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Politics Kicillof dismissed a complaint against Milei for calling for tax rebellion, but gives way to other presentations - Infobae

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Kicillof dismissed a complaint against Milei for calling for tax rebellion, but gives way to other presentations - Infobae​



March 19, 2024

The Buenos Aires government will not advance in court against the President for endorsing the non-payment of taxes proposed by Congressman Espert. However, he opens the range for others to do so.

By Making Cottet


The governor of Buenos Aires, Axel Kicillof, along with part of his Cabinet

The Buenos Aires governor, Axel Kicillof , was emphatic in the press conference he led this Monday in La Plata to announce the increase in salaries for teachers and the entire state staff and where he took the opportunity to respond to President Javier Milei ; who during the weekend confirmed in different interviews that citizens should not pay Buenos Aires taxes because “they have no counterpart in public goods.” He discursively crossed the President, but he will avoid the judicial route despite - in his words - “non-compliance with the Law”, incurred by the head of State.

“I have information that there are also complaints that are being carried out - against Milei and the national deputy José Luis Espert - not by the Government; It is being analyzed whether this is so. We will see how this develops ,” Kicillof said this Monday.

The concrete thing is that unlike what happened with the judicial claim that the Buenos Aires State initiated in the Supreme Court demanding that the Nation restore the Fiscal Strengthening Fund (FOFOI), this time the strategy will not follow the same course.
Sources close to the governor slipped: “Our response was with this Monday's announcement where we improved the salaries of teachers and all state employees, that is what tax money is used for.” They also warn that filing a criminal complaint against the president may not advance.

However, they did give free rein for third parties to run with the presentations they wish. In this framework, the provincial deputy of Unión por la Patria, Gustavo Pulti , made a presentation through the Legislature, for the call for tax rebellion proposed by the national deputy, José Luis Espert and supported by Milei.

“Repudiation, criminal complaint and request for impeachment. That is what we presented in the Legislature due to Deputy Espert's exhortation to tax rebellion. Democracy is built by complying with the law,” said the Buenos Aires legislator and former mayor of Mar del Plata.

In the text presented in the Lower House, it warns that the national deputy, recently joined the ranks of La Libertad Avanza, maintains: “It is worth noting that historical experience shows that uprisings against the system of democratic coexistence such as the one proposed by the legislator Espert, by demanding that the taxpayers of the Province of Buenos Aires proceed to carry out 'a fiscal rebellion' that drowns the provincial coffers and thus paralyzes the functioning of essential services and activities , is a serious attack against the constitutional system and democratic that violates the express provision contained in et art. 36 of the National Constitution and art. 230 inc 2 of the Penal Code.” It establishes that those who publicly rise up to prevent the execution of national or provincial laws or the resolutions of national or provincial public officials, when the act does not constitute a more severely punished crime, will be punished with imprisonment of one to four years. by this code.”

The UP deputy and former mayor of Mar del Plata, Gustavo Pulti

In dialogue with Infobae , Pulti clarified that the complaint “is extendable to Milei ,” and that “both are committing a crime . ” He also assured that the mode of presentation - which is a three-point text, plus the fundamentals - is to give it "an institutional character because we must put a dam against anti-democratic overflows."

“It has to be the Legislature that issues it; It is not about crossing personal complaints,” she added. He also recalled that the Buenos Aires Tax Law was voted with the support of opposition blocks “even with a sector of libertarians.”

With three articles, the initiative of the Mar del Plata legislator - which is already at the entrance table of the provincial lower house - repudiates Espert's proposal, informs the Criminal Justice of the facts "in order to promote the pertinent criminal action against the national deputy José Luis Espert” and sends a copy for the purpose of promoting the pertinent criminal action against the libertarian national deputy. He hopes that the text will be discussed soon in the Buenos Aires Legislature.

President Javier Milei and national deputy José Luis Espert

Lawyer Valeria Carreras also made a judicial presentation . There, the lawyer argues that Espert's statements fall "prima facie" within article 209 of the Penal Code, which explains that "anyone who publicly instigates the commission of a specific crime against a person or institution will be repressed, for the sole instigation, with prison of two to six years, depending on the seriousness of the crime and the other circumstances established in article 41."

This Sunday in an interview with LN+ , Milei said that the tax regulation of the province of Buenos Aires “is expropriatory, it has no counterpart in public goods,” and that “ Kicillof gives nothing ; In terms of security, the province is a bloodbath; In education, student achievement is truly very poor; In health, we already saw the scam of the State present during the pandemic, in which, if we had done things like a mediocre country we would have had 30 thousand deaths, and we had 130 thousand.