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Politics Labor Day: where it is, what time it will be and who is calling for the May 1 mobilization - Infobae

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Labor Day: where it is, what time it will be and who is calling for the May 1 mobilization - Infobae​



April 30, 2024

The union centers will be concentrated in the south of the City of Buenos Aires. The entities reject the economic adjustment and the measures promoted by Javier Milei, such as the Bases Law and the DNU 70/23 of deregulation

The CGT, together with the CTA, will mobilize this Wednesday in downtown Buenos Aires during the International Workers' Day holiday
The General Confederation of Labor (CGT) will carry out a mobilization tomorrow, Wednesday , within the framework of Worker's Day , a few days before it carries out a national strike against the Government, the second since Javier Milei assumed the Presidency. .

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Where and at what time will the mobilization in CABA for Labor Day be?​

The labor union confirmed last week that the march, under the slogan “ The Homeland is not for sale ,” was called from 10 a.m. on Independencia y Defensa Avenue, in the City of Buenos Aires, from where they will mobilize to the “ Monument to Work” , located at 800 Paseo Colón Avenue.

Officially named Monumento Canto al Trabajo , this construction is a group of sculptures, the work of the Argentine artist Rogelio de Yrurtia (1879-1950) that was made in Paris in 1907.

In the monument there are 14 bronze figures dragging a large stone, a symbol of the effort of human work in pursuit of progress. The five silhouettes that march forward represent the family: the father, who advances in a serene and waiting attitude; the mother, who looks into the distance as if scrutinizing the future of her children; and the three children, a symbol of hope.

The video with the call of the CGT to the mobilization for May 1

Who calls for the May 1 march​

With the CGT as the protagonist of the day, the rest of the union centers that bring together the different unions in the country joined the protest, such as the CTA-T (Workers) headed by Hugo Yasky , and the CTA-A (Autonomous ) , which represents its owner Hugo “Cachorro” Godoy .

Therefore, all of the country's unions will be represented during tomorrow's holiday, so it is expected that the mobilization will be large.

In parallel, some piquetero organizations will hold a protest in front of the Casa Rosada , which will coincide with the mobilization by the labor unions, but which will become a massive protest against the federal administration.

Of all the convening entities, the CTA-A launched the campaign “1 million signatures to repeal the Decree of Necessity and Urgency 70/23” , whose text regulates various restrictions on union action, including the declaration as an essential service of most of the country's strategic activities, the elimination of solidarity fees and the regulations of assemblies during working hours.

Area view of the last mobilization of the CGT and the CTA in the Courts

The call of the CGT to the mobilization for Worker's Day​

The Homeland is not for sale. On the street to change life. Rights are defended ,” the CGT published on its social networks last Thursday to ratify the march they had announced days ago.

This new call by the CGT comes after it also participated in the national university march, along with students and other opposition politicians, who opposed the budget cuts of high schools of study throughout the country.

”The demand will have to do not only with the commemoration of this historical date but will also have as an agenda a document from the country that we propose, in which we will discuss issues that have been disrupted in recent times,” said the co-head of the union center. , Héctor Daer , who heads the Federation of Health Workers Associations of Argentina ( FATSA ).

In this framework, and with its fighting plan still latent, the labor union also confirmed that on Thursday, May 9, it will hold the second national strike against the Government.

The previous mobilization and measure of sectoral force of this magnitude had taken place on January 24, also with a broad and transversal call. Specifically, they showed their differences with respect to the two mother proposals of the Government such as the “Bases Law” and the Decree of Necessity and Urgency (DNU) 70/2023. It was before the President reached two months in office.

“There is a sum of issues that are unresolved and a prospect that they will continue to worsen. “This is going to lead to a much greater drop in purchasing power and income purchasing power,” Daer warned.