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Leaking toilet$



Every Airbnb we rented in the six months prior to buying our home had leaking toilets, every single one. I asume that's a general problem in this city. Maybe most people don't notice, but now that utilities are not subsidized it would be a good idea to make sure that the float is not allowing water to drain into the overflow tube and/or the flapper and seal are working fine.

All the toilets in our apartment also leaked (float too high, damaged seals). Now that they are all working fine, I expect a much lower water bill. Will let you know.
Every Airbnb we rented in the six months prior to buying our home had leaking toilets, every single one. I asume that's a general problem in this city. Maybe most people don't notice, but now that utilities are not subsidized it would be a good idea to make sure that the float is not allowing water to drain into the overflow tube and/or the flapper and seal are working fine.

All the toilets in our apartment also leaked (float too high, damaged seals). Now that they are all working fine, I expect a much lower water bill. Will let you know.
I agree when I used to rent apartments before I bought many leak. Here in my apartment it never leaks as I got the correct seal. I have found that many times they just half ass it when they replace the flapper and get one that does not fit. Sometimes the seals that are needed are not fitted properly and no one cared before but now with increased bills people might care.

But many HOA bills include water so people might not directly see the bills and still might not care. Many are inconsiderate here.
I agree when I used to rent apartments before I bought many leak. Here in my apartment it never leaks as I got the correct seal. I have found that many times they just half ass it when they replace the flapper and get one that does not fit. Sometimes the seals that are needed are not fitted properly and no one cared before but now with increased bills people might care.

But many HOA bills include water so people might not directly see the bills and still might not care. Many are inconsiderate here.
Agree. My water is included with the HOA. Many buildings I don't think have individual meters on each apartment so it just shows total water usage. HOA bills will go up over the next few months as utility bills increase but many might not care to fix their toilets.
Every Airbnb we rented in the six months prior to buying our home had leaking toilets, every single one. I asume that's a general problem in this city. Maybe most people don't notice, but now that utilities are not subsidized it would be a good idea to make sure that the float is not allowing water to drain into the overflow tube and/or the flapper and seal are working fine.

All the toilets in our apartment also leaked (float too high, damaged seals). Now that they are all working fine, I expect a much lower water bill. Will let you know.
Yep. Many of our rentals had leaks. Heck even our apartment has a leaky toilet and we never worried too much but now we will be more aware of it. One good thing about the increased utility bills is people will be forced tot think about the higher bills. Electricity was so cheap we just left on all the lights and AC when we left our apartment but won't do that.
I give up. I am not paying the bills but the leaking sound annoys me.

Take a look and see if the float is set too high up, causing the tank water to drain into the overflow tube. That's very easy to fix. If that's not the case, then it's most likely the flush valve seal. A ferretería will charge 25K - 30K for a complete replacement kit Ferrum brand, less for a generic kit and a plumber may ask 10K - 15K to do the job (but it really is an easy DIY).
Take a look and see if the float is set too high up, causing the tank water to drain into the overflow tube. That's very easy to fix. If that's not the case, then it's most likely the flush valve seal. A ferretería will charge 25K - 30K for a complete replacement kit Ferrum brand, less for a generic kit and a plumber may ask 10K - 15K to do the job (but it really is an easy DIY).
Correct. This is what we did to solve our issue.