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Politics La Cámpora, the Left and a sector of the unions prepare a mobilization for March 24 - Infobae

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La Cámpora, the Left and a sector of the unions prepare a mobilization for March 24 - Infobae​



March 21, 2024

The traditional march for “Memory, Truth and Justice” will bring most of the militancy of Peronism, the Left and the union and social movements to the streets this Sunday. The meeting between Máximo Kirchner and Estela de Carlotto

By Juan Piscetta

La Cámpora usually takes center stage every March 24

On March 24 , a critical mass of thousands of protesters will once again mobilize through the center of Buenos Aires under the flags of “ Memory, Truth and Justice ”, as part of the day to demand reparation and remembrance of the victims of the last dictatorship. civil-military of 1976. In recent days, in the context of the 38th anniversary, the political winks of rapprochement between sectors of the opposition that years ago were distant have multiplied. Part of that communion, driven by the rejection of President Javier Milei 's policies , was the CGT's announcement to mobilize jointly with the two CTAs and the social movements .

One of the sectors that usually takes center stage every March 24 is La Cámpora . Although the group is not part of the preparations for the central event led by human rights organizations, as a prelude to the traditional activity, the national deputy Máximo Kirchner met with the head of the Grandmothers of Plaza de Mayo, Estela de Carlotto , accompanied by the former Secretary of Human Rights of the Nation, Horacio Pietragalla , and the legislator Lucía Cámpora , the formal president of the organization.

From left to right: Horacio Pietragalla, Máximo Kirchner, Estela de Carlotto and Lucía Campora

La Cámpora will march again this Sunday with a massive column from the former Navy Mechanics School (ESMA) towards Plaza de Mayo, 48 years after the 1976 coup d'état. As usual every year, the intention is to travel 13 km that separate the then clandestine detention center from the door of the Casa Rosada, the place from where the instructions of State terrorism were given. Thousands of Kirchnerist protesters and related organizations from different provinces will gather in the northern area of the City of Buenos Aires.

For Kirchnerism this is a special context. 20 years have passed since the moment in which former president Néstor Kirchner “lowered the ranks” of the repressors of the Casa Rosada and, with that gesture, decided to give impetus to human rights policies. The 2023 presidential elections represented a turning point and a change of era in this matter. The duo of Javier Milei and Victoria Villarruel have an antagonistic view on the State terrorism of the seventies and the demands of the victims of the dictatorship, to the point of questioning the number of the 30,000 detainees-disappeared. The only symbolic continuity that sustains the management of La Libertad Avanza (LLA) with the Kirchnerist cycle is to maintain the commemorative holiday for this weekend.

The mobilization of the La Cámpora column during March 24, 2023 (Nicolás Stulberg)

The organization does not expect any complications to reissue the traditional walk, despite the anti-picket operations that the Buenos Aires government and the Nation have been applying to the mobilizations. “ We are doing very well . Like every year, we report the route and it is coordinated in pursuit of traffic regulation,” a source linked to the preparations for the mobilization told Infobae .
The group led by Máximo Kirchner shared a statement days ago titled “ We will return again ,” which includes strong criticism of the economic course adopted by Javier Milei, and in which it denounces “the extermination model” carried out by the coup d'état that he led. Jorge Rafael Videla. The text denounces that the libertarian government is trying to carry out the same economic plan “updated and modernized to current times,” “with the chamuyo of freedom for the rich and the chainsaw for the poor.”

Before the subversion and now the lefties. Thus, the few who have been earning a lot win and the people as a whole lose. That is why he denies that there were 30,000. That is why the vice president who visited Videla in jail today removes the bust of Néstor (Kirchner) from the Senate,” the Campista statement highlighted.

The historical human rights organizations, headed by Grandmothers and Mothers of Plaza de Mayo-Línea Fundadora , will carry out the central event, accompanied by the CGT together, the two CTA and the Union of Workers of the Popular Economy (UTEP). The official staff of the CGT hosted the announcement of the mobilization in the historic Felipe Vallese Hall along with Estela de Carlotto, and Tati Almeida , the representative of Madres-Línea Fundadora, and the Nobel Peace Prize winner Adolfo Pérez Esquivel . As a whole, everyone called to march starting at 12 noon on Sunday, March 24, to Plaza de Mayo, where at 2 p.m., the official document will be read from a stage.

