. "I was lonelier than Adam on Mother's Day," he told them when he recalled his first appearances on TV.
Before the meeting with Zuckerberg, the head of state will meet with Start Ups working on Artificial Intelligence and then will give a presentation at the Pacific Summit , organized by the Bay Area Council. In all cases, as happened in the agenda that she crowned yesterday , Milei will insist on her proposal to transform the country into a technological pole.

During his open class at Stanford University , the president yesterday insisted on his criticism of the role of the State and praised the management of Luis Caputo in the Treasury Palace.

“The problem is when the State is present . So he goes, taxes everyone and makes a bridge. Then there are a lot of people who live off the State, so they make the Ministry of the Bridge and start looking for where to do more. "So they create the Ministry of Water to provide water and build a bridge," Milei said to the students who arrived invited by Stanford's Hoover Institute.

Javier Milei during his dissertation at Stanford University

After his lecture at Stanford, the president met with Sundar Pichai , CEO of Google . The meeting took place at Google's headquarters in Mountain Blue -California-, and Milei took the opportunity to offer to describe Argentina as a possible scenario to deploy a technological innovation hub.

Milei arrived at Google accompanied by the Minister of Economy, Luis Caputo , the ambassador to the United States, Gerardo Werthein and the head of the Council of Economic Advisors, Demian Reidel . The Argentine entrepreneur Martín Varsavsky joined the conclave .

Javier Milei and Sundar Pichai, CEO of Google, during the meeting they held in California

Next , Milei met with Timothy Cook , CEO of Apple, to advance his idea of Argentina as a hub of innovation. In this meeting , the head of state described a geopolitical context marked by the legal restrictions posed by Europe, the Chinese offensive to manipulate the use of artificial intelligence and legal doubts in the United States regarding the limits that technological investment in The 21st century.

Javier Milei with Timothy Cook, Karina Milei, Luis Caputo and Gerardo Werthein during the meeting at Apple
On the sidelines of the various meetings with tech entrepreneurs, the president met students who asked for a selfie and students who questioned his position regarding the conflict in Gaza, caused by the Hamas terrorist attack against Israel on October 7, 2023.

Milei took several selfies with Argentine students who study at Stanford

Milei's meeting with two students who defend Palestine - the part occupied by Hamas - sparked an unexpected dialogue, where the president tried to explain what fascism had been in the history of the 20th century.

The pro-Palestine militants sang: “Milei fascist, we don't want your visit . ”

In the United States, Javier Milei responded to far-left protesters
The president did not achieve his goal : the two students insisted with their slogans without listening , while the head of state chose to continue on his way to the Stanford University auditorium.

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