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Politics Libertarian Senator Abdala admitted that he has more than 15 advisors and most of them work in San Luis because his desire is to be governor - Infobae

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Libertarian Senator Abdala admitted that he has more than 15 advisors and most of them work in San Luis because his desire is to be governor - Infobae​



September 05, 2024

The provisional president of the Upper House specified that at least 13 collaborators are working on his political campaign and not on issues related to the Congress agenda

The libertarian senator assured that of his 15 collaborators, 13 are in San Luis

Amidst the image of austerity that the ruling party is trying to give and the cuts made in the structure of the State, the senator of La Libertad Avanza (LLA) and provisional president of the Upper House , Bartolomé Abdala , acknowledged that he has more than 15 advisors and most of them work in San Luis because his desire is to be governor of that province.

The confession hits the heart of the "anti-caste" discourse promoted by the Casa Rosada, not only because of the excessive number of collaborators who are financed with Senate resources, but also because they are engaged in a political task that is alien to the interests of the Legislative Branch .

The unusual revelation came about during journalist Jonatan Viale's program on the TN channel . After a report was broadcast on the advisors that former senator Eugenio “Nito” Artaza had hired at the time - many of whom ended up as permanent members of the House - the host of the program asked the libertarian leader about the number of collaborators he currently has.

I have more than 15, for sure, but I have many in San Luis, that is the truth ,” said Abdala. “Why in San Luis?” asked journalist Cecilia Boufflet. “ Because my desire is to be governor and for that I need to keep the territory alive ,” answered the interviewee.

Faced with the reaction of the professionals who work in the program, Abdala tried to defend his strategy. He said that there are many senators who distribute “the modules” in the lower categories, and collaborate with the people who accompanied them during the campaign. “That keeps you alive when the senators are in the Capital and cover , in some way, the province,” he said. And he justified: “That is not burdensome, because those who come with the senator, leave with the senator.”

Bartolomé Abdala in the Senate (Photo: REUTERS)

The libertarian legislator pointed out that “the module is something that is already destined” and tried to argue: “Many of them are the ones who collaborate with me by giving me ideas about what is happening in the territory, it is the way in which one is updated. When I arrive in San Luis I have to get acquainted, I have to have people who help with the meetings.”

Abdala then specified that of the 15 collaborators he has, “there must be 13 or 12 in San Luis .” “Those are from our modules, non-permanent, low-category,” he said, trying to downplay it and said: “I don’t think it’s wrong that we senators have to carry out our task, we have a political purpose and we have to do politics.”

When we arrived from San Luis, we were a mini Social Development because people asked us for a lot of things ,” he said at the end of the interview.

President Javier Milei himself questioned on Tuesday those who hire acquaintances to work in a public position. He did so during his visit to Mercado Libre, where he said: “When the State generates wealth, it does so for politicians” and emphasized ironically: “When the State generates wealth, it does so for its friends,” referring to the hiring that was done during Alberto Fernández’s administration.

Vice President Victoria Villarruel (Photo: Pablo Bove)

While the Executive is carrying out a process of administrative reforms, the Senate is doing the same, which is why it began in June to verify the attendance of workers, through the fingerprint system. The resolution to activate the presence and rule out mischief by potential "ñoquis" was issued by the administrative secretary of the Upper House, María Laura Izzo , right hand of the Vice President of the Nation and head of the Body, Victoria Villarruel .

Around 1,500 employees from different departments of the Upper House began to do so and, as Infobae was able to find out , around 200 were absent during the first days of implementation.

Of this number, around 140 agents failed to comply with the procedure without justification, while around 70 justified their absence. That is to say, between 8-10% of those involved did not justify their absence. However, the Senate is already considering, in order to clear up any kind of inconvenience or suspicion, giving an extra week to settle the matter. Likewise, it is expected that this system will be fully implemented during this month.