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Politics Justice investigates another mega-case against the picketers: there are more than 1,000 complaints about different marches - Infobae

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Justice investigates another mega-case against the picketers: there are more than 1,000 complaints about different marches - Infobae​



May 16, 2024

The file also began with calls to line 134. Judge Ariel Lijo ordered various reports and testimonial statements. Patricia Bullrich said that 10 thousand cases were prosecuted

By Nicolas Pizzi

Edward Belliboni, Emily Persic, Daniel Menendez and Juan Carlos Alderete

The judicial case being carried out by federal judge Sebastián Casanello and which has the main picketing groups in suspense was activated this week with a series of raids, but it is not the only one being processed in the Comodoro Py courts. His colleague Ariel Lijo is in charge of another mega case for the same crimes. In this file, as Infobae learned from judicial sources, there are more than 1,000 complaints filed through the call center on line 134.

The case being processed in the Lijo court - one of the two candidates proposed by the Government to join the Supreme Court - includes complaints about at least nine marches organized by social groups since the inauguration of Javier Milei . One of the protests was on December 22 of last year, when several organizations mobilized in rejection of the decree of necessity and urgency that deregulated the economy. That day the Union of Workers of the Popular Economy (UTEP), the FENAT, the Autonomous CTA, the Libres del Sur organization, the Front of Organizations in Struggle (FOL), among other organizations, marched.

The file also includes complaints about the mobilization of January 24 , on the occasion of the first general strike called by the General Confederation of Labor (CGT) and the Argentine Workers' Central (CTA) . The march that day was massive, although compliance with the strike was uneven in several areas. Along with the unions, the social groups that make up the Union of Popular Economy Workers (UTEP), the Piquetera Unit, left-wing organizations such as the MST, the FIT Unidad, and the Combative Union Plenary were mobilized.

The Polo Obrero is one of the most complicated organizations

According to judicial sources consulted by this medium, the complaints also point to alleged crimes committed on the occasion of the marches on March 8 , for Women's Day , and the mobilization on March 24. “ Among other things, threats to the beneficiaries of the plans for not going to the marches are being investigated ,” said one of the researchers.

The file is voluminous due to the volume of complaints. “ We have more than a thousand complaint forms entered through 134, we are analyzing each case and determining who were the ones making the threats ,” noted the same source. Although the case has just begun, Judge Lijo has already ordered accounting reports and several testimonial statements.

The judicial complaints against the picketing groups came to light this Monday, when Infobae revealed the raids ordered by Judge Casanello within the framework of the complaint promoted by prosecutor Gerardo Pollicita. In total there were 28 procedures at the headquarters of social organizations and cafeterias of the Polo Obrero, Barrios de Pie and Frente de Organizaciones en Lucha (FOL) , the three organizations that are being investigated.

Bullrich said that 10 thousand complaints were prosecuted (REUTERS)

Cell phones, computers and a lot of cash were seized in the raids. A notebook was also found that could be key because it has handwritten inscriptions with lists of presences at demonstrations and delivery of merchandise to canteens.

Casanello also ordered the general freezing of assets of all the accused in the case : Jeremiah Cantero, the second of Belliboni in the PO, Elizabeth Del Carmen Palma, Gianna Puppo, Maria Isolda Dotti, Ivan Ezekiel Candotti, Gustavo William Vasquez, Carlos Fernandez Kostiuk , Gloria Paraguay Estrada, Dina Patricia Iramain, Breeze Noelia Paucara Shock, Ronald Vargas Rocabado, Elizabeth Galindo Mamani, Cinthya Thin Vilches, Lesli Salirrosas Castillo, Damariz Erika Villafuerte, Blanca Beatriz Chuquimia Tarquino, Gloria Jaramillo Morales, Lucca Philippe Quispe Rashuaman, Yoao Ariel Leticia Maribel Duarte Rosemary, Ada Mabel Vera Peralta, Nilsa Elena Torres, Rossmery Grande Arancibia and Nery Acha Daza.

This file began last December, with complaints from all over the country. However, prosecutor Pollicita focused on the 45 that took place in the Federal Capital . And he managed to locate several of the complainants, something that usually complicates this type of investigation. The rest of the complaints were sent to federal courts in the interior of the country.

The two cases, that of Lijo and that of Casanello, arose with the complaints received at the call center on line 134.

The Minister of Security Patricia Bullrich revealed yesterday, in statements to radio Miter, that there were 150 thousand complaints because "people lost their fear." Of that amount, about 10 thousand complaints were prosecuted. “ People are losing their fear because they realize that they are being doubly victimized. We never give the data of the people who report or those of the people involved until the Justice Department gives them,” Bullrich stressed.

In that same interview, the minister highlighted the joint work with the Ministry of Human Capital, led by Sandra Pettovello, who had the task of checking whether the names and data provided by the complainants were true. The judicial complaints were finally led by Bullrich, who later asked to be a plaintiff . However, Casanello decided last night to reject that presentation. “The central thing to take into account to be admitted in that capacity in a criminal proceeding is the quality of a 'particularly offended' person; which is typical of someone who, in a singular, individual, special and direct way, presents himself due to the damage or danger that the crime entails,” was one of the formal arguments.