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Politics Kirchnerism presented another bill to compensate for the cuts in the Milei adjustment - Infobae


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Kirchnerism presented another bill to compensate for the cuts in the Milei adjustment - Infobae



February 19, 2024

The initiative is part of the strategy to bring proposals to Congress that reverse the Government's measures. The last one aims to create a soybean fund to finance works in the provinces

By David Cayon

Treatment in particular law of bases (Gustavo Gavotti)

Kirchnerism began to move forward with what it proposes will be part of the parliamentary strategy for 2024 starting on March 1 when the ordinary sessions open. The intention is not to go out and fight head on with La Libertad Avanza in the field of cuts proposed by President Javier Milei , but rather to have a position that seeks to recompose those adjustments.
“The idea is to have a proactive view regarding the discussion. If they cut back and remove us, we will go in search of laws that recompose that situation ,” a representative of the Unión por la Patria bloc explains to Infobae .

The strategy is in line with what the former vice president of the Nation, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner , believes , who repeats to all the legislators who make a pilgrimage to the Instituto Patria that the fight “has to take place in Congress.” The intention of whoever commands the Institute today is to try to stop the DNU in the bicameral Legislative Treatment - which is also why the pressure for Martín Menem to conform to it - and, in parallel, advance in the search for parliamentary allies to get the votes necessary to approve projects.

Along these lines, deputy Máximo Kirchner presented two projects . One, which is from the end of 2023 but which they seek to relaunch, proposes the creation of the Federal Fund for National Development that is financed via “ 60% of the total collected in terms of export duties on soybeans , in all its varieties and their derivatives.”

The objective, they explain, is for the provinces and municipalities to have financing for works that contribute to the improvement of health, educational, hospital, housing or road infrastructure in urban or rural areas; in a context where the national government announced that there will be no new public works and that it will only finance those that are 80% complete.

Deputy Máximo Kirchner in the debate on the "Omnibus Law"

On the other hand, the same deputy presented another project prepared together with the Buenos Aires governor, Axel Kicillof , which seeks to support the National Teacher Incentive Fund and prevent its resources from being tied to the discretion of the governments in power.
But that's not the only one that UxP presented. The Pampas representative Ariel Rauschenberger presented one to maintain the FONID by extending the fund for a period of 5 years.

Something similar happened in the Senate of the Nation through one of the Kirchnerist swords in the Upper House. Anabel Fernández Sagasti from Mendoza presented a project along the same lines, but in which she only extends it for 24 months.

The bloc's intention is to look for allies in the midst of the dispute that the Casa Rosada has with the governors and the "drought" of funds to the provinces. “Córdoba and Santa Fe, for example, increase withholdings for their producers on the one hand and, on the other, they take away resources for schools, teachers and there is no public work, in this way they would recover something,” they explain from UxP. .

Along these lines, and taking into account the movements of the other blocks, it could obtain circumstantial support since, for example, radicalism also presented projects for the continuity of the FONID.

Cristina Kirchner is convinced that the fight with the libertarian government has to take place in Congress

“If we manage to break the dynamic of “no one wants to vote with Kirchnerism” we will be able to move forward. In any case, it will be Milei who will have to repeal the bills approved by Congress and take charge of the political cost of leaving towns and cities without works and cutting 15% of teacher salaries in some provinces," says a legislator who Last week he was at Patria discussing with CFK.

Now in Unión por la Patria they are waiting for Milei's speech to open the sessions. They understand that it will be “rough” and “strong” to advance further along this line. There are even some who want to emulate the PRO block when, on the occasion of the opening of Alberto Fernández's sessions, he left the premises when he made reference to Mauricio Macri.