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Real Estate Sales Juan Carlos de Pablo: the economist advised how those who take out a loan to buy a house should get into debt - La Nacion Propiedades


Juan Carlos de Pablo: the economist advised how those who take out a loan to buy a house should get into debt - La Nacion Propiedades


June 06, 2024

The representative participated in a real estate event in which he delved into mortgage loans and his vision of the Argentine economy

Maria Josefina Lanzi


Juan Carlos de Pablo advised those who dream of getting a loan to buy a houseFabian Marelli

The economist Juan Carlos de Pablo, one of the references most listened to by businessmen, recognized that the real estate market will be energized with the mortgage loan announcements launched by 15 banks in recent weeks.

I recommend taking loans with a term of 10 years ,” said de Pablo, within the framework of a real estate event that brings together market players, organized by Predial Propiedades, the company in the sector that, in addition to real estate, is a developer. “If you look at the formula of the famous French system, the reduction in the fee when you go from canceling in 10 years to 20 years is very small, it is not worth it, so you should cancel it in 10 years ,” explained the reference.

Another of his tips for those planning to take out a loan was to enter with a fee that does not exceed 25% of the applicant's income. “I heard someone suggest borrowing money from a family member, but anything can happen to you in the next 10 years. At the start you have to have a quarter of the income committed, because otherwise a cold appears and everything goes anywhere,” she emphasized.


Juan Carlos de Pablo spoke about the Argentine economy at a real estate eventGerardo Viercovich - LA NACION

In addition, the specialist assured that the announcements of new lines of loans will help to boost the property market: “It is an issue of demand: people who need goods and can acquire them with loans, are going to buy what is available. But some are going to think: 'If this continues, I can start replenishing.'”

A diagnosis of the current economy

De Pablo also took the opportunity to make a diagnosis of the current economy. In that sense, he referred to inflation rates and how they have been falling in recent months. Furthermore, he alluded to the importance of the Argentine experience: “More important than the inflation rate is the Argentine experience that we do not have to slack off when things go wrong . If Milei says 'there is no money' it is because it is like that."

He also assured that the level of activity has been decreasing, although he stated that "the reality is heterogeneous, since it varies within each sector or product , there are people who are doing well and others who are not."


Juan Carlos de Pablo is recognized for being a friend of President Javier MileiTomás Cuesta - LA NACIÓN

He also mentioned that the value of exports is increasing and that of imports continues to decrease. He alluded to the importance of taking politics into account to understand the country: “Argentina is a very politicized country, so if you don't understand politics, you don't understand anything.” Furthermore, he pointed out: “Argentina is a presidential regime, so the president will be there until his term ends in 2027.

The economist also pointed out that we are in a moment where everything is very variable: “ Everything is very dynamic, this is absolutely fluid. They ask me how I see October, but I don't know what will happen next week.”

Finally, he pointed out what to look out for: “ I pay particular attention to decisions , not words; In practice, this is the laws, decrees, resolutions and communications of the Central Bank, the rest does not matter to me .

Regarding Milei, he assured that “he is not crazy, the man is like that, transparent , absolutely determined by what he does and aware of his limitations (he has no governors, he has few senators and deputies) and he is clinging to the fiscal balance as one clings. of the mast of the yacht that is in the middle of the storm, because that is what it has.”


Juan Carlos de Pablo expressed some concerns he has regarding the current economyRicardo Access

The economist also alluded to some issues that concern him: “ The issue of the peso-dollar relationship worries me, also the replacement of public investment with private investment is very nice , but we have to see how it works.”

Regarding Milei's proposal for dollarization, he referred to the fact that “dollarization, in the sense of forcing the elimination of the peso, never had any priority .”

Maria Josefina Lanzi
