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Politics La Libertad Avanza seeks to become a political movement and Karina Milei's tweet that was all the rage - Infobae

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La Libertad Avanza seeks to become a political movement and Karina Milei's tweet that was all the rage - Infobae​



May 21, 2024

The national authorities aspire to create a right-wing space that brings together different sectors and exceeds what is a traditional structure. References to Peronism

By Federico Galligani

President Javier Milei with his sister and general secretary, Karina Milei (EFE/EPA/Gian Ehrenzeller)

“It would not be the first time that they compare us with Peronism ,” said an important government source, extremely trusted by President Javier Milei , when this resemblance was mentioned to him after the official decision was announced that prepaid medicine companies their prices fell, amid the expectation of new downward inflation data.

In parallel, in the offices of the Ministry of the Interior, a group of officials continued working on setting up the La Libertad Avanza party at the national level, with the aim of achieving legal status before next year's legislative elections.

As this media already stated, the Secretary General of the Presidency, Karina Milei , is working on this task, who recently inaugurated her X account, with the help of the Secretary of the Interior, Lisandro Catalán , and the Undersecretary of Institutional Management. , Eduardo “Lule” Menem .

In recent weeks, the sister of the national president participated in the official launches of the space in the City of Buenos Aires, in Córdoba and in Santa Fe, where she appointed leaders close to her to head the group in each of those districts.

The Undersecretary of Institutional Management, Eduardo “Lule” Menem

According to what LLA sources told Infobae , the general secretary is carrying out her own version of the “cultural battle”, trying to form a party that exceeds traditional political structures and that includes different sectors related to the ideas. libertarian. “ From the center to the right , anyone who wishes, as long as they share the same ideological north as us, is welcome to join the forces of heaven,” summarized a close collaborator of the head of state.

Those who are part of the La Libertad Avanza group throughout the country emphasize that, although some long-serving politicians who have thoughts similar to those of Milei could be incorporated, they mainly seek to “incorporate civil society . ”

In this way, while the President participates in international events, such as the Milken Institute Forum , in the United States, and Europa Viva 24 , organized by Vox in the Vistalegre Palace, Spain, his sister is in charge of organizing liberalism at the local level. .

Milei in one of the forums in which she participated in the United States (EFE/Allison Dinner)

In fact, as recognized by some of the most influential government leaders, the intention is for La Libertad Avanza to be considered “a movement, more than a party,” relying on the support of a part of society to promote the reforms proposed by the Government. There is an echo of the first Peronism, in the middle of the last century.

In this sense, “the vision” of the current administration in the proselytizing field is that “more and more people who are outside the system join in ,” which was seen in the appointment of Martín Menem , with a short legislative career, as president. of the Chamber of Deputies and Gabriel Bornoroni , a businessman in the service station sector who just a few months ago was elected to his first public position, as head of the ruling bloc.

“Hello everyone, I'm The Boss. "Long live freedom, damn it!" wrote Karina Milei in her first post on

Karina Milei's message that was all the rage

At 7 a.m. this Tuesday, the message had more than 21 thousand “likes,” five thousand comments and 2.3 million views, among which is that of the national leader himself, who already has a new one on the agenda. trip to Spain for next June 21.

On that date, the head of state will once again be in the Iberian capital, where he will be awarded by the Juan de Mariana Institute, within the framework of its Freedom Dinner, and it is likely that he will give a new speech against socialism.

"We do not seek to get involved in the policies of other countries, what happens is that there are not many people who are willing to defend the values of the West and capitalism as Milei does, and obviously there is a demand for that," said a official who usually visits the offices of the Ministry of the Interior.

Javier Milei's response to his sister Karina's tweet