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Politics Kirchnerist and left-wing picketers will march again and block access to the city of Buenos Aires - Infobae

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Kirchnerist and left-wing picketers will march again and block access to the city of Buenos Aires - Infobae​



March 12, 2024

The protest will be next Monday to ask for food for community kitchens, an increase in plans and the elimination of the Potenciar program. The Ministry of Security will apply the Anti-Picket Protocol

By Andres klipphan

Tomorrow there will be a new day of pickets: road, access and street cuts in Buenos Aires and the entire country

The social movements that make up the Popular Economy Workers Union (UTEP) and Left parties will carry out a “ national picket ” on Monday, March 18, through which they plan to cut off access to the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires with a “ blockade .” of five points ”, among them the Pueyrredón Bridge, which connects CABA with the Southern Zone of the Buenos Aires suburbs. They will demand food for the community soup kitchens and picnic areas. “ Hunger is the limit ,” is the main slogan. The Ministry of National Security, headed by Patricia Bullrich , will apply the Anti-Picket Protocol and will evict them if they block streets, avenues or bridges.

Among the movements they convene stand out the Workers' Pole and the Piquetry Unit, whose referent is Eduardo Belliboni ; the Darío Santillán Popular Front, led by Dina Sánchez ; the Avoid Movement, which among its main leaders features Emilio Persico , Gildo Onorato and Alejandro Gramajo , also secretary general of UTEP; Freemen of the South, headed by Silvia Saravia ; the Classist and Combative Current, led by Juan Carlos Alderete; and the Movement of Excluded Workers (MTE), referenced in Juan Grabois and Nicholas Caropresi .

“We will carry out a national day together with other social and union organizations. "We are going to deepen our fight plan in the face of the government's absolute lack of response to the food emergency and the adjustment to the popular economy," says the MTE statement.

"For months we have been experiencing food shortages, by order of Sandra Pettovello (Minister of Human Capital) in the thousands of dining rooms in popular neighborhoods throughout the country, where socio-community workers juggle to be able to support the pots that feed the millions of families that are suffering,” they add from the Excluded Workers Movement.

The Minister of Security, Patricia Bullrich, will launch the Anti-Picket Protocol. Her Human Capital peer, Sandra Pettovello, took away the handling of food from the picketers (Human Capital Ministry Press)

Belliboni, in dialogue with Infobae , denounced that since La Libertad Avanza came to power "they did not send even a kilo of noodles to the canteens for the kids, for the families who, in increasing numbers, come to the canteens because they are hungry." ”.

Pettovello announced that he had already called for bids for the purchase of food "in a transparent manner", that he broke with the "cartelization" that existed in the former Social Development portfolio, currently the Secretariat of Children, Adolescents and Family, and that the assistance is coming through the 100% increase in the value of the Alimentar Card and the Alimentar Comunidad program, a prepaid card that is granted to those responsible for the “registered” canteens and picnic areas and that demonstrate activity and that in total exceeds the eight thousand.

In this way, the minister removed the outsourcing that the social leaders did with food and that “ they distributed in a discretionary manner and without surrender as a way of extorting people. If you go to the march I will give you food, if not, no,” said a Pettovello collaborator when consulted by this medium. President Javier Milei, in the Legislative Assembly on March 1, called them “intermediaries of poverty.”

From the Grabois group they highlighted that, added to the shortage of canteens and the social adjustment carried out by the Government, “they attack and stigmatize the workers of the popular economy with the adjustment in the Empower Work, the salary that complements the work they “Millions of people discarded from the formal system were invented . ”

“They return to the story of turning plans into work: an old recipe that ignores essential and community tasks with the intention of continuing to adjust to those below,” they added.

The MTE refers to the elimination of Potenciar Trabajo, which assisted 1,200,000 people and was divided into two programs: “ Return to Work ” and “ Social Accompaniment .” In parallel, the money items were stopped being sent to 281 Management Units, which were the places where the beneficiaries of Potencia Trabajo had to carry out the 20 hours of work per week. The majority were cooperatives, civil and municipal organizations. Last year, to solve these work units, the government of Alberto Fernández transferred 17,183,910,509 to 281 Management Units . Of that total, $11,925,954,904 were under the control of 144 cooperatives. Most of them linked to UTEP.

In this way, Pettovello also took away the picketers' power to “call the roll” of those who attended in order to receive assistance from the State. Now it will be the government itself who controls. “With this we take away another weapon of extortion: if they don't mobilize they don't get paid ,” summary from the Casa Rosada.

Human Capital officials understand that the picket mobilizations are less numerous because “that tool of pressure and extortion” was taken away from them.

"The Pueyrredón Bridge thing is going to be very strong, the head of the march will be located there," announced Eduardo Belliboni (REUTERS)

The popular leaders say that this is not the case and that the fighting measures that were voted on are increasing in intensity and number of people mobilized.

“The Pueyrredón Bridge thing is going to be very strong, the head of the march will be located there. “We are willing to confront the repressive forces of Patricia Bullrich,” said Belliboni.

So far the march has not been suspended despite the forecast of storm and rain, but everything can change.

The new measure against Milei's government was voted on last week. Members of the UTEP and leftist organizations resolved that there will be five blockades with which they intend to lay siege to the City of Buenos Aires and they will be located, in addition to the bridge that connects the Southern Area of the Conurbano with CABA, on Route 3 and General Paz. , in the Porteño de Liniers neighborhood, will be at the height of General Paz and Avenida Rivadavia; on the Buenos Aires-La Plata Highway and Puente Saavedra. The Movement of Socialist Workers (MTS) announced that they will also carry out a cut at the Avellaneda Station and in La Plata, at the Highway Roundabout between streets 120 and 32.

“Everything is worse, there are reductions in the programs, the food to the soup kitchens does not arrive and the Empower Work, which was divided into two others, is diluted with the increase in inflation and the update of the amounts charged by those most in need. of this country," justifies the leader of the Polo Obrero and promises that next Monday there will be thousands in the streets since there are about 50 organizations calling for it "that we will carry out access cuts, routes and mobilizations in the 24 provinces, because hunger does not wait ", affirms the piquetero leader and maintains that the force measures will be maintained until "the adjustment is finished."
Oh joy. Not. This is one of the things I agree with Milei administration is I am against the ability to block roads.