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Real Estate News Kirchnerism and JxC agreed in the Senate and a law to regulate short-term rentals is advancing - Infobae


Kirchnerism and JxC agreed in the Senate and a law to regulate short-term rentals is advancing - Infobae



August 31, 2023

Two projects were agreed on, one from the ruling party and the other from Together for Change. Properties can be rented for a maximum of 90 days and establishes the peso as the currency of payment to rent homes for tourism purposes. In addition, the creation of a national registry and the rules for platforms.​


The regulation of online platforms for temporary rentals is one of the key points of the proposals

In the midst of the debate on the modifications to the rental law , Kirchnerism decided to move forward with regard to the creation of its own legislation for the temporary rental business . A week ago, a project from La Cámpora deputy Paula Penacca entered the Lower House and today the National Senate will debate another project from the Frente de Todos, from Senator Ana María Ianni, who is on the same side.​

But the most striking thing about today is that, in the midst of the discussions between the ruling party and the opposition, there was an agreement . A second project was also presented, authored by radical senator Mariana Juri , from Juntos por el Cambio for Mendoza, which also seeks to regularize the market for temporary rental contracts for tourism purposes. Faced with this, the blocks worked together and achieved a single project that was accompanied by the ruling party and the opposition.​

The debate was held in a plenary session of the Senate's General Legislation and Tourism commissions with the intention of advancing a law that seeks to regulate temporary housing rental contracts for tourist use.​


Plenary Meeting of the General Legislation and Budget and Treasury Committees of the National Senate (Luciano Ingaramo/ Communication Senate)

The initiative, now from the ruling party and the opposition, proposes regulating and de-dollarizing platforms such as Airbnb, which are outside the State's regulatory framework , and even postulates sanctions for non-compliance.​

The project, which is very similar to the one recently presented by the also Kirchnerist Penacca, stipulates the regulation of the temporary rental contract for tourism purposes. "We are not seeking to prohibit, but to regulate something that today is informal and that, furthermore, there is no unfair competition between temporary rental, traditional rental and traditional tourist services," said the Kirchner senator.​

According to the text of the project, for the location of a property to be considered for temporary rental, it must be rented between 1 and 90 days.​

The initiative reaches " owners or administrators who have the corresponding power or authorization to market real estate on a temporary basis, guests and any person who markets, advertises or offers through any means temporary rental homes for tourist use."​


Likewise, the creation of the National Registry of Temporary Tourist Rental Housing is proposed, within the scope of the Ministry of Tourism.​

In addition, it establishes that “ digital platforms that offer, broker, or enter into temporary rental contracts for tourism purposes must enable a field on the digital platform for the owner to report the registration number before the registry of each unit; and proceed with the removal, withdrawal or suspension of any publication that does not have the registration number in the registry, prior reliable notification to the owner or manager of the rental unit”.​

The joint project proposes rights and guarantees for temporary rentals ranging from what has to do with tourist consumption but also a quick resolution​

It is intended to incorporate into the Civil and Commercial Code the temporary rental contract that does not exist today. Limit the time that cannot be done for more than 90 days . The norm also establishes that the offer of rentals must be in pesos.​

“It is not about prohibiting, we have reached a balance of being able to guarantee all parties. It is similar to what we did in Mendoza with temporary car rentals,” said the Mendoza senator.​

The initiative was signed by all the legislators that make up the General Legislation and Tourism Commission and is now ready to be debated in the chamber.​
