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Politics La Libertad Avanza showed weakness in the Senate and the Bases Law and the fiscal package are complicated - Infobae

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La Libertad Avanza showed weakness in the Senate and the Bases Law and the fiscal package are complicated - Infobae​



May 11, 2024

The ruling party suffered the onslaught of Kirchnerism and friendly fire from the PRO, the UCR and even from Cambio Federal, from Senator Romero

By David Cayon

The plenary session of Senate committees (Senate Communication)

Freedom Advances begins to recalculate. The momentum that he brought from the Chamber of Deputies, where the treatment of the Bases Law and the fiscal package passed smoothly and with more than the necessary votes , found a brake in the Chamber of Senators.

Last week began with the ruling party emboldened with the idea of obtaining an opinion after three days of debate in committee and ended with a poor performance by the national officials who went to explain it, strong criticism from supposed allies and little or no defense of own legislators.

“It is a less friendly venue than the House of Representatives,” complained a libertarian senator. “It is not understood why they did things like this,” added another legislator from one of the blocks that are supposed to be dialogue-oriented, marking the confusion that exists between the ruling party and, as Kirchnerism calls it, the blue ruling party.

The senator's reference has to do with the fact that, unlike what happened in the Deputies, the Executive "does not send negotiators here." “We understand that they speak with the governors , the problem is that many senators do not respond to the governors of their provinces and that is a problem. They have to come here,” he noted.

The representatives of the ruling party (Jaime Olivos)

Added to this is the anger of several legislators from the PRO and the UCR regarding the actions of their peers in deputies who do not stop making pilgrimages to the Casa Rosada. Especially with regard to two key points: money laundering and the Tax Regime for Large Investments (RIGI) . “ It is incredible that this has passed through Deputies like water. I don't know what happened, but this can't happen like this," they explained.

Some of this was clear in the information commissions, where national officials were present. In some, senators like Martín Lousteau and Guadalupe Tagliaferri led the criticism, but in the last one it was Senator Juan Carlos Romero, a furious anti-Kirchnerist, who strongly attacked the money laundering articles.

“What they did showed weakness. They could not defend absolutely anything, the senators remained silent while the radicals, those of the PRO and the K took turns to dismantle the central aspects of both norms” explained a parliamentary operator close to LLA. “Added to this is that the Kirchnerists have problems with some of the senators who play with the governors, but in the PRO and the UCR they are not all aligned and not all want the same thing. The Patagonians support you for the most part with the RIGI - not with everything - but they want Aerolíneas Argentinas not to be privatized and for changes in Profits, for example. Those from the north point out that they are electrodependent and then they point out the rates and don't care about profits. If you don't send someone to negotiate, this is going to be a drain,” he reflected.

On the side of Kirchnerism they feel calm . In principle they are assured that Javier Milei will not arrive at the May 25 event with either of the two approved projects since in the minimum scenario there will be changes and they will have to return to Deputies. In the maximum they seek to add the 4 votes they are missing and go for the rejection of both projects, something that today seems far away.

The argument of “the toolbox that the Government needs” and “we are going to give them this so that they do not blame us anymore for not being able to do what they say needs to be done”, which was heard so much among the deputies who supported the norm, is not gaining traction among the senators.

This week the ruling party wants to meet again in committee on Monday. The most likely thing is that it will be rescheduled for Tuesday due to the complexity of the flights that have to bring the senators. If they do not manage to “unlock” and get the help of the non-K opposition blocs over the weekend, no one will show a rush to go to the venue in the face of the risk of losing.