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Politics Kirchnerism did not achieve a quorum to discuss university financing and retirement mobility - Infobae

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Kirchnerism did not achieve a quorum to discuss university financing and retirement mobility - Infobae​



April 24, 2024

Radicalism added 14 deputies, but it was not enough to start the debate promoted by the UxP bloc: they were 5 legislators away from opening the session. Harsh complaint against Martín Menem - head of the Lower House - for not giving 15 more minutes to see if the necessary number was reached to open the parliamentary discussion

By David Cayon

The Union for the Homeland bloc waits in the sector it occupies in the Lower House, but the quorum will not be reached

The Union for the Homeland bloc in the Chamber of Deputies failed to reach a quorum to be able to hold a special session , in which it sought to discuss projects that establish the financing of national universities , put the National Incentive Fund back into effect. Teacher (FONID) and modify retirement mobility.

Prior to the session, the UCR had a block meeting. “Half want to go down and half don't,” acknowledged a radical source. Finally, legislators from various blocks (the left, provincial and We Make the Federal Coalition) were present in the room, but it was not enough and they reached 124 legislators, only 5 of the quorum.

Legislator Paula Penacca asked for 15 minutes of tolerance , but the president of the Chamber of Deputies, Martín Menem, said that “he had been tasked” with enforcing the regulations and denied him an extension of the deadline.

The same request was made by deputies Nicolás del Caño of the Left Front, but Menem maintained his position.

Something similar happened with the deputies of We Make the Federal Coalition . For their part, the “lilitos” anticipated that they did not have a quorum, but deputy Maximiliano Ferraro was present although he arrived late , once the session had ended; The rest of the legislators debated whether or not to go down to the premises. Finally, a good part of the block was also absent .

For radicalism, Melina Giorgi, Danya Tavela, Mariela Coletta were present; Natalia Sarapura, Jorge Rizzotti; Facundo Manes; Carla Carrizo; Manuel Aguirre; Fabio Quetglas; Pablo Juliano; Marcela Coli; Pedro Galimberti; Marcela Antola; Fernando Carbajal

In this scenario, the group that responds to Manes contributed 8 deputies, Evolución 6, one that responds to the head of the Buenos Aires UCR. All linked to the university and scientific world.

They were joined by two Santa Cruz residents , Sergio Acevedo and José Luis Garrido, from the Por Santa Cruz block. On the HCF side , the socialists Mónica Fein and Esteban Paulón and the Córdoban Natalia De la Sota and Juan Brugge came down.

This group was joined by the five legislators from the Left Front bloc Nicolás del Caño, Myriam Bregman, Christian Castillo, Romina del Pla and Nicolás Vilca.

Those who waited behind the curtains were the legislators of the PRO and La Libertad Avanza. Both blocks had already anticipated that they were not going to participate.

The agenda planned for today included 37 projects that propose different versions of financing for the Higher Houses of Studies and the way to calculate the mobility of retirements. Without a quorum, a session was enabled for minority expressions.

Martínez's strategy was to bring the projects to the premises and force the ruling party to deal with them in committee. Since none of them have an office, the only way he could advance in the House is if he gets two-thirds of the votes, something unlikely. That is why he seeks to summon the commissions with a date and time to debate them. Especially the Budget and Finance Commission, headed by the libertarian José Luis Espert, and which, obviously, does not show much interest in adding it to the agenda.

In total, the agenda included 7 projects to guarantee funds for universities, ranging from the increase of funds, the modification of tax credit bonds and guarantee of resources for national universities of the Knowledge Law, to special rates for gas and electricity and the declaration of the budgetary emergency of the university system; and one for the social work of the employees of the national High Houses of Studies.

Also another 7 that aim to reestablish the validity of the National Teacher Incentive Fund from January 1 of this year and for up to four years; something that the national government decided to actually repeal, since it took away all funding.

Finally, 13 bills to modify article 32 regarding the formula for calculating the mobility of retirements and pensions. In that sense, today it was published in the Official Gazette that the minimum will have a contribution of a bonus of $70,000, the same figure with which retirements are adjusted from December 2023. From that date until March, an inflation of 90 percent accumulates. hundred.