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Politics Javier Milei's image rose in March despite the impact of the adjustment, according to a survey - Infobae

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Javier Milei's image rose in March despite the impact of the adjustment, according to a survey - Infobae​



March 18, 2024

An opinion poll detected a slight growth in the president's figure. What attributes stand out to you? What role do people consider the opposition should adopt?

The president of Argentina, Javier Milei

A survey carried out in the first days of March detected a slight rebound in the positive image of Javier Milei, after turbulent first months in terms of adjustment, drop in activity, deepening of the crisis and political confrontation.

In the last few hours , Opina Argentina published a survey carried out on 1,423 online cases between March 2 and 4, in which it concluded that “the presidential image increases slightly” in the current month (52% positive). This is a growth of two percentage points, although the survey clarifies that “the margin of error is +- 2.6%” .

The positive evaluation of the libertarian leader “is significantly higher among men (65%) than among women (49%).” Of this universe of people, 70% are between 16 and 29 years old. Most middle class.

Among the attributes that stand out about Milei, respondents indicated: governance capacity, credibility and honesty.


The same study analyzed the image of the main actors in national politics. Vice President Victoria Villarruel recorded a 1% increase in her positive image, but a 2% increase in her negative image, leaving a balance between 50% positive image versus 49% negative image. Situation similar to that of the Minister of Security, Patricia Bullrich , who has 50% positive and 50% negative.

The person responsible for economic policy, Minister Luis Caputo , is one of the leaders of La Libertad Avanza and has the worst image . His negative opinion grew 3 points this month, reaching almost 60%, compared to the positive one, which is around 37 percent.

However, the ruling party is “better evaluated than the Peronist leaders,” the survey indicates. The Buenos Aires governor Axel Kicillof has a 60% negative image (he rose two points) compared to a positive one of 38%.

Similar numbers to those of Juan Grabois . The social leader, former candidate for president of Unión por la Patria, is 60 percent negative, while his positive is at 35%.

The governor of Córdoba, Martín Llaryora , who had high exposure and prominence in the dispute between the National Government and the provinces, was also evaluated . It has almost 50% negative image, compared to a very slight positive image of around 19%.


The survey also measured Cristina Kirchner and Mauricio Macri. The numbers of both give support to the distance they maintain from public exposure, despite the fact that they continue to operate from the shadows. 63% negative image and 36% positive for the two former leaders.

What attitude should the opposition take towards the new government of Javier Milei?​

This was one of the questions in the Opina Argentina survey. 58% responded that “they should collaborate and allow them to apply their economic program . ” This number includes almost all of Patricia Bullrich's voters. On the other hand, 39% demand that the opposition “try to block” the La Libertad Avanza plan: 87% are people who voted for Unión por la Patria.

Faced with the current political scenario, only 37% consider that Milei should impose its ideas and government agenda. However, this position represents a growth of 5 points compared to last month. The majority (58%) thought that she should negotiate and “seek agreements” with the opposition.


Credibility and governance capacity​

Although the majority highlighted Milei's positive attributes as his credibility, “honesty,” and ability to govern the country, 42% thought that the president is not qualified for his position; 41% directly “do not believe him when he speaks” and in the same vein, 38% deny that he is honest.

The survey was carried out the day after the opening of sessions. The president's speech was also the subject of analysis. The libertarian voter approved it unanimously .

Where the head of state's words had the best impact was on the middle class (63% approval). At the country level, the region that received the message most favorably was Cuyo and NOA (71%); while Patagonia recorded the worst evaluation (41%).

xel Kicillof, one of the Peronist leaders with the worst image (Aglaplata)


Showing the numbers that the last survey showed, the document concluded that “despite the adjustment, Milei remains in public opinion . ” After highlighting his slight growth in his positive image, having a majority of support among men and among the middle class, it was stated that the president "seems to have gained loyalty from the PRO's electoral base."

In contrast, the positive image of the leaders of Peronism revolves around 35%.