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Politics Libertarians seek to regain the majority in the Senate after the setback over the Single Paper Ballot - Infobae


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Libertarians seek to regain the majority in the Senate after the setback over the Single Paper Ballot - Infobae


January 08, 2024

In the non-Kirchnerist opposition, they ask the ruling party to secure 37 votes before moving forward with an office in committees and avoiding a new slip. The demands from the Upper House to the Minister of the Interior, Guillermo Francos, to convince governors.

By Mariano Casal

The Constitutional Affairs commissions; and Justice of the Upper House (Senate Press)

After the delay of the debate on the Single Paper Ballot project and the political setback of the ruling party in the Senate, La Libertad Avanza will seek to recover the majority in the Upper House to advance with a majority opinion and sanction the initiative before the end of the period of extraordinary sessions in Congress, which The Executive called until the end of January.

To avoid what happened last Wednesday - in a plenary session of the Constitutional Affairs commissions; and Justice - the non-Kirchnerist opposition, which allied itself with the ruling party on December 13 to run against Kirchnerism when it came to appointing authorities, asked the ruling party for something clear: gather 37 votes - quorum and absolute majority that an electoral issue requires - before pushing the signatures for an office and enabling the issue for the precinct.

“In the Senate there are permanent, transitory and oscillating allies. There are people who played well and others who played very badly. What happened no longer matters, beyond the cost that was paid, but rather seeking the Single Ballot ruling. This achievement must be achieved to corner Kirchnerism and bring together legislators who are fed up with so much Christianity. If the ruling party begins to do things well, first it must close 37 votes to pass the law. If not, we are going to lose another week and then no one can assure you anything”, they stated from a premium office to Infobae.

Another point that legislators are focusing on is the distribution of commissions that do not intervene, for now, in the agenda of extraordinary sessions. “There are people who were hurt and if the ruling party were alive, through that means they could silence some complaints,” another opposition party reported to this medium.

The Upper House also recognized that, regarding the Single Paper Ballot, there are interested sectors of Justice -with electoral competence- that communicated with sectors of the opposition, in order to make observations on the initiative that Deputies approved in June 2022.

Beyond these condiments - or the error of the project of talking about a Single Paper Ballot instead of a single ballot, as some districts did, to enable future use of technology -, another legislator warned: “.”If the votes are not there before the ruling, there will be activity but without progress. I don't think it's the best, it's not what the majority wants, but what happened last Wednesday would be repeated.

Guillermo Francos with the heads of Deputies and the Senate, Martín Menem and Victoria Villarruel

Under this scenario, the targeting of potential key votes will depend on the flexibility that the Executive could have when regulating a possible law. In these instances, they give as an example, for example, the possibility of eliminating the box to vote for a complete list. Furthermore, the most “oily” accessions will require the help of the Minister of the Interior, Guillermo Francos, who is criticized in the Senate for not convincing governors

On top of the fact that it helps little, he expressed to people here that if we do not deal with the DNU - which deregulates the economy - we would be doing a favor to the Government of -Javier- Milei ”, they emphasized from one of the opposition groups to Infobae. The Senate has already defined its members and the communication of Deputies remains, where Martín Menem presides.

Regarding the single ballot path, the “omnibus” law - which the Lower House will begin to analyze - and the mega DNU that deregulates the economy, the Milei administration is playing for the pulse of political strategy in the extraordinary sessions, a preview of what It could happen during the ordinary period, which will begin on March 1. The market and local and foreign investors look towards this political stability.
