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Politics Kirchnerism requested a session in the Senate to vote on the law so that no one in the State earns more than Milei - Infobae

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Kirchnerism requested a session in the Senate to vote on the law so that no one in the State earns more than Milei - Infobae​



April 22, 2024

Infobae announced it last Saturday. The date to go to the venue is May 2. It occurs after the controversial increase in diets. Energy debts and university budget also appear

By Mariano Casal

The head of the K block in the Senate, José Mayans (NA)

The Kirchnerist bloc of the Senate, led by José Mayans from Formosa , requested this Monday a special session for Thursday, May 2, with the aim of discussing a project from the opposition bench so that no one in the State earns more than the President, as he announced. Infobae last Saturday . This comes after the controversial increase in allowances a few days ago in the Upper House.

The special session also includes the budget emergency for universities during 2024 -raising investment to $5.8 billion-; the progressive increase of these items to reach 1.4% of the Gross Domestic Product until 2032; and the regulation of the price of energy acquisition by energy distributors from CAMESA SA

The bloc managed by Mayans has 33 legislators, four short of a quorum . To hold the meeting at the venue, he will need the help of the non-Kirchnerist opposition, where the PRO, the UCR, dissident Peronism and wild provincial blocs are found that are, week after week, in constant tug-of-war and negotiations with the national administration.

The Mayans initiative was presented at the beginning of this month and imposes that the President of the Nation must have a salary established at 20 minimum vital and mobile salaries. This will be the maximum that will apply to the members of the three powers of the State, extra-power bodies, decentralized bodies of the National Public Administration, and State companies and companies. As the minimum today is 202,800 pesos , the first president's would be 4,056,000 pesos.

The senators increased their allowances in the middle of the session, by show of hands and without debate

Regarding higher and hierarchical authorities such as ministers, secretaries, undersecretaries and equivalent positions of the National Executive Branch, officials and hierarchical positions of all jurisdictions and entities included in sections a), b), c), and d) of article 8 of Law 24,156, including the National Institute of Social Services for Retirees and Pensioners (INSSJP), the Central Bank of the Argentine Republic , the Federal Administration of Public Revenues , the magistrates and officials of the Judicial Branch of the Nation , the Public Ministry of the Defense , the Public Prosecutor's Office and the Legislative Branch , their remunerations may not exceed 15 Minimum, Living and Mobile Salaries, for all concepts .

On the other hand, starting with Secretaries of State, the figure drops to 10 salaries , while for Executive Directors of State Companies and Companies - YPF for example - it will be nine minimum salaries . If the project obtains the approval of the Senate and the sanction of Deputies - today, far away -, it will not only imply that the President has his salary fixed, but it will also have an impact on the Supreme Court of Justice : magistrates of the highest court would begin to receive little more of $3 million , since the scale would leave 15 Minimum Living and Mobile Salaries.

What happened last Thursday at the venue​

The senators raised the allowance to more than $7 million gross for May, or close to $4.5 million in hand starting next June, in a controversial vote without debate and by show of hands, which was enabled in less than a minute and with doubts due to the number of legislators who later came out to clarify, desperate, to reaffirm their rejection. The most curious thing about all this is that, if the Government had not forced to deactivate the increase granted by Victoria Villarruel and Martín Menem at the end of last February, the amount to be collected would be half, that is, $3.5 million since the middle of anus.

If we are talking about numbers, the text makes it clear that the per diems will be made up of 2,500 modules -of $1,800-, plus an additional 1,000 modules for representation expenses and 500 additional modules for uprooting. Regarding this last point, only four do not currently charge it. In addition, one more diet will be added to the current 12 to compensate for the bonus , as this media reported last Thursday.