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Politics Kicillof obtained strong political support in the dispute with the Nation over the withdrawal of funds - Infobae


Kicillof obtained strong political support in the dispute with the Nation over the withdrawal of funds - Infobae



February 26, 2024

Accompanied by Peronist mayors and Kirchnerism leaders, community leaders from the UCR joined in, although they asked the governor to “extremely take austerity measures.”

By Making Cottet

Axel Kicillof and Verónica Magario this afternoon at the Government House to give a press conference (Photos: Aglaplata)

On Monday afternoon, the Buenos Aires government was a parade of mayors, officials and deputies, national and provincial senators from Unión por la Patria who quickly filled the Golden Hall to hear the announcement of the Buenos Aires governor, Axel Kicillof , who confirmed that the province that manages will appeal to the Supreme Court for the elimination of the Fiscal Strengthening Fund (FOFOFI); a measure that was made official this Monday by the government of Javier Milei through the Official Gazette. In the midst of the dispute over resources, Kicillof obtained a powerful political photo that had at its highest points the participation of the national deputy and head of the Buenos Aires PJ, Máximo Kirchner ; after what had been the PJ meeting last Saturday in Cañuelas, where the absence of the provincial leader was a matter of debate.

The emergency seems to have left nuances aside. Kicillof sat next to the vice governor, Verónica Magario, on the stage of the Golden Hall, in a performance that also included union leaders such as teacher Roberto Baradel ; the truck driver Pablo Moyano , the State worker Hugo “Cachorro” Godoy or the metallurgist Abel Furlán, among others. The social leaders, Juan Grabois (Patria Grande), Emilio Pérsico (Movimiento Evita) and Daniel Menéndez (Barrios de Pie) also arrived in La Plata. All to support Kicillof's initiative.

The entire internal discussion was postponed. We don't know where all this is going to end and it is time to show unity plus differences, we all understand that," said the mayor of a large district in the Third electoral section as he left the Government House.

Máximo Kirchner and "Wado" De Pedro at the Kicillof event

Prior to the event, Kicillof held a brief and informal meeting with some mayors to whom he sent a report on the impact of Milei's decision to cancel the Fiscal Strengthening Fund. Before the conference in which he stated that the President “steals resources from the provinces,” the Buenos Aires PJ issued a statement in which he expressed “our solidarity with the governor of the province of Buenos Aires, Axel Kicillof, with the inhabitants of all the provinces of our country and with the rest of the governors of our country who suffer pressure from the national government for not aligning themselves with Argentina's model of destruction."

“Extortion, using the citizens of the province of Buenos Aires as hostages, is not the path that society chose in 2023. The popular will wanted Javier Milei to govern Argentina with the necessary counterweights in both the Chamber of Deputies and Senators. as in the different governorates of Argentina, according to a democratic, representative, republican and federal system that governs our country. The governors are not delegates of the National Executive Branch nor were they elected to follow its orders. They were elected to defend the interests of the inhabitants of their provinces,” adds part of the document promoted by the space led by Máximo Kirchner.

The mayors and provincial and national legislators who are within Unión por la Patria and join the Renewal Front of Sergio Massa also participated in the Kicillof act . The presence of this sector also comes to quell a mini-rebellion that took place in the renewal space last week when the ten provincial deputies decided not to go to session, arguing that they had no response to a request for a hearing requested from Kicillof. Those around Kicillof maintained that this request never existed. Anyway, this Monday the Renovador Front also gave its share of support.

Even after the governor's announcement, the mayors and senators of the Radical Civic Union also came out to speak out on the issue . In the centenary party they expressed their concern about the central government's decision to do so in an "unconsultated and untimely" manner.

The Buenos Aires senators of the UCR

The UCR Mayors' Forum was categorical. “ We do not support the removal of the Fiscal Strengthening Fund that the government of Javier Milei carried out for the province of Buenos Aires and we urge Axel Kicillof to claim the funds that the province should receive in terms of co-participation.”

“The President is wrong if he believes that this measure helps the residents of our province. His actions harm all Buenos Aires residents, who will have fewer resources to finance the security system and, therefore, it is the governor's responsibility to claim what corresponds to us in terms of co-participation," they added.

They also ask Kicillof to “arbitrate a State policy where Buenos Aires residents stop being discriminated against in the distribution of funds . ” They also maintain that the governor must take austerity measures.

Along the same lines, the block of provincial senators UCR-Cambio Federal also expressed itself on the issue and placed a condition when stating that it accompanies Kicillof, if the governor decides to “end the IOMA crisis, guarantee a quality school year.” ", end insecurity and accompany the people of Buenos Aires who are going through a difficult economic situation."

For its part, the La Libertad Avanza senatorial bloc issued a statement in which it assured that said fund was implemented “to alleviate the deficit of provincial management at the expense of another district.” Sergio Vargas, Carlos Kikuchi and Silvana Ventura are the ones who sign the document that they shared on social networks.

Statement from LLA senators after the withdrawal of the Fiscal Strengthening Fund in the province of Buenos Aires