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Politics Javier Milei will speak before Congress to open the Legislative Assembly this Friday at 9 p.m. - Infobae


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Javier Milei will speak before Congress to open the Legislative Assembly this Friday at 9 p.m. - Infobae



February 27, 2024

This was communicated by the Executive Branch. It is an unprecedented decision since, traditionally, this event takes place at noon. The head of state will also speak from a lectern and not sitting in the presidency of the body.

Javier Milei in Congress during the inauguration ceremony (Adrián Escandar)

In an unprecedented decision, the Executive Branch announced through a decree that the opening of ordinary sessions of Congress will be this Friday at 9 p.m. In this way, Javier Milei is expected to speak before the deputies and senators to begin the legislative year at night and not at noon, as usually happens with this ceremony, scheduled for March 1. It was also learned that the head of state will address his message from a lectern instead of standing in the presidency of the House, as is tradition in this event.

The government reported the determination to organize the event in which the inaugural Assembly of the legislative year will take place, amidst versions regarding the format that President Milei will choose to carry it out. The immediate precedent dates back to his inauguration, on December 10, when the leader of Libertad Avanza complied with the formality of speaking before the legislators very briefly, and then moving to the steps of the historic palace of the Legislative Power and from there address the followers who came to accompany him, turning his back on Congress .

The opening of ordinary sessions opens the legislative year, and it is traditionally customary for the President of the Nation to take stock of the policies carried out by the Executive Branch and provide projections for the year that begins. Usually, the head of state sits in the presidency of the House and goes to the chamber, where the members of the body make up their audience.

The institutional act, however, this year comes in the midst of an open and virulent confrontation between the head of the national administration and the members of the political forces that make up the chambers of deputies and senators. Far from hiding her displeasure with those who are part of the blocks, Milei has dedicated strong labels to them in public statements and in expressions expressed through social networks. In effect, the president described Congress as “ a rat's nest ,” and said that traditional politicians could not walk down the street because if the citizens recognized them “ it would dismember them .”

Chamber of Deputies premises (REUTERS/Agustin Marcarian)

The activity of Congress will also resume after the period of extraordinary sessions, in which this dispute deepened. The government made progress in the presentation of the so-called Omnibus Law, which generated a wide debate during the month of January and ended up becoming a setback due to the resistance it encountered from the different blocs to approve its content, which was generally endorsed. but he was frustrated by the differences in the articles.

President Javier Milei decided to withdraw the initiative and denounce by name and surname those who had presented objections, exposing them through their social networks. That is the framework in which Milei will return to Congress.

At the moment, the format that the president will choose is not officially defined, although the time indicated is already atypical, given that his immediate predecessors attended the ceremony at noon.

“Milei opened a new front of conflict in Congress. She told them several things recently and chose them as enemies. And whenever she can she will prove it. As they are the caste that did not approve the law and already said that they were not going to send more projects, they are thinking about having a speech outside the building again, again with their backs to the legislators,” a source from the Casa Rosada explained weeks ago.

Additionally, the opening of the 2024 ordinary sessions comes after the escalation in recent days between President Milei and the provincial governors over the distribution of co-participation funds. Particularly, the conflict was triggered by the case of the province of Chubut, where Governor Ignacio Torres opened a public front for the reduction of 13 billion pesos. The national government assures that it is a debt that the Chubut government maintains with the treasury. However, the province alleges that the measure was untimely and without consultation, amid cross accusations.

That will be the context in which the president arrives at one of the republican institutions with federal representation.
