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Politics Less than three months after taking office, the Government faces strikes in different areas and the CGT threatens another general strike - Infobae


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Less than three months after taking office, the Government faces strikes in different areas and the CGT threatens another general strike - Infobae



February 21, 2024

The Fraternity paralyzes the train service today while in the coming days, if the national authorities do not reach an agreement with the unions, there will be a strike in hospitals and schools

By Federico Galligani

President Javier Milei (EFE/EPA/ABIR SULTAN)

A little more than three months after taking office, the Government of Javier Milei will face a series of strikes over the next few days by the main sectors that will affect the entire country, while the CGT leaders continue to threaten a new general strike.

The first of these measures is carried out today, with a total stoppage of train service, both passengers and cargo, due to a forceful measure by La Fraternidad for 24 hours. The union led by Omar Maturano demands a salary increase of “between 52 and 55 percent.”

“We ratified our measures, after a meeting in which we did not receive offers, nor were our claims received. We are not demanding any salary increase, only a recomposition of what we ask for due to the inflationary increase, it is an update,” Maturano remarked.

Furthermore, unless the national authorities manage to reach an agreement with the respective unions, which for the moment are inflexible in their positions, in the coming days there will be a cessation of activities in hospitals and schools .

on Wednesday there would be a train strike (Télam/Brigo)

On Thursday, meanwhile, those who will be on strike will be the employees grouped in the Federation of Argentine Health Workers Associations (FATSA), led by Héctor Daer , one of the general secretaries of the CGT and a leader who is very critical of the Government.

“Faced with the intransigence of the Business Chambers, the Health Board of Directors as a whole resolves: 24-hour National Strike starting on Thursday, 02/22. We will carry out all the necessary union actions for the salary recomposition of our colleagues,” wrote the union leader in his X account.

In this way, care in clinics, sanatoriums and private hospitals, as well as in laboratories and nursing homes throughout the country , will be affected, so only on-call operations will be guaranteed.

For their part, the four national teaching unions of the CGT ( UDA, CEA, AMET and SADOP ) announced a strike for Monday, February 26, when classes should begin in several jurisdictions of the country, unless the national authorities call to the meeting to discuss a new minimum floor for teacher salaries.


The start of classes (Télam) is also at risk
As anticipated by Infobae , after a meeting at the UDA headquarters, the representatives of the four unions decided to wait until Thursday to confirm the force measure planned for the first day of classes.

The protest was defined by the general secretaries of the Association of Technical Teaching Teachers (AMET), Sara García ; from the Confederation of Argentine Educators (CEA), Fabián Felman ; from the Argentine Union of Private Teachers (Sadop), Marina Jaureguiberry ; and from the Argentine Teachers Union (UDA), Sergio Romero .

Recently, the Government managed to get one of the state workers' unions to accept a 12% increase , which was rejected by ATE, which stressed that the increase is below the inflation rate and also threatened to take forceful measures.

All these conflicts occur in a context in which the main leaders of the CGT have been analyzing the possibility of calling another general strike, in rejection of some policies promoted by the current administration, such as a flexibility in labor relations to the deregulation of the union social works system.

“The thing about the Wage Council (Minimum, Living and Mobile), making a parody, not allowing us to discuss with businessmen, and the connivance, of course, of the UIA and CAME sectors that were on the commission not to make any proposal, and to propose that companies be defunded if they raise a current salary of 156 thousand pesos, plus the adjustment that is given to retirees, to salaries, will generate the conditions for union action, not have doubts ,” Daer himself warned.

The CGT threatens a new general strike
In fact, the sectoral strikes are not an isolated issue, but are part of a general strategy of attrition, which also includes efforts before politics to ensure that Congress rejects the DNU that Milei signed to deregulate the economy.

These days, the Health leader would define, together with the other general secretaries of the labor union, Pablo Moyano (Truckers), Carlos Acuña (Service Stations), the date for a meeting in which the steps to follow would be defined.

Of that meeting would also participate Gerardo Martinez (UOCRA), Andres Rodriguez (UPCN), Jose Luis Lingeri (Sanitary Works), Mario "Paco" Manrique (SMATA), among others.

The last time the CGT called a general strike was on January 24 and marked a record in the history of the country, since it was the fastest protest of this style that was made against a President (only 45 days had passed since the assumption of Milei).

On that occasion, the measure had little compliance, although the demonstration was felt in the street, with the march that the unions carried out that same day to Congress, although complying with the anti-picketing protocol.

“The strike was attended by 40 thousand people, which is what we saw on the street. For us it went just as we had planned. A practically normal day, the mobilization lasted approximately three hours, transportation functioned normally until 7 p.m., and life in the commercial premises has been practically normal," said presidential spokesperson Manuel Adorni the next day.

The labor union now faces the decision of calling for a new cessation of activities, with uncertain results and compliance, or continuing with the protests with sectors, as will happen during this week and at the beginning of next week.