The general secretary of the CGT, Héctor Daer, in the center of the call for March 24 with Estela de Carlotto, Tati Almeida, Adolfo Pérez Esquivel and other union leaders

The full leadership estimates that it will be a “ massive ” and “ historic ” mobilization. The march will also mean a demonstration of force towards the economic adjustment of the Javier Milei government, which has the labor movement and social organizations as the protagonists of the street confrontation. From the point of view of the union centers it is also an unprecedented context. The diagnosis of the Government's offensive towards labor rights and unions is shared by all actors.

“Our will is for the labor confederations, the CGT, CTA and the UTEP to be united together. It is the first time that the CGT comes out as a central party and officially expresses itself on the streets on March 24. This year there will be many more unions, with thicker columns, because there is an enormous need for workers to express the discontent that we are suffering. And because the Milei project is associated with the structural economic program that the dictatorship outlined in 1976," Maia Volcovinsky , in charge of the CGT Human Rights Secretariat together with the head of the Union of Judicial Employees of the Nation, told Infobae ( UEJN), Julio Piumato .

The good harmony between the different sectors of the street opposition is out of necessity, given the hostility of the economic plan towards the acquired rights of the labor movement. These are links that began to be woven in the last years of Mauricio Macri's government, and that were reinforced in the last stage of Alberto Fernández's administration. “This year we are faced with an economic plan that reissues those objectives of extreme poverty and benefits for concentrated economic groups. Once again it is time to express MEMORY, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. It is the time for REBELLY,” stated the message from the union centers.

The unions grouped in the workers' centers will leave from the south area and 9 de Julio Avenue. And although they support Sunday's march, the truth is that the CGT will also hold an institutional and organic event this Friday, March 22 at 3 p.m. In any case, the unitary postcard between the union movement and human rights organizations was celebrated by the Kirchnerism of La Cámpora, a sector that never had a total affinity with traditional unionism. “The CGT, together with the two CTA and the social movements, join the call of Human Rights organizations to burst the Plaza this March 24. In the face of cruelty and planned misery, we will defend the Homeland and Democracy. More than ever: Memory, Truth and Justice,” said the senator and former Minister of the Interior, Eduardo “Wado” de Pedro .

A traditional postcard of the 2023 mobilization, led by human rights organizations (Nicolás Stulberg)

Together with Grandmothers and Mothers, the main call includes the adhesions of Relatives of the Disappeared and Detained for Political Reasons , HIJOS Capital , the Permanent Assembly for Human Rights , the Permanent Assembly for Human Rights La Matanza , the Buena Memoria Association , the Centro de Legal and Social Studies (CELS) , Memory, Truth and Justice Commission Northern Zone, Relatives and Companions of the 12 of the Holy Cross, Argentine Historical Memory Foundation, Argentine League of Human Rights, and the Ecumenical Movement for Human Rights, among others.

On the other hand, the Mothers of Plaza de Mayo Association also called on the militancy to meet at 11 that day at the Casa de las Madres, on Avenida Hipólito Yrigoyen 1584. Starting at 1:00 p.m., a private event will be held. with the presence of representatives related to the organization, such as the Minister of Development of the Buenos Aires Community, Andrés “Cuervo” Larroque , the mayor of Ensenada, Mario Secco , the lawyer Cristina Caamaño , and the head of the CTA Ciudad and ATE Capital, Daniel “Tano” Catalano.

The other relevant organized sector that will be mobilized is the groups, human rights organizations and parties referenced on the left that gather in the “ Memory , Truth and Justice Meeting” (ENM). Despite the failed attempts to form a unitary mobilization for this year, this group will carry out its own act in a differentiated manner, which will begin with a mobilization at the intersection of Avenida 9 de Julio and Avenida de Mayo from 2:00 p.m. The reading of the document will be at 4:30 p.m. Therefore, there will be a parade of citizens and protesters throughout the day on Sunday.