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Politics La Libertad Avanza was officially established as a political party in Buenos Aires province and can now compete without electoral alliances - Infobae

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La Libertad Avanza was formally established as a political party in the province of Buenos Aires and will be able to compete without electoral alliances - Infobae



September 18, 2024

The Electoral Court confirmed the procedure that will give greater autonomy to the party in the territory with the greatest electoral weight. A leader close to Karina Milei was in charge of the construction

By Facundo Cottet


Karina Milei and Sebastian Couple

The Electoral Court formalized the constitution of La Libertad Avanza as a political party in the province of Buenos Aires and in this way the process that will allow Javier and Karina Milei 's space to compete in the next elections with autonomy within the province of Buenos Aires and without the need to forge electoral alliances with other parties, as occurred in 2023, was concluded.

The federal judge with electoral jurisdiction, Alejo Ramos Padilla, decided this Wednesday to “recognize the party “LA LIBERTAD AVANZA” the definitive legal-political status as a district party, with exclusive right to the party name.” It was resolved that the president of the party in the Buenos Aires area will be the Secretary of Socio-Urban Integration, Sebastián Pareja; an official who answers directly to Karina Milei and is currently in charge of the political organization of the libertarians for next year's elections.

“With this step, we will bring the ideas of freedom even more strongly to every corner of the province of Buenos Aires, fighting the cultural battle that Milei entrusted to us. This effort is worthwhile and is born, without a doubt, from the example that the President gives us every day,” Pareja said upon learning of the court ruling.

The decision to form a political party came from the General Secretary of the Presidency. The plan was to move forward with having its own seals in different provinces and thus be able to form a national force. In this way, the libertarians will avoid the need to form alliances with other sectors to participate in the electoral process . The experience gained in last year's elections was not auspicious in that sense.

In order to compete in the province of Buenos Aires, Milei had to make agreements with different political parties such as the Unión Celeste y Blanca, the Partido Fe or the Partido Renovador. This included the inclusion of names referenced in these spaces in the legislative lists, which quickly cut ties with Milei's organic libertarians. In the Buenos Aires Legislature, in fact, they formed their own blocks and today they express their differences with the libertarians. In some votes, they also tend to support projects promoted by Axel Kicillof